Valtteri Bottas, Alfa Romeo, Circuit de Catalunya, 2022

First pictures: Bottas, Zhou and Kubica on-track in Alfa Romeo’s race-liveried C42

2022 F1 season

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Alfa Romeo’s drivers had their first chance to drive the team’s new C42 in its definitive livery at the Circuit de Catalunya yesterday.

Valtteri Bottas and Guanyu Zhou were joined by test driver Robert Kubica at the home of the Spanish Grand Prix.

The team revealed its new car for the 2022 F1 season at testing, where it ran in an interim camouflage livery. It presented its definitive look for the upcoming championship yesterday and conducted a 100 kilometre filming run at the venue.

Bottas, who joined the team from Mercedes, said the new car looks “really beautiful”.

“It’s my first car at Alfa Romeo, of course, which makes it special, and I am really looking forward to being on the grid in Bahrain with it,” he said.

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Alfa Romeo C42 on-track in pictures

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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9 comments on “First pictures: Bottas, Zhou and Kubica on-track in Alfa Romeo’s race-liveried C42”

  1. Love the painted wheel cover. Looks like a spinning Pokeball

    1. I wanna be the very best
      Like Schumi one was..

      1. …once…

  2. Toyota vibes, anyone? :)

    1. Yeah Toyota was also quite nice looking back in the day.

    2. Yes and 80’s Alfa.

  3. Chris Horton
    1st March 2022, 6:35


  4. Easily the best looking car on the grid. Seems to have a slightly lower nose than most other cars, which looks better.

  5. Shortest wheelbase and best-looking car.

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