Start, Jeddah Corniche Circuit, 2021

2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix TV Times

2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix

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Join us on RaceFans Live throughout every session of the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix weekend. Look out for the live page on the site during every session and follow all the action with your fellow RaceFans.

Here’s how to watch the 2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix live in the UK and USA:

2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix: Friday 25 March – Sunday 27 March 2022


Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Friday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 14:00 15:00
Friday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 17:00 18:00
Saturday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Formula 2 race one live Sky Sports F1 12:30
Saturday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 14:00 15:00
Saturday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 17:00
Saturday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix qualifying highlights Channel 4 20:30
Sunday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Formula 2 race two live Sky Sports F1 14:55
Sunday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 18:00
Sunday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix highlights Channel 4 22:30

USA (Eastern)

Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Friday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix first practice live ESPN2 10:00 11:00
Friday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix second practice live ESPN2 13:00 14:00
Saturday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix third practice live ESPN2 10:00 11:00
Saturday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix qualifying live ESPN2 13:00
Sunday Saudi Arabian Grand Prix live ESPN 13:00

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2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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10 comments on “2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. Friday & Saturday session timings got brought forward by an hour from the initial ones published last month.
    How surprising, given how many last two season event timings changed past the regular January-February simultaneous release.
    However, I didn’t anticipate changes for SA GP, considering how early into the season this one occurs, but I can definitely see changes for at least Abu Dhabi GP Saturday & Azerbaijan GP Sunday timings (Russian GP race day was among these specific events pre-cancellation).
    Back to the upcoming event, since they bothered altering the schedule, I wish they’d also bring forward the race so that FP2-QLF-race start times would all be 19:00.
    What I’d like even more is 18:00 as this would give an Abu Dhabi GP sky backdrop with sunset times at 18:35 (practice day) & 18:36 (QLF & race day).
    Nothing prohibits another so-called day-to-night event, so I don’t know what’s wrong with doing more with such a backdrop. I prefer changing sky colors during a session over an entirely dark sky throughout.

    1. Edit: I mixed-up practice & QLF day timings over Europe’s clock change on race day, so no changes, i.e., still 20:00 locally for FP2-QLF-race.
      However, my other points stand, i.e., my preference for 18:00 & 19:00 over 20:00 as local timings & that later timing changes for different events are possible.

  2. Who does this schedule benefit? People in the Pacific Islands? This is well past bedtime for everyone between India and Australia.

  3. Would be nice to see the GP details and tv times return to the burger menu on race week. It’s disappeared this season on the site.

    1. @davidhunter13 Burget menu? Burger menus don’t contain any TV programming nor GP info, LOL.

    2. @davidhunter13 you’re right! Just spotted this now. Had to go searching to get back here.
      @keithcollantine this might just be an android / chrome thing, but there used to be a section in the drop down menu for the current race to quickly get to all the various relevant articles. Thanks 👍

      1. Yes, completely agree. I have to trawl through pages of articles to find the TV times now. A real pain when it could just be a quick link on the menu. Love the site otherwise though.

    3. Yes!!! Where has it gone?! @keithcollantine

  4. I thought F1 was returning to 90 minutes free practice sessions on Fridays this year? An hour each it is then!

  5. Would be great to have a link to the TV times on the home page, as you used to.

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