Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari, Circuit de Catalunya, 2018

Barcelona test could be extended due to poor weather

2018 F1 season

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Formula One teams are in discussions about extending the test at the Circuit de Catalunya due to the poor weather at the track this week.

Low temperatures meant conditions at the track were much cooler than is typical of most race weekends.

Brendon Hartley said Toro Rosso “stopped early because of the weather – it was almost icy conditions.” Some weather forecasts indicate temperatures will fall further tomorrow and there is a chance of sleet on Wednesday. The first test ends on Thursday.

But with temperatures expected to rise at the end of the week the possibility of extending the test has been raised.

Renault’s technical director for chassis Nick Chester confirmed some teams are looking to extend the test. “There’s been some discussions going on but one team’s got a filming day booked so it probably won’t move,” he said.

“It would need the team that’s having the filming day to agree to cancel, so if they don’t cancel it’s moot.”

RaceFans understands Williams has a filming day scheduled for Friday but have not been formally approached about moving it. Some teams are opposed to extending the test, which would incur additional costs. The sporting regulations state the unanimous agreement of the teams is required in order to change the testing arrangements.

The second and final four-day pre-season test is due to begin at the circuit on Tuesday 6th March.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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14 comments on “Barcelona test could be extended due to poor weather”

  1. I’m not expecting snow actually to fall on the ground and stay on it. I’d be surprised if it actually did happen considering how rare it is to get snow anywhere in Spain.

    1. Where does it say anything about snow? It’ cold in Barcelona, but not freezing, and the temperatures are predicted to rise again after Tuesday.

    2. You obviously don’t know very much about Spain. Actually, for the coming days:

  2. Only 8 days of testing. If cannot test properly they must extend. Any team that opposes should just be ignored.

  3. Should they start thinking maybe they should be testing in the middle east? i know its further and probably more money. Theres probably a better reason they dont return there for testing that ive missed

    1. You’re right, it’s quite a lot more money I believe. But also, most of the teams are based in Europe and at this time of year new parts are continuously working their way from the factory to the teams at the circuit. It’s much faster/cheaper/easier to get them onto the cars to test than if they had to find their way to the Middle East.

      1. What about Algarve? Should be warmer than Barcelona…

  4. Yes (@come-on-kubica)
    27th February 2018, 1:16

    Shouldn’t the owners step in to cover the costs for the additional for the good of the sport?

  5. Williams have already done their filming day

    1. Teams are allowed to do more than one.

  6. The sporting regulations state the unanimous agreement of the teams is required in order to change the testing arrangements.

    So no extension then.

    1. That was my thought as well @adrianmorse … Hell (or Spain) would freeze over before teams agree unanimously.

  7. Would it be possible to extend the winter test with few days if they stop by in Bahrain while they’re on their way to Melbourne? Cold weather shouldn’t be an issue at Sakhir. Didn’t they drive winter tests there couple of years ago?

  8. Go do a day or two in Mount Panorama ! 25C – 31C for the next weekend !
    Or Phillip Island, 22C – 28C ( and the track profile is similar to Barcelona too)

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