Fernando Alonso, McLaren Honda Andretti, Indianapolis 500, IndyCar, 2018

McLaren confirm Chevrolet power for Alonso’s Indy 500 return


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Chevrolet will power Fernando Alonso’s second attempt to win the Indianapolis 500 he returns to the Brickyard with McLaren next year, the team has confirmed.

As RaceFans revealed last month, Alonso will make the change having been powered by Chevrolet’s only rival manufacturer in the series, Honda, when he first contested the race in 2017.

“Having Chevrolet power behind me means we’re putting ourselves in the best possible position to compete at the front,” said Alonso.

Chevrolet won the Indianapolis 500 this year with Will Power and Penske. The engine manufacturer also locked out the top four places on the grid for last year’s race.

Alonso tested a Chevrolet Impala NASCAR in Bahrain last week and has also confirmed he will return to the Daytona 24 Hours next month with Cadillac, another GM brand.

McLaren IndyCar president Bob Fernley said the deal is “a key piece of our plan for the 2019 Indy 500.

“As the reigning winning engine, the Chevrolet motor puts us in a strong position to contest this incredibly challenging event. We’ve quickly established a strong working relationship with the Chevrolet team, who are absolute professionals, committed to the challenge, and true racers.”

McLaren previously used Chevrolet power for its highly successful CanAm team in the seventies. Next year’s race will be the first time the two brands have reunited in 47 years.

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Will Power, Penske, IndyCar, Indianapolis 500, 2018
Will Power won this year’s Indianapolis 500 with Chevrolet power

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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18 comments on “McLaren confirm Chevrolet power for Alonso’s Indy 500 return”

  1. Best of luck to him! As long as it doesn’t go bang like the Honda engine did, I think he’s got a decent shot at winning it.

    1. And then we’ll have Zak come on the radio like: “CHAMP! YOU’RE A CHAMP!”

      1. It was so cringy.


          I can’ take his accent out of my head

          1. Not to mention Zak made it sound like “tripple crown”

  2. Honda confirmed as 2019 Indy 500 winners.

  3. From the last 15 years, Honda won 12 times.
    Chevrolet are the current winners, but I feel it is related first to the team and to whatever happens o the day tactic wise.

    So we can ignore this pre-made PR speeches and go straight to the subject. He is doing it with Chevrolet power because it is the only one available

    1. Have to agree with this. In recent times Honda have really had the edge at Indy, they are only going with the Chevrolet because Honda won’t supply them.

    2. Not what Corporate Honda said in the past.
      McLaren doesn’t want any part of Honda – especially seeing how their engine broke in their first attempt (along with several others).
      Honda has the numbers, but I’d take a Chevy engine with Illien’s (Ilmoor) footprint over a Honda any day.
      Good choice Zak.

    3. @johnmilk, as Honda was the only engine supplier from 2006 to 2011 inclusive, they were always going to be the winning engine manufacturer for six of the twelve races that you list.

      Given that 2012 is when the current regulations kicked in, you really should only be comparing results from 2012 onwards. Out of the seven races which have been held from 2012 inclusive, four of those victories went to Honda and three to Chevrolet – so it’s been fairly even between the two manufacturers.

  4. Fred has to qualify before he can win. It sounds like there will be a bump day in 2019.

    1. I have a feeling he will make the cut:)

    2. A big bump day – could easily be 40 entries this year.

  5. Exciting news! Push things up and go full time next season.

  6. Great news. Was worried they would go with Honda.

  7. Better than a GP2 engine?

  8. Sergey Martyn
    5th December 2018, 11:01

    Forza, Nando!

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