Start, Montreal, 2017

2018 Canadian Grand Prix TV Times

2018 Canadian Grand Prix

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Canadian Grand Prix session times

Friday 8th June 2018

Canadian Grand Prix Free Practice 1: 10:00-11:30
Canadian Grand Prix Free Practice 2: 14:00-15:30

Saturday 9th June 2018

Canadian Grand Prix Free Practice 3: 11:00-12:00
Canadian Grand Prix Qualifying: 14:00

Sunday 10th June 2018

Canadian Grand Prix: 14:10

UK television coverage

Here are the details of Sky and Channel 4’s coverage of the 2018 Canadian Grand Prix in the UK:

Day Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Friday Canadian Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 14:30 15:00 16:30
Friday Canadian Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 18:45 19:00 20:30
Saturday Canadian Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 15:45 16:00 17:00
Saturday Canadian Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 18:00 19:00
Saturday Canadian Grand Prix qualifying highlights Channel 4 22:55
Sunday IndyCar Texas 600 BT Sport ESPN 01:00 01:45
Sunday Formula E Zurich ePrix live Channel 5 16:30 17:00
Sunday Canadian Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 17:30 19:10
Sunday Canadian Grand Prix highlights Channel 4 22:40

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2018 Canadian Grand Prix

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “2018 Canadian Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. Once again, absurd highlight times for the UK.

    1. Ben Rowe (@thegianthogweed)
      4th June 2018, 23:02

      I think you need to appreciate the work that needs to be done by Channel 4 who only have a limited amount of time to show their highlights. So they need to work on the highlights of the race and program. The race starts at 19:10. Will last until at least 20:40. Then all the extra highlights which they get the best bits out of. So they will have to wait until the end of that until they can complete their coverage. Then if you look at the last live program Sky are showing which ends at 22:10, Channel 4 starts just 30 minutes after this. And they could well still be getting information to add into their highlights program for after the race to make the most of their time.

      This time may be awkward for some, but it is not unreasonable at all.

      You could maybe question the qualifying times a bit more, but still, the time gap between the live coverage and Channel 4 highlights is not very different.

      1. Or maybe C4 could show American races live and Asian races as highlights…redundant I know as F1 is going fully behind a paywall next(?) season.

  2. The respective qualifying and FP3 starting times for both this race, and the Chinese GP were postponed by an hour for this season, so why weren’t the equivalents of the Azerbaijan GP qualifying and FP3 brought forward by an hour for this season since the sessions there start a lot closer to the local sunset time than in either Montreal, or Shanghai especially the former?

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