Mick Schumacher, Prema, Bahrain International Circuit, 2020

Pictures: Formula 2 field’s first test of 2020 on new 18-inch wheels

Formula 2

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Formula 2 began a three-day test at Bahrain International Circuit today for its 22-strong field running its new-for-2020 18-inch wheels.

The full field was in action apart from ART driver Christian Lundgaard, who was unable to attend the test as a hotel he stayed at in Tenerife was quarantined due to the Coronavirus. Former Formula 1 driver Sergey Sirotkin took his place.

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2020 Formula 2 test in Bahrain

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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16 comments on “Pictures: Formula 2 field’s first test of 2020 on new 18-inch wheels”

  1. Michael Ward
    1st March 2020, 23:26

    congratulations F2, welcome to 2005.

  2. Those wheels look huge.

    1. bcause the car is narrow, but could look different in F1

  3. Luke Longnecker
    2nd March 2020, 4:13

    I don’t like the look of those at all! :(

  4. Those wheels look right!

    1. Yes, I love the last pic of Luca Ghiotto

  5. Those wheels don’t look real

  6. Bling bling. Tuner scene.
    Formula underground 2

    1. Haha yes!! Unlikely but I hope some teams run coloured wheels like the 90’s touring cars. White, gold, yellow, red etc

  7. 16 or 17 inch would look much better.

    1. DAllein (@)
      2nd March 2020, 8:59


      I wonder if they even looked at 1:1 or at least some scale models before making the decision to “switch”.

  8. DAllein (@)
    2nd March 2020, 8:58

    Ugly as hell.

    Instead of fixing awful tyres, these “geniuses” decided to break wheels. Well done!

  9. The headline picture might be misleading as it is shot from below the car’s level making the wheels look bigger than they do.
    I tried to find some shots of previous year and new wheel from similar angles and the conclusion is not the same at all.
    2020 vs 2019
    Spending little time looking at them, I actually prefer the 2020 wheels which look more “normal”. I get that it is strange at first glance since we are used to the high wall on the side, but bigger rims looks quite nice and convey more speed in my opinion.

    1. The increased radius is a bit much but the proportions are jarring, the width stayed the same.

  10. Señor Sjon
    2nd March 2020, 10:29

    Finally proper wheels. Almost every class has big rims (WEC, GT’s, etc) while F1 kept their balloons inflated. Less misery about tire pressures as well, since the sidewalls can’t deform much.

  11. That’ll take some getting used to.

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