F1 2019 screenshot: Anthoine Hubert

Decision to add Hubert to F1 2020 “wasn’t taken lightly”


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The new edition of the official Formula 1 game will allow players to add Anthoine Hubert, who died in a Formula 2 crash last year, to the 2020 F1 grid.

Hubert’s likeness will appear in the new ‘My Team’ mode. Players can select him as their team mate in their own custom-designed 11th entry to the 2020 Formula 1 championship.

The game gives players a list of drivers from the 2019 F2 season which they can hire. The options also include Juan Manuel Correa, who is recovering from the serious leg injuries he sustained in his collision with Hubert last August.

The ‘My Team’ mode allows players to compete in 10 consecutive seasons during which time drivers can move on to other teams.

Codemasters Formula 1 game director Lee Mather confirmed to RaceFans details of the F2 driver roster which will be “available as part of the driver market and will be available to hire in My Team.”

“The inclusion of both Anthoine Hubert and Juan Manuel Correa was not taken lightly,” he said. “The decision to include both drivers in F1 2020 wasn’t made in isolation, all parties relating to the two drivers were consulted, and it was agreed that this was the right thing to do.”

Mather said a special notification will appear when Hubert’s likeness is selected. “When viewing Anthoine on the driver select screen we’ve added a small dedication, to honour his memory.”

Hubert and Correa feature in the current version of F1 2019 (pictured). The game was released in June last year prior to the crash, although the 2019 Formula 2 drivers were added in a later patch.

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2019 Formula 2 driver roster in F1 2020

Team Driver Driver
Carlin Louis Deletraz Nobuharu Matsushita
ART Nikita Mazepin Nyck de Vries
DAMS Sergio Sette Camara Nicholas Latifi
Virtuosi Guanyu Zhou Luca Ghiotto
Prema Mick Schumacher Sean Gelael
Sauber Callum Ilott Juan Manuel Correa
Campos Dorian Boccolacci Jack Aitken
MP Jordan King Mahaveer Raghunathan
Arden Tatiana Calderon Anthoine Hubert
Trident Giuliano Alesi Ralph Boschung

Video: F1 2020 First Play

Watch our first play of a preview version of F1 2020 above and read our in-depth guide to what’s new in the game.

More videos from our first play of F1 2020 are being published over the coming days. Find them all on RaceFans’ YouTube page:

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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19 comments on “Decision to add Hubert to F1 2020 “wasn’t taken lightly””

  1. Raghunathan and Raghunathan. That’s my team lineup.

    1. I am really intrigued to know how he will perform. Will he rack up penalties in the game too? Would be a great new dimension to the game if he basically went rogue!

      1. @eurobrun he’s probably already gone rogue, we just have noticed because it’s probably down an escape road somewhere

        1. @bernasaurus
          haha. He’s probably still racing somewhere under lockdown. On his own, but still not winning.
          Its a shame we haven’t seen him in any of the virtual online racing yet

  2. But why? What’s the point in adding a driver who isn’t on the present day-grid? Like adding, for example, Alain Prost on the present F1-grid despite not being there IRL, LOL.

    1. Because it’s the 2019 F2 grid, from which drivers can move onto the 2020 F1 grid in-game.

      1. @dk Now I get it.

    2. @jerejj dont be dense. The kid died. Its their little way of showing respect.

  3. Don’t worry, you can play the game your way. You don’t have to acknowledge him.

    I think its a nice gesture, and they have only done this with the full backing of his family.

    Don’t worry, he won’t be in the 2021 game as that will be based on the 2020 grid… if we get one.

  4. I don’t understand this but also, I don’t care much.

    1. Enough to react..

  5. If his family is happy with it, then I like it.

    In the career mode we are just creating a theoretical future, and if he is there then it’s better than what actually happened. Prost can’t join the F1 grid in career mode because 10 months ago it was never going to happen (at 64yrs old), but there was a possibility Antoine would.

    I’m still picking Raghunathan though, on the basis that if the adage is right, your biggest opponent is your teammate.

    1. ColdFly (@)
      15th May 2020, 10:53

      If his family is happy with it, then I like it.

      That would be the prime consideration IMO.

      1. @coldfly
        I assume they are:

        “The inclusion of both Anthoine Hubert and Juan Manuel Correa was not taken lightly,” he said. “The decision to include both drivers in F1 2020 wasn’t made in isolation, all parties relating to the two drivers were consulted, and it was agreed that this was the right thing to do.”

  6. Cristiano Ferreira
    15th May 2020, 9:52

    Bianchi was also featured in F1 2015, when you select to play the 2014 season. F1 2015 was released in 10/07/2015 and Bianchi died just 7 days later after the release date.

    I think Codemasters added some kind of a small dedication to him when we play with his character in game.

    1. @Cristiano Ferreira I never noticed anything special on his F1 2015-counterpart.

      1. Cristiano Ferreira
        15th May 2020, 11:19

        I remeber seeing some kind of homage to him in a later patch that the game received. If you have f1 2015 installed i think you can check that out.

  7. The problem is history tells us that Codemasters are dressing up laziness or a lack of money/time as a PR move.

    The steering wheels if F1 2010 all being identical, the missing cockpits from the GRID games after #1, the entire featureless mess that was F1 2014.

    1. @optimaximal are you seriously crying about a bad game released 6 years ago!?!?

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