Valtteri Bottas, Red Bull RB16B, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021

Red Bull’s RB16B revealed for the first time in Bahrain

2021 F1 season

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Red Bull’s new RB16B has been seen in action for the first time in pre-season testing at the Bahrain International Circuit.

The team launched its new car over two weeks ago. However only limited images of the chassis were presented at the time. Red Bull ran the car on a filming day but did not issue photographs of the RB16B in action.

Pictures: 2021 Red Bull RB16B on track

Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Red Bull Racing RB16B floor, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Red Bull Racing RB16B, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Red Bull Racing RB16B, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Red Bull Racing RB16B rear wing, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021
Red Bull Racing RB16B rear wing, Bahrain International Circuit, 2021

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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10 comments on “Red Bull’s RB16B revealed for the first time in Bahrain”

  1. ColdFly (@)
    12th March 2021, 8:35

    Looks like Gillette would be a natural sponsor for this car.

    1. Lol. Almost cut myself just looking at it.

  2. Dan Rooke (@geekzilla9000)
    12th March 2021, 8:45

    Looks like Bottas lost his football under the car and is figuring out if he can reach it himself, or needs to find a stick.

    1. @geekzilla9000
      Yeah,don’t you hate when that happens and it always ends up where you can’t reach it

    2. The Dolphins
      12th March 2021, 12:36

      It’s been a while since the last caption contest but @geekzilla9000 wins with this caption!

      1. Lol that is good. As a Canadian it would be the puck that he lost and he’d already have a stick in his hand:)

  3. Has Bottas hired Jenson Button’s helmet designer??

  4. I think they’ve misunderstood how bull bars are meant to work

  5. Very surprised with that engine cover, RB have diverged from the usual “let’s package all very tight” with the coke bottle shape and went wide at the rear, more like a hourglass. Looking at the angle and having no idea of aerodynamics, looks like they are sending the air towards the rear wing pylons.

    1. I think it’s the angle or perspective in that picture (4th from the top) that deceives you a bit, the rear is very slim. Teams do seem to go more and more towards letting the back of the engine cover / sidepod air outlets become almost like two tubes with that massive undercut and the smooth radius cross section rule. They may splay it out just a bit at the very back to follow the direction of airflow under the rear wing, but over all I think that section is narrower than it looks in that picture. Have not seen a clear pic from the back yet, though.

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