Vote for your 2020 70th Anniversary Grand Prix Driver of the Weekend

2020 70th Anniversary Grand Prix

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Which Formula One driver made the most of the 70th Anniversary Grand Prix weekend?
It’s time to give your verdict on which driver did the best with the equipment at their disposal over the last three days.

Review how each driver got on below and vote for who impressed you the most at Silverstone.

Driver performance summary

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Vote for your driver of the weekend

Which driver do you think did the best job throughout the race weekend?

Who got the most out of their car in qualifying and the race? Who put their team mate in the shade?

Cast your vote below and explain why you chose the driver you picked in the comments.

Who was the best driver of the 2020 70th Anniversary Grand Prix?

  • No opinion (1%)
  • Nicholas Latifi (0%)
  • George Russell (0%)
  • Kevin Magnussen (0%)
  • Romain Grosjean (0%)
  • Antonio Giovinazzi (0%)
  • Kimi Raikkonen (0%)
  • Lance Stroll (0%)
  • Nico Hulkenberg (15%)
  • Pierre Gasly (1%)
  • Daniil Kvyat (0%)
  • Esteban Ocon (0%)
  • Daniel Ricciardo (0%)
  • Lando Norris (1%)
  • Carlos Sainz Jnr (0%)
  • Alexander Albon (2%)
  • Max Verstappen (65%)
  • Charles Leclerc (14%)
  • Sebastian Vettel (0%)
  • Valtteri Bottas (0%)
  • Lewis Hamilton (0%)

Total Voters: 98

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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28 comments on “Vote for your 2020 70th Anniversary Grand Prix Driver of the Weekend”

  1. Verstappen, Leclerc and Hulkenberg for me. And I’m not sure what order.

  2. Has to be Max this time. He passed Hülkenberg at the start, caught up to the Mercedes, passed Bottas effectively for the lead and controlled the race. Brilliant race by him.

    Leclerc also drove a great race, leapfrogging 6 cars to finish 4th.
    Had he not lost 2 places on the first lap, he would’ve also been a strong contender for Dotw.

    Btw, who was so cheeky to vote for Stroll?! 😅

    1. Stroll actually had a strong week.

      1. Yes, being beaten by his team mate in qualifying and race, who had a total of 6 practise sessions and 2 qualis before today’s race, and only finishing in front of him, because the team decided to pit him one more time, is an extremely strong result!

        1. Hulk having a great qualy doesn’t take away from Lance having a strong weekend. Lance maintained 2 second gap to Hulk the entire race, while saving his tires to go to the end. Haters gonna hate….

    2. daddy has an account here

  3. Adam (@rocketpanda)
    9th August 2020, 21:36

    I’d say Verstappen, Leclerc and Hulkenberg did the best as all three maximised their car and opportunities given their experience and positions. Albon, Ocon & Kvyat had a good race but their qualifying was poor. Gasly, Bottas, Ricciardo and Vettel underperformed for me – none of them seemed to get the best out of their potential.

  4. DOTW: No one really stood out, so I voted for no opinion.
    DOTD: LEC.

    1. DOTW: No one really stood out, so I voted for no opinion.

      If only there were a driver who outperformed his teammate by a lot in quali, overtook faster cars and won from 4th in the grid.

      1. @coldfly, indeed some things seems hard to swallow.

      2. Montréalais (@)
        11th August 2020, 4:17

        @coldfly Hee hee. +1

  5. Has to be Verstappen. He went his own way on strategy and made it work.

    Honorable mentions to Leclerc and Kvyat (if DOTD, not DOTW). Leclerc for making a one-stopper last, and Kvyat for finding his way into the points ahead of some strong challengers despite starting far down.

  6. Between Leclerc and Verstappen. Went for Leclerc in the end because his race was more impressive.

  7. LeClerc. Reminds me of Hamilton in 2009 when he’d drag a complete dog of a car to positions it should never have been in.

    1. Yes, or alonso 2012, schumacher 1996, hamilton has had to do that surprisingly rarely for a top driver, 2009 being the only case really.

  8. Verstappen as he was consistent and reliable all weekend, he delivered on race day when it was required. Leclerc deserves a mention as the Merc is a bit of a pig and he dragged it up to where it should not have been. Norris, Hulk good work by both why did they pit Hulk for softs?

    1. *Ferrari is a bit of a pig.

  9. Without Verstappen’s brilliance, Mercedes would’ve gotten away with this one.

    It’ll interesting to see if Merc react by running relatively more wing in Spain.

  10. Max, Ocon & Kimi. All drivers that manage to finished with one pit stop.

    1. *Max and…

      1. @ruliemaulana Leclerc did a one-stop, not Max.

  11. Apologies for the error in the poll earlier – this has been corrected and the votes reset to ensure a fair outcome.

  12. That’s a simple one..
    Verstappen outperformed both Mercedes drivers. Did something very unexpected in quali and delivered.

  13. Leclerc of course. With a car that is crap he did a spectacular race with an incredible fourth place finish.
    He is obviously the best driver of his generation.

  14. Verstappen obviously, apart from that leclerc wasn’t bad at all with his 1 stop strategy.

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