Tyres, Circuit de Catalunya, 2018

Hyper-soft tyres to return at F1’s Mexican GP

2018 Mexican Grand Prix

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Pirelli has nominated its softest tyre compound, the hyper-softs, for this year’s Mexican Grand Prix.

Formula 1’s official tyre supplier has selected its three softest tyre compounds for the race at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez in October. Drivers will be able to choose from the hyper-soft, ultra-soft and super-soft.

The softest possible tyre selection has been used at two races so far this year: Monaco and Canada. The hyper-soft is also nominated for the upcoming races in Singapore and Russia.

Pirelli is yet to announce the tyre nominations for the two final races of the season.

2018 F1 tyre nominations


2018 tyres 2017 tyres
Melbourne Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Bahrain Medium Soft Super-soft Medium Soft Super-soft
Shanghai Medium Soft Ultra-soft Medium Soft Super-soft
Baku Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft Medium Soft Super-soft
Catalunya Medium Soft Super-soft Hard Medium Soft
Monte-Carlo Super-soft Ultra-soft Hyper-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Montreal Super-soft Ultra-soft Hyper-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Paul Ricard Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft n/a n/a n/a
Red Bull Ring Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Silverstone Hard Medium Soft Medium Soft Super-soft
Hockenheimring Medium Soft Ultra-soft n/a n/a n/a
Hungaroring Medium Soft Ultra-soft Medium Soft Super-soft
Spa-Francorchamps Medium Soft Super-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Monza Soft Super-soft Medium Soft Super-soft
Singapore Soft Ultra-soft Hyper-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Sochi Super-soft Ultra-soft Hyper-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Suzuka Medium Soft Super-soft Medium Soft Super-soft
Circuit of the Americas Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez Super-soft Ultra-soft Hyper-soft Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft
Interlagos Medium Soft Super-soft
Yas Marina Soft Super-soft Ultra-soft

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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7 comments on “Hyper-soft tyres to return at F1’s Mexican GP”

  1. Good. BTW, ”Pirelli is yet to announce the tyre nominations for the two final races of the season.” – Monza as well.

  2. Super Ultra Hyper isn’t very exciting. Hasn’t produced good racing so far. More excited to see how Singapore goes with skipping a compound. If Sochi and Mexican provide no strategy and dull races with tyre management being the sole concern then I think it’ll be safe to say this idea of bringing the only the softest compounds is a dud.

    1. @skipgamer That’d be the case if harder compounds were chosen. Both Sochi Autodrom and Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez circuit is a low-deg circuit, so, therefore, the softer the compounds, the better as, in theory, it provides a higher chance for pushing and variation in strategy.

      1. Monaco and Montreal say hi…. We’ll have to wait and see

      2. ‘are’

  3. Champagne Papi
    12th July 2018, 14:42

    Great. We can look forward to a tyre management exercise at Mexico then, fantastic. Can’t wait.

    1. @Champagne Papi That’d be the case if harder compounds were chosen. The Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez circuit is a low-deg circuit, so, therefore, the softer the compounds, the better as, in theory, it provides a higher chance for pushing and variation in strategy.

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