Williams’ impressive practice pace indicated they could reach Q3 at Imola, but rather than a surprise top result, George Russell admitted he had a different kind of “Maldonado moment”.
While Russell’s in-form team mate Nicholas Latifi took 12th in Q1, Russell needed a late push to make the cut. He made it, though only narrowly, after a brief off-track excursion while changing settings on his steering wheel preceding his final lap.“I only crossed the flag by two seconds [to set that lap], I believe,” said Russell. “I had Danny [Ricciardo] right behind me. He was planning to overtake me with the DRS, and due to the straight line speed I could stay ahead of him, very relieved.”
That steering wheel distraction almost cost him the chance to begin his final lap. He admitted there was a strategic reason for the late change related to his Mercedes power unit.
“It’s no secret that Mercedes are struggling a bit with the battery deployment, and every single metre gives you a metre at the end of a lap,” he explained.
“So I wanted to go into that mode as late as possible, as in halfway through the corner before I picked up the power. Tyres were a bit cold, I wasn’t fully concentrating and it contributed to a Pastor Maldonado moment.”
Former Williams driver Maldonado scored the team’s most recent victory in 2012 but earned a reputation for bizarre incidents. During practice for the Chinese Grand Prix in 2014 he also drove off the track while adjusting a setting on his steering wheel.
Russell’s weekend improved once he reached Q2. Latifi had been the faster Williams driver throughout Friday practice and Russell predicted his team mate had a chance to earn Williams’ first Q3 appearance since the 2018 Italian Grand Prix. In the end neither of them did, but Russell came out on top, missing the cut for Q3 by 0.061 seconds.
“Nicholas again, was two times ahead of me,” said Russell. “I thought this would be the day, I thought this would be the opportunity that the time Williams would get in Q3 and it would be with Nicholas, to be honest.
“So I had to give it everything I had, and fortunately it went well in Q2.”
Russell qualified 12th, matching his best result in a Williams car at last year’s Styrian and Hungarian grands prix.
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theRealMax (@millionus)
18th April 2021, 8:41
Keep it on the grey stuff Russell. You may sneak a point.
bosyber (@bosyber)
18th April 2021, 16:27
That aged a bit too well @millionus!
theRealMax (@millionus)
18th April 2021, 20:22
Indeed @boysber. As a bit of a Russell fan was hoping he was a racefans fan and read this post. Hope he’s not making this a bit of a habit.
theRealMax (@millionus)
18th April 2021, 20:23
@bosyber even
18th April 2021, 8:55
What a clown insulting a former f1 driver.
18th April 2021, 9:04
A driver that won a race
Erzen (@xenn1)
18th April 2021, 9:57
I actually think this time around it’s not an attempt at an insult given the similarities between Maldonado’s China 2014 incident and Russell’s incident, and also on top of that the fact that no other driver in recent memory has had a similar incident.
However i do agree with you that the Maldonado insults were sort of funny only when he was racing in F1 and crashing every other day, nowadays it seems like such a childish joke to make
18th April 2021, 10:23
Is it a case of fans complaining “how dare you complain about Maldonado – it’s our job to do that!”?
Maldonado faced a lot of criticism for his behaviour over the years in F1 from several quarters, with the fans being particularly vocal – don’t forget the whole “Has Maldonado crashed today?” meme that was going round in the past.
Yes, Maldonado might have won a race – but he is a driver who also faced calls for a ban after intentionally ramming other drivers on track with his car and was repeatedly warned for his reckless driving on track, with a very long list of crashes and collisions to his name. Had the current penalty points system been in place back in 2011, when Maldonado started his career, he would have earned a race ban for his driving conduct (if potentially more than that).
He is also the same driver whom some suggested should never have been allowed into F1 after he intentionally ignored double waived yellow flags during a Formula Renault race and ran over a marshal, leaving the marshal in critical condition due to severe spinal injuries and broken legs – even Maldonado himself later admitted he was lucky he didn’t end up killing that marshal, and that incident earned him a four race ban from that series.
The Automobile Club de Monaco originally banned him from ever racing at Monaco again due to his dangerous driving – it has been confirmed that it was only a case of a hefty financial pay off (with former marshals claiming the Venezuelan government intervened to apply political pressure and to pay off the authorities in Monaco) that resulted in the ban being withdrawn at a later date. There were marshals in F1 who were genuinely worried for their life when Maldonado was on track because they feared a possible repeat of that incident – that is how dangerous a driver he was considered to be.
