Top ten pictures from the 2018 British Grand Prix

F1 Pictures

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Ten of the best pictures which tell the story of the 2018 British Grand Prix weekend.

Kimi Raikkonen and Charles Leclerc

Kimi Raikkonen, Charles Leclerc, Silverstone, 2018
Kimi Raikkonen, Charles Leclerc, Silverstone, 2018

Is Ferrari poised to make one of the most sensational driver signings in its recent history? The rumours Charles Leclerc will replace Kimi Raikkonen refuse to go away.

Fernando Alonso

Fernando Alonso, McLaren, Silverstone, 2018
Fernando Alonso, McLaren, Silverstone, 2018

F1 came home to Silverstone, home of the first world championship race. McLaren’s weekend began under a cloud following the resignation of racing director Eric Boullier, but ended on a brighter note as Fernando Alonso grabbed more points for the team.

Max Verstappen

Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Silverstone, 2018
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Silverstone, 2018

Unusually warm conditions pushed track temperatures beyond 50C and fried the grass around the Silverstone circuit.

Brendon Hartley

Brendon Hartley, Toro Rosso, Silverstone, 2018
Brendon Hartley, Toro Rosso, Silverstone, 2018

A huge crash for Brendon Hartley in final practice ruled him out of qualifying

Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes, Silverstone, 2018
Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes, Silverstone, 2018

Pole position number 76 was a special one for Lewis Hamilton: His last-gasp effort beat both Ferraris by a few hundredths at home.


Start, Silverstone, 2018
Start, Silverstone, 2018

However within seconds of the start Sebastian Vettel burst ahead to take the lead.


Start, Silverstone, 2018
Start, Silverstone, 2018

Hamilton’s victory hopes were wrecked at Village, where Kimi Raikkonen tipped him into a spin.

Valtteri Bottas

Valtteri Bottas, Mercedes, Silverstone, 2018
Valtteri Bottas, Mercedes, Silverstone, 2018

A tyre strategy gamble put Valtteri Bottas into the lead later in the race, but he couldn’t hold on under pressure from Vettel.

Sebastian Vettel

Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari, Silverstone, 2018
Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari, Silverstone, 2018

Vettel, who previously won the British Grand Prix in 2009, scoured the BRDC trophy for his name but found it only went as far as 2005.

Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes, Silverstone, 2018

Over 130,000 fans turned up on Sunday and were rewarded with a terrific race, if not the home victory they’ve become used to seeing.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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