Enzo Fittipaldi returns to Charouz for first full season in Formula 2

Formula 2

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Enzo Fittipaldi will return to Charouz’s Formula 2 team this year, after recovering from the injuries sustained in a heavy crash at the end of last season.

Fittipaldi, the grandson of two-times Formula 1 world champion and Indianapolis 500 winner Emerson Fittipaldi, drove for Charouz for the second half of the F2 season, stepping up from Formula 3 in place of David Beckmann.

However, a 72G crash at the start of the F2 feature race at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix left Fittipaldi with a fractured heel as well as cuts and bruising. He had to miss the final weekend of the season in Abu Dhabi.

Now recovered, Fittipaldi has been confirmed for his first full season of F2 with Charouz, to complete the line up alongside Çem Bolukbasi.

Antonín Charouz, team owner of Charouz Racing System, said Fittipaldi “proved that he deserved the chance to step up from Formula 3 to Formula 2” last year, “despite the bad luck that hit him at Jeddah.

“Now that he’s back in shape I’m sure this will only motivate him further to show what he’s capable of.”

Team Driver Driver
ART Theo Pourchaire Frederik Vesti
Campos Ralph Boschung Olli Caldwell
Carlin Logan Sargeant Liam Lawson
Charouz Cem Bolukbasi Enzo Fittipaldi
DAMS Roy Nissany Ayumu Iwasa
Hitech Juri Vips Marcus Armstrong
MP Felipe Drugovich Clement Novalak
Prema Jehan Daruvala Dennis Hauger
Trident Calan Williams TBA
Van Amersfoort Jake Hughes Amaury Cordeel
Virtuosi Jack Doohan Marino Sato

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Hazel Southwell
Hazel is a motorsport and automotive journalist with a particular interest in hybrid systems, electrification, batteries and new fuel technologies....

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1 comments on “Enzo Fittipaldi returns to Charouz for first full season in Formula 2”

  1. With only 1 seat remaining, it is a seat that 2021 Euro Formula Open Series Champion Cameron Das could lose. He is targeting Formula 2. But he has to come with at least $2-3 million for his season. It will not be easy.

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