Compared to the rather darker side of Maldonado’s career, Russell’s comment is the least of his concerns – if anything, it undersells how much of a danger Maldonado was considered to be to others over his career.
24th April 2021, 13:56
Well said anon! Alex is Rott.
2nd August 2021, 16:32
whaT a ClOwN INSuLTING a foRMER F1 DrIver.
What an atrocious person you are insulting someone for apparently no reason.
30th August 2021, 10:42
wh@T @ cl0wn 1nsUlt1ng @ F0Rm£r f1 DR1V£R.
Say that word “cL0Wn” again. Say that word “cL0Wn” again. Say that word “cL0Wn” again. Say that word “cL0Wn” again. Say that word “cL0Wn” again.
26th September 2021, 10:47
And then you got killed.
18th April 2021, 9:00
This kids nowadays come with extra arrogance. Verstappen laughing about Maldonado, when he crashes in every race with the rest of drivers. Russell laughing about “Maldonado” moment, when he crashed under safety car like a few intelligent person. But yes we can make fan of Maldonado and don’t respect the history of f1. But because is Maldonado is accepted. They have been lot of embarrasing incidents in f1, but is part of the sport, and nobody should laugh about the others, because it can happen to all drivers.
So Russell close your big mail mouth, and stick to learning how to use a mask, because your big nose is always out of it.
Lums (@lums)
18th April 2021, 10:03
Wow! Did you read the article at all? Its literally in there… the reason why he called it a ‘Maldonado moment’. He made the same mistake as Pastor, going off track while adjusting something on his steering.
You all laughed, made jokes, shared memes of Pastor’s crashes and he absolutely earned that title, race winner or not. Now you are all mad hot that a young driver joined in? And he wasn’t even disrespectful about it. You all were. The new driver on the clown stage now is Mazepin, his name has been changed multiple times now cos of his spinning escapades on track. Im sure you had no problem with that.
Mashiat (@mashiat)
18th April 2021, 12:03
@lums These people complaining about “kids nowadays” seem so old their eyes are unable to read anymore it seems. They just moan and complain without even trying to understand context. They are the real disrespectful ones I see, not Russell or anyone else.
18th April 2021, 12:46
“So I wanted to go into that mode as late as possible, as in halfway through the corner before I picked up the power. Tyres were a bit cold, I wasn’t fully concentrating and it contributed to a Pastor Maldonado moment.”
30th August 2021, 10:40
“SO I WaNted tO Go iNTO ThAt Mode AS lATe AS pOSSIblE, As IN HalfwaY throUgh tHe CORNeR bEforE i piCkED up tHe pOWer. tYREs were A BiT CoLD, i Wasn’T FUlLY COncEntRaTING AnD It CONTRiBUted TO a PAStOr MALDoNaDo momENt.”
mAy Be YOu SHouLd bE ThE One ThAt wearS reADINg GLaSsEs TRolL.
IF You WaNt TO tROlL At LEAsT REaD WhaT he SAys.
HE LAUGh AbOut a “MaLDoNAdo mOmEnT”, whICh WaS disTRACTING on A sTraIGhT. but CoUlD Be cALleD a “rusell” MoMenT toO, becAuSE HE crasHED Under safEty caR BeCAUSE of disTrACTioNS ToO. oR tHE CRUMbLING uNdeR PREssURE RaCE He did ON BAhrAIn lOSINg an EaSY WIN fOr EVerybodY WhO WoUlD haVe dRiVen that merCeDEs.
And then Russell got points in Hungary and an unusual podium in Belgium. Hahaha, you lose.
26th September 2021, 10:50
“So Enemy Alex just commented something stupid here and decided to give him a stupid nickname and constantly insult him as if he wants to get him killed.”
And later, when you commented on another article and just said something like “pAtHeTiC blah blah blah” or “yOuR iMaGiNaTiOn blah blah blah”, I killed you with massively a lot of killshots.
18th April 2021, 12:47
He did that mistake too under safety car, why doesn’t he call his “Russell” dumb moments?
30th August 2021, 10:40
he dId THAT MiSTAKE Too UNDeR SafEty car, Why doESn’t hE cAll HiS “ruSsElL” dUMb mOMenTS?
And you did that mistake too by joining this site as an anon and did that mistake by behaving like an enemy.
26th September 2021, 10:49
You tried to kill George Russell with your disgraceful words, why doesn’t you call it your worst mistakes of your entire life ever?
