2018 RaceFans F1 Predictions Championship winners announced

Predictions Championship

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The grand prize winner and final race winners of the 2018 RaceFans F1 Predictions Championship have been announced.

This year’s top scorer and overall prize winner at the end of 21 rounds was @Me4me. Their superb year of predictions included back-to-back perfect 50-point scores in the Spain and Monaco rounds. They also managed a near-perfect 48 for the Russian Grand Prix, making it three races where they correctly named the top five finishers in the correct order.

@Me4me has won a table made from a genuine, race-used Force India F1 team wheel rim, supplied by Memento Exclusives.

The final race weekend winners of 2018 were @OmeKees for the Brazilian Grand Prix and @JayGeeWales for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Both won the pole position time tie-breakers after tying for the top scores with several of their competitors.

The pair each win a copy of the official Formula 1 game F1 2018 by Codemasters for the platform of their choice.

That brings the 2018 RaceFans F1 Predictions Championship to an end. Many congratulations to all our winners throughout the season and thanks to the thousands of other players who participated.

If you didn’t win this year, don’t worry, there’ll be many more chances to win throughout the 2019 season. Make sure you’re following RaceFans across out social media presences to find out when the 2019 competition starts.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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13 comments on “2018 RaceFans F1 Predictions Championship winners announced”

  1. My score:
    Rank: 240
    13 5 5 5 9 13 5 9 2 12 7 14 11 14 5 14 9 10 7 5 7
    181 (total).

  2. Well done @Me4me. :)

  3. My best ever:

    MacLeod rank: 47
    7 6 7 5 13 13 7 9 3 13 9 8 13 10 5 48 21 16 11 5 13
    total 242

  4. 56th with 237 points, my best result in the Predictions Championship so far. I also got my first ever full 50-point score in the championship during Russian GP weekend.

    Congratulations to @me4me. And huge thanks again, @keithcollantine, for arranging this thing.

    1. full 50-point score in the championship during Russian GP weekend.

      So you’re the guy who bribed Toto ;)

      fun fact: had you predicted: 1. HAM(&pole), 2. VET, 3. RAI, 4. RIC, 5. BOT in every other race then you would have had 326pts and the proud winner of this year’s competition, by overtaking @me4me in the final race ;)

      PS congrats @me4me.

      1. full 50-point score in the championship during Russian GP weekend.

        So you’re the guy who bribed Toto ;)

        fun fact: had you predicted: 1. HAM(&pole), 2. VET, 3. RAI, 4. RIC, 5. BOT in every other race then you would have had 326pts and the proud winner of this year’s competition, by overtaking @me4me in the final race ;)

        PS congrats @me4me.

        Yeah, I bribed Wolff with 2.5 million dollars. But I wasnt the only one, there were seven other users who did that as well. ;D

        Just kidding, it was just a good guess. BOT has always driven well in Sochi and he drove well in there this year as well, but considering his position in the championship it wasn’t hard to guess that he would be ordered to let HAM pass.

        Hmm, interesting, let me do a count:

        AUS: 13 (13)
        BHR: 3 (16)
        CHI: 7 (23)
        AZE: 5 (28)
        ESP: 9 (37)
        MON: 14 (51)
        CAN: 7 (58)
        FRA: 21 (79)
        AUT: 2 (81)
        GBR: 12 (93)
        GER: 9 (102)
        HUN: 50 (152)
        BEL: 5 (157)
        ITA: 7 (164)
        SIN: 9 (173)
        RUS: 50 (223)
        JPN: 13 (236)
        USA: 9 (245)
        MEX: 19 (264)
        BRA: 31 (295)
        ABU: 31 (326)

        Total: 326 points

        Son of a… well, better luck next year.

  5. Correct me if I’m wrong but this is the first write up about the predictions championship since the start of the season? it would be nice to have the reports after each round as it was in previous years.

    1. @scuderia29
      I believe so too. I wish there were updates on the rankings after every race; would certainly add some enthusiasm/
      Without knowing how we have done, its tough to keep going. And people usually forget.

      Nevertheless, this was my first ‘full’ season of predictions on this site and i am glad i just made it to the top 100.

      1. In the Mexican round, I and one other scored 48 (the top scores that round) but I only know that because I had to scroll through the whole standings, I presume the other user won an award for having a closer pole position prediction..but I really don’t know, it would be nice to know

  6. My score is 5 – from the first round of the season. Because it took just 1 race for me to get bored with F1 and totally disengage for the whole season (and stop sending my votes).

    Oh, Formula 1….

  7. Super happy to win. This competition has been a nice little bonus for us F1 fans for years now, so a big thank you to Keith and the team for organizing it.

    Fun little insight: I went into the last race leading the standings and found myself in the same conundrum Ferrari and Fernando Alonso were in in 2010: do what I reckon is best or cover the 2nd runner and risk getting beaten by someone else. I decided to mirror Pistolet’s entry. I’m relieved no one got a shocking result and surpassed the both of us.

    1. Congratulations @me4me!

  8. Whoa: 30th!!

    Thanks Keith for running this – love it.

    Somehow managed to fluke a round win for Mexico – can confirm that a) the Codemasters game turns up as advertised, and b) career mode is a blast.

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