Vettel’s helmet a tribute to “one of the best German drivers in history”

RaceFans Round-up

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In the round-up: Sebastian Vettel says his latest helmet design is a tribute to touring car ace Bernd Schneider.


What they say

Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari, Hockenheimring, 2019
Vettel’s Schneider tribute helmet
Vettel explained why he had adopted a helmet design in tribute to Bernd Schneider, who endured a terrible year-and-a-half with the Zakspeed Formula 1 team in the eighties, but went on to win the DTM title five times and the 1997 FIA GT championship.

Bernd Schneider: A touring car legend. He turned 55, I’ve got number five on the car so I thought it was a good time.

[He’s] a close friend, I think he’s one of the best German drivers in history. He was in Formula 1, but with a really poor car. A shame, I think he had the potential to do a lot more but what he did in touring cars is pretty impressive.

Quotes: Dieter Rencken

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Comment of the day

Neil doesn’t buy Sebastian Vettel’s explanation for why support for the German Grand Prix has dwindled:

That’s a painfully weak attempt at an excuse.

I suspect the real reason for the reduction in interest is down to a number of things. Obviously, the lack of a driver/team the fans want to support has some impact – Vettel, as well as Rosberg and Hulkenberg, for various reasons never gained the adulation of their home fanbase in anything like the way Schumacher did. And Mercedes don’t even come close to pulling in the same love Ferrari receive in Italy. Then there’s the stuff that doesn’t respect national borders and has an impact everywhere… competition from other sports, other entertainment options.

“My favourite driver got a five-second penalty and I disagreed with it” is the reason a 13-year-old child on the F1 Facebook comments section ‘stops watching F1’. Can’t see it influencing a real fan’s long-term decision-making on whether or not they attend a grand prix.
Neil (@neilosjames)

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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18 comments on “Vettel’s helmet a tribute to “one of the best German drivers in history””

  1. First-ever autonomous race

    History made!
    Oh … umm … and maybe this is the first fan comment too! At least on this website anyway.

    1. ColdFly (@)
      27th July 2019, 8:39

      Can you share a link to the drivers standing, @drycrust?

      1. 1. AI
        2. AI
        3. AI
        4. AI

    2. not the first first but the first of that championship. why have a cockpit? the other autonomous race cars I remember were open wheeled no roof.

      1. Probably they don’t have enough resources to develop their own car. Just got a neat looking option and set up their AI in them?

      2. Duncan Snowden
        27th July 2019, 21:45

        Back-to-back testing. As I understand it, the first car was basically a proof-of-concept, but with the second generation they want to be able to compare the AI with real drivers in the same car.

  2. Small steps on autonomous race but great leaps.
    I wish the poeple in charge of it drop the reality show vibes their videos usually show.
    The video is six minutes long and “racing” mostly takes 10 seconds.

    1. There is no racing involved. It’s just two engineering student projects struggling to slowly stay on track at the same time.
      It’s just a starting point for something that will possibly make everyday motoring a little more safer and convenient but that development has been going on for decades in the industry already.
      So I’m struggling to see the benefits of this exercise.
      I’m not going be interested seeing an automaton race other automatons in a series or even an exhibition race.

      1. It is a nice engineering project. Once you remove humans, you can develop vehicles that move at incredible speeds without any worry about hurting anyone. This would lead to faster vehicles, better materials, faster real time data processing from the AI and better trained engineers; to which I’m all up for it.

        Also, probably the reason I watch F1 over other racing series is for the role of the team rather than the driver. This would be a team sport with no real head, which I’m all up for it.

  3. Autonomous racing is totally soulless.

  4. I don’t fall for it, but good thing about autonomous racing is that they could really push for tech innovations, besides the most prominent of them.

    1. @niefer Pretty much the same from me.
      I have no interest at all and never would have (unless something like machine guns and rockets were allowed, no one to get hurt after all ;)) but the technology is definitely worth pushing so fair enough.

  5. If the car crashes, I wonder how that feels…….for the operator who lost his set of wheels

  6. I couldn’t agree with the last paragraph of the COTD. So true.

    1. The problem with that last paragraph is that it is so true. It actually matters, fans like that though the scenario is unrealistic, if the driver got a penalty that driver doesn’t matter and doesn’t have many fans. Most of f1’s viewership is Lewis and Max Verstappen fans, couple that with 6 UK f1 teams, a big cable deal in the UK, big sponsors coming from Holland, heineken and a new gp to boot.
      Big sponsorship and viewership tied together, no wonder fom is bias. fom must feel like f1 might collapse otherwise so fan b oizz are a priority, not actual core audience becuase core audience much like core teams aren’t going anywhere.

  7. Great job by Gasly, as predicted.

  8. The thing about f1 and its declining success is that many people think it is one or two things when in reality it is lots of things. And some things have actually improved most things have not. Just go back 10 years and look at the quality of the broadcast. I’d be willing to say there is a clear improvement there. F1 also has this big issue that they blame others for their own lack of success. So they say things like today’s young people don’t care about motor racing and cars so they don’t watch f1. It is just defeatist attitude and blaming others for your own fault at failing to make f1 exciting to young fans. It’s like mars or snickers came out and said kids don’t eat candy anymore. Horsefeathers!

    If I had to pick one thing I’d say the biggest issue for f1 is that it thinks its job is to provide good show for the car manufacturers and not viewers and fans.

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