15th August 2021, 20:13
Williams 9-0 you
30th August 2021, 10:41
tHiS KiDS nOWadAys CoMe WiTh eXtra aRrogAnCe. veRSTaPPEN lauGHIng ABout MAlDoNaDO, wheN he craShES IN eVeRY RacE WITh tHe ResT Of dRIvERS. RussEll LaUGhiNg aBOUT “MaLdoNAdO” moMEnt, whEN hE cRasHED uNdER safEtY cAr lIKe A few inTellIGENt PerSON. BuT YeS WE Can MAKE fan OF maLDONadO aND doN’t reSPECT thE hisTOrY oF f1. BUt BecAUSE Is MAldONADo iS ACcEPteD. tHey HaVE beEN LOT of emBArraSinG inciDents In F1, bUt Is paRT Of ThE SPorT, AND nOBoDY SHouLD lauGh about the OThERS, BECaUSe It CAN HAPPeN To all DrIvErS.
so RuSsELl CLOsE YOuR Big MaiL MOUtH, AND StIcK to leArnING How to uSE A mask, bEcAUSE yoUR bIg Nose Is ALwAYs OuT of iT.
How about admitting that you lost 9-0 to Williams because they killed you?
26th September 2021, 10:48
This enemy is no more than just a name-calling piece of crap. Enemy Alex trying to kill Russell, trying to kill Verstappen, trying to kill Norris. Man, do I need to make fun of the entirety of this insulting long post? Is this even a rant? No, this is an insult and deserves to be mocked with the Spongebob Mockery thing! Later, Russell and the entire Williams team tracked you down and killed you.
Klon (@)
18th April 2021, 9:12
The absolute disrespect towards a Grand Prix winner. Go achieve something before talking that trash, youngster.
Mashiat (@mashiat)
18th April 2021, 12:00
@klon The only person here being disrespectful is you. Maybe stop jumping to conclusions based on a headline and posting angry, disrespectful comments next time. You clearly don’t understand the context at all, so maybe zip it next time. And Russell has achieved infinitely more than you have, so if that’s the logic you wanna use, then you have no right to criticise him either.
24th April 2021, 13:57
He can’t take a chill pill.
2nd August 2021, 16:34
And gone you went…
18th April 2021, 9:44
So much hurt in the comments, when George was actually comparing what he’d done in qualifying to a similar incident Maldonado had. Its right there in the article!
Some of the anti-British-driver sentiment in the comments of this site is really offputting. George has done nothing wrong.
18th April 2021, 10:32
There’s a lot of anti-country sentiments here. It’s no lie.
18th April 2021, 12:36
No anti country sentiments thats your pathetic desviation of the subject. His arrogance is what we don’t like. He expects to get a Mercedes in 1 year and thats why he is so arrogant now. But don’t forget his baby cries 1 year ago after nearly losing the driving at Williams. A guy that hasn’t even had the pride of Ocon has. And will crumble under pressure easily like we saw when he drove the Merc.
24th April 2021, 13:52
Soon he’ll be less arrogant. Now stop talking, punk.
2nd August 2021, 16:32
NO aNTi cOUNtry SENtiMeNTS tHats YoUr pathetIC DesVIaTIOn OF THe SubjECT. hiS arrOgANce IS whAT wE dON’t liKe. he EXPEcts to GET A MercEdes IN 1 YEAr AnD thaTS WHY He Is SO ArrOgANt NOW. bUT dON’t FoRGET His baBy CrIEs 1 yeAR agO AfTER neaRLy LOSIng thE DRIVIng AT WIlLIaMs. A guy tHat hASn’T even Had the PriDE Of OCon HAS. And wIll cRuMbLe undER PREsSure easILY LIKe WE SaW WHEn HE DRoVe THE MErc.
How about you stop talking?
26th September 2021, 10:51
No stupid comments or stupid behaviour thats your pathetic atrocity of trying to kill me with your trashy deathblow. There, I killed you yet again and again with a killshot and a deathblow at the same time. AND IF YOU WANNA TRY TO KILL ME AGAIN, YOU CAN’T ANYMORE.
Jere (@jerejj)
18th April 2021, 11:24
Maldonado in China 2014. Spinning on a slow slap because of not focusing on the road ahead.
18th April 2021, 12:34
Rusell blew a race in a Mercedes and got a DNF with the best car on the grid by far. Crumbled under pressure and cried like a spoiled brat after crashing pathetically under safety car.
