Start, Yas Marina, 2019

2020 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix TV Times

2020 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

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It’s race week for the final time in the 2020 F1 season. Join us on RaceFans Live throughout every session of this weekend’s race at Yas Marina.

Formula 1 have the track to themselves this weekend as the support races were dropped from this event when it was moved two weeks later in the calendar due to the pandemic. The Formula 2 and Formula 3 seasons have already concluded.

Look out for the live page on the site during every session and follow all the action with your fellow RaceFans. Here’s how to watch the 2020 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix live in the UK and USA:

2020 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix: Friday 11 December – Sunday 13 December 2020


Day Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Friday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 08:30 09:00 10:30
Friday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 12:45 13:00 14:30
Saturday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 09:45 10:00 11:00
Saturday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 12:00 13:00
Saturday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix qualifying highlights Channel 4 16:30
Sunday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 11:30 13:10
Sunday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix highlights Channel 4 17:30

USA (Eastern)

Day Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Friday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix first practice live ESPN 03:55 04:00 05:30
Friday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix second practice live ESPN2 07:55 08:00 09:30
Saturday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix third practice live ESPN 04:55 05:00 06:00
Saturday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix qualifying live ESPN2 07:55 08:00
Sunday Abu Dhabi Grand Prix live ESPN2 08:05 08:10

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RaceFans readers in the USA, Mexico, France, Belgium and many other countries can watch all sessions live on F1 TV Pro.

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2020 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Browse all 2020 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix articles

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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3 comments on “2020 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. Ah, the season is about to end. The same feeling ahead of every Abu Dhabi GP as the off-season period is knocking on the door, but still, a longer break from F1 racing, especially after a season as condense as this isn’t for the bad. Hopefully, the next off-season phase wouldn’t be as long as the last, though. First off, the Abu Dhabi GP: Maybe not the best track for racing on paper, but a decent-ish to drive. I also like the twilight setting.

  2. isaac (@invincibleisaac)
    8th December 2020, 9:11

    I am also looking forward to Abu Dhabi – more than normal. Whilst not always a great race I do enjoy the cars under the lights and there will still be some intrigue for this year’s race with the Mercedes fight for the win, and Racing Point trying to secure 3rd in the championship.

    Assuming that Russel is in the Mercedes again this weekend, I believe he has a very strong chance of the win, a podium at least. Abu Dhabi is usually a fairly straightforward race with few safety cars and he will have had more experience in the car.

    If Russel does score a podium this weekend he would be the 14th driver to do so this year: surpassing the total of the 2012 season. That is quite remarkable when you think about Mercedes’ pace advantage and Hamilton having won 11 races this year. When was the last time there were 14 or more podium finishers in a season? Also it’s looking very unlikely for Williams to score points this year which would be tragic, as I do believe they have scored in every season they have contested in.

  3. If Hamilton’s back it will be as unwatchable as it is every year. Terrible track, terrible race, worst season ending track we’ve ever had!
    Go into this race the same every year too. Titles settled only minor battles to decide down the order and leaving with hope someone can take the fight to Mercedes.

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