Billy Monger, British F3, Oulton Park, 2018

Monger seeking sponsors to race full British F3 season

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Billy Monger says he needs strong results in this weekend’s season-opening British F3 race at Oulton Park to attract the backing he needs to contest the full championship.

The 18-year-old had parts of both legs amputated following a Formula Four crash last year. He is making his return to racing this weekend but has only confirmed his participation in the first weekend of the series.

“I’m looking for backing to complete the year,” Monger told RaceFans at Oulton Park today.

“This is the championship I wanted to step up to before my accident last year so it’s a good progression to move on to bigger and better things out in Europe.

“But it’s just about finding sponsors and backing. We’ve been talking to a few people but hopefully I plan on showing good results this weekend, that will really convince people what I am about.”

Monger’s deal to race for Carlin was announced three days before practice began at the track. He did his first sessions in the car wearing last year’s overalls.

Following his crash last year supporters donated over £800,000 to a crowdfund for Monger against a target of £260,000. However Monger explained these funds are only being used for his post-accident rehabilitation and not to fund his racing.

“The crowdfunding is all purely to help my recovery outside of racing,” he said. “All the prosthetics and appointments we have to make, stuff like that. I wouldn’t want to use the money people raised for me to get back on my feet for anything else but that.

“It’s completely separate to the money I’m trying to raise to compete this year and it’s going to stay that way. Obviously I love racing and as long as I work hard enough hopefully we can raise separate funds through partnerships and sponsors to compete.”

Monger is driving for Carlin this weekend alongside Renault-backed driver Sun Yue Yang, Toyota Racing Series race-winner Clement Novalak and second-year British F3 racer Nicolai Kjaergaard. He believes many of the team’s rivals are also victory contenders.

“It’s a tough grid,” he said. “Honestly I think it’s tougher than last year’s grid was in this category. Before there was sort of four or five drivers who could win races. Now there seems to be eight or nine drivers that are capable of winning races.”

Read RaceFans’ full exclusive interview with Billy Monger here tomorrow

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    Keith Collantine
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    20 comments on “Monger seeking sponsors to race full British F3 season”

    1. Peppermint-Lemon (@)
      30th March 2018, 13:47

      Good luck to him, I hope he gets the sponsorship and is able to show a good turn off speed. Would be awesome for him to partner with Zanardi for a race team of sorts

    2. It’s good that he’s using the donations to get back on his feet. I’m sure he’s going to be able to race half a season, maybe not full. if racing is his life using the money to compete proper, should be fine but its understandable.

      1. Pretty offensive phraseology. Obviously this poor kid can’t get on his feet as he doesn’t have any.

        1. There is nothing more offensive than those who spend a lifetime being offended on others behalf.
          ‘back on your feet’ is a phrase that has no offensive connotation whatsoever.
          Just as ‘stand on your own two feet’ doesn’t.

          This kid is an inspiration, and I genuinely hope he gets the backing he needs to continue.

          1. Wasn’t sarcasm?

    3. This young kid is unbelievable- so much courage. Best of luck I hope he does well

    4. I reckon crowd funding would go a long way to backing a season’s racing. I’d put some cash in. They could do take a leaf out of Bloodhound SSC’s playbook and put every sponsor’s name on the car.

      1. Caterham 2014 feels

      2. I’d pitch in too. Wouldn’t be much, but i bet there are enough of us out there that we could make a dent and let the real sponsors see this kid is someone the fans want too see.

    5. Finding backing shouldnt be too difficult, his media profile is higher than that of his contemparies and probably even those in Formula 2, if I was a business I would probably see better returns for my sponsorship with Billy for this season than any of the other drivers on that grid, regardless of results.

    6. Good for him. Curious if he can get out of the car by himself.

      1. He can: He has to pass the same seven second cockpit evacuation test as the others do. More in the interview tomorrow!

    7. Here is a kid Laurence stroll should be sponsoring.

    8. Josh (@canadianjosh)
      30th March 2018, 21:09


    9. Is there a crowdfunding site for him?

        1. Thank you @boomerzoomer. £840 K plus already.

          1. That should be the money that’s going to treat his injuries, not to help him race. from the article

            In the aftermath of his crash many fans and a roster of motor racing’s biggest names from Lewis Hamilton to Chip Ganassi contributed to a crowdfund to support his recovery. The fund eventually reached more than triple its target, over £800,000.

            But Monger makes it clear this is only being spent to finance his rehabilitation and not to directly further his motor racing career. Like his rivals the cost of his planned season in British F3, estimated at £125-150,000, will have to be met by the funding he can attract.

    10. As someone that loathes Hamilton to his core, I’d certainly have massive respect for him if he put aside a million or two from his $30m paycheque this year toward this. Certainly be far more meaningful than taking Billy for a tour of the paddock.

      If not that, would be great to see the F1 drivers association pool together some money to sponsor him.

    11. If anyone would like to sponsor Billy and his racing then please get in touch. We are holding a sponsorship night for Billy and all proceeds go towards his racing career. Please feel free to get in touch with me.

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