18th April 2021, 14:02
Wow, I’d like to see the races you’ve been seeing in your parallel universe! Must be exciting!
18th April 2021, 15:14
Not even 1 race, you saw Rusell in full experience.
2nd August 2021, 16:34
NoT Even 1 RACE, You sAw ruSelL iN fUll EXpERIEnCE.
26th September 2021, 10:54
Not even 1 race, you saw yourself getting killed by Russell for constant insulting.
2nd August 2021, 16:33
rUSElL bLEW A racE In A mERcEdES aNd gOT a DnF wIth the bESt cAr on tHe gRID bY fAr. crUmblEd UNdER PressUre AnD Cried LIKE A SPOILeD BraT AFteR craSHinG pAtheTIcALLy uNder SAfETY cAr.
Wow…so stupid.
26th September 2021, 10:53
Enemy Alex went straight into slamming and hating Max, even if I don’t like him, constantly in Austria 2020 and Sakhir 2020 by saying that stupid word that makes me do killshots. Then after Russell got CURSED, FOR REAL, in Imola last year, Alex wrote a long post that is totally meaningless and has been successfully mocked with the Spongebob Mockery Text because he’s an enemy (ENEMY WARNING!!!).
18th April 2021, 15:14
Not even 1 race and Rusell has demonstrated everybody that he can be a clown itself and crash into others alone. No need to laugh, because you can ashame everybody alone.
He should learn manners too, hitting Bottas in the helmet, what a arrogant clown.
24th April 2021, 13:58
The confrontation was unnecessary, but the way you wrote this down? You sound like you got fired from your favorite club.
2nd August 2021, 16:33
Not EVEn 1 Race And RUSELL hAS demONstrated eveRyBOdY THaT he caN bE A CLowN ItsELf aNd craSh iNTo OtHErs aLoNe. No need TO lAuGh, because You CAn ASHAME EverYBodY alOne.
He sHouLD LEarn manneRS Too, hIttING bOTTaS IN THE helMeT, WHat a ARrogaNT cloWN.
Sick of this word.
26th September 2021, 10:56
Not even 1 race and you just insulted Russell and now Russell will find you and kill you.
18th April 2021, 15:16
I will say to Rusell: “Learn to respect other drivers, and the history of f1”. Respect Maldonado, respect people you’re driving in this era. Hitting other driver with the car, and later trying to hit him with his fist. And insulting him, like a ruthless punk. Go to school and learn manners. And learn how to fit a mask in your big nose too.
Fishingelbow (@fishingelbow)
19th April 2021, 0:52
“Go to school and learn manners. And learn how to fit a mask in your big nose too.”
Enough said. Time to go to bed, Alex.
24th April 2021, 13:53
Well said mate!
14th June 2021, 9:16
2nd August 2021, 16:33
i WilL sAY tO ruselL: “LEaRn to ResPEcT oTher driVERs, aND thE HisTOry of f1”. ResPECT MaldonadO, ReSpeCt pEoplE You’re DriVIng In tHIs eRA. hIttiNg OTheR DRiveR WITH THe cAr, anD LatEr TrYINg TO hit hiM wIth HIs FiST. aNd INsULTINg HIM, likE A rUThleSS puNK. Go TO SchoOL AND LeARN mannErs. anD lEarN hOW To fIT A maSk In yOuR BIG nOSE tOo.
And then we raided your house.
26th September 2021, 11:00
I will say to Enemy Alex: “You shut the hell up. You think you can destroy or kill Russell with these kind of words? Enough said. Time to go to bed, Enemy Alex. Russell, Latifi, and the entire Williams team will track you down. You will be dealt with here and now. Also the entire McLaren team will find you and kill you.”
26th April 2021, 13:00
I’m afraid I have to dismiss your comment, George. It’s not worth it by mentioning Maldonado because you had that moment, and it’s not worth it comparing anyone to Maldonado, because he is an undisputed meme legend. But comparing Mazepin to Maldonado…we’ll see about that in a few years time. You have seen the Maldonator video, haven’t you? It’s funny that it’s awesome! Anyway, you will bounce back the next race and put Imola behind you forever.
And don’t trust Alex 🤣…he’s trying to make George and Pastor look like the biggest laughing stocks 🤣🤣 when the latter is a meme legend. 🤣🤣🤣
30th August 2021, 10:38
This didn’t age well