Top ten pictures from the 2018 Bahrain Grand Prix

F1 Pictures

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Ten of the best pictures which tell the story of the 2018 Bahrain Grand Prix weekend.

Charles Leclerc

Charles Leclerc, Sauber, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Charles Leclerc, Sauber, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

Charles Leclerc smokes his tyres during practice. He owned up to pushing rather too hard in his second race weekend, and it was team mate Marcus Ericsson who bagged Sauber’s first points of the year.

Max Verstappen

Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

The weekend took a poor turn for Max Verstappen when he crashed during Q1, a problem he blamed on an unexpected surge in power.


Start, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Start, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

Ferrari locked out the front row of the grid but Valtteri Bottas split them at the start. Further back Lewis Hamilton, who’d dropped five places on the grid due to a gearbox change penalty, started strongly but lost the places he gained at turn one.

Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton

Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

Verstappen then tried to pounce on Hamilton but the pair tangled at turn one.

Max Verstappen

Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

The collision left Verstappen with race-ending damage.

Kimi Raikkonen

Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

While Sebastian Vettel led, Mercedes tried to put him under pressure by converting to a one-stop strategy. Ferrari continued with their two-stop plan for Kimi Raikkonen, but a disastrous pit stop took him out of the race and injured one of their mechanics.

Valtteri Bottas

Valtteri Bottas, Mercedes, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Valtteri Bottas, Mercedes, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

Bottas reeled in Vettel but ran out of time to pass.

Lance Stroll

Lance Stroll, Williams, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Lance Stroll, Williams, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

There was little to celebrate at Williams – Lance Stroll was dismayed to find his qualifying time was slower than it had been 12 months ago.

Pierre Gasly

Pierre Gasly, Toro Rosso, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Pierre Gasly, Toro Rosso, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

But there were joyous scenes at Toro Rosso, who in their second race with Honda power achieved fourth place, a better result than McLaren managed in the previous three years with the Japanese engines. Pierre Gasly drove superbly to take his first career points.

Sebastian Vettel

Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018
Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari, Bahrain International Circuit, 2018

Two races down and Vettel has won both of them.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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1 comments on “Top ten pictures from the 2018 Bahrain Grand Prix”

  1. These feel like more of a series of pictures highlighting key events of the weekend, rather than the best pictures. bahrain usually gives us some absolute beauties but i guess it’s not a guarantee. the one of raikkonen is a nice shot – it always amazes me how quickly the brakes overheat when the car comes to a stop.

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