Start, Albert Park, Melbourne, 2019

2022 Australian Grand Prix TV Times

2022 Australian Grand Prix

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Here’s how to watch the 2022 Australian Grand Prix live in the UK and USA:

2022 Australian Grand Prix: Friday 8 April – Sunday 10 April 2022


Friday Australian Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 04:00 05:00
Friday Australian Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 07:00 08:00
Saturday Australian Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 04:00 05:00
Saturday Australian Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 07:00
Saturday Australian Grand Prix qualifying highlights Channel 4 11:00
Saturday Formula E Rome race one live Channel 4 / Eurosport 2 13:30
Sunday Australian Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 06:00
Saturday Formula E Rome race two live Eurosport 2 13:30
Sunday Australian Grand Prix highlights Channel 4 15:05
Sunday IndyCar Grand Prix of Long Beach live Sky Sports F1 20:30

USA (Eastern)

Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Thursday Australian Grand Prix first practice live ESPN News 23:00 00:00
Friday Australian Grand Prix second practice live ESPN2 02:00 03:00
Friday Australian Grand Prix third practice live ESPN News 23:00 00:00
Saturday Australian Grand Prix qualifying live ESPN2 02:00
Saturday Formula E Rome race one live CBS 08:30
Sunday Australian Grand Prix live ESPNn 01:00
Sunday Formula E Rome race two live CBS 08:30
Sunday IndyCar Grand Prix of Long Beach live NBC 15:30

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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20 comments on “2022 Australian Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. McJamweasel
    4th April 2022, 7:26

    GMT or BST?

    1. It should be BST, because the offset to CET (summer time) is still 1 hour.

    2. This is BST, as the race start is given as 06.00. GMT is currently not used in the UK.

  2. The best TV times of the year (along with Suzuka)! It’s been three years since the last early morning start. But it’s better when Albert Park is the opening race; hopefully it will be again in 2023.

    1. @f1frog Unlikely next season unless the AusGP occurs on March 5 or even February 26 because Middle Eastern events have to happen before March 23 (Ramadan start), so the 19th is the latest possible Sunday for any early-season Middle Eastern race.

  3. Isn’t there usually a full race replay later in the morning or afternoon on sky for early morning races? Would be useful to include that here if so.

    1. In fact it’s looks like there are 2 full replays on sky sports F1 at 9.30am and 2.25pm on Sunday (both uk time). Both are 120/125 mins long which is about the length of a race.

    2. Ben Rowe (@thegianthogweed)
      4th April 2022, 18:00


      This site has always shown the live only times for sky, and the first broadcast highlights from a free to air channel like channel 4. If it showed the highlights for sky every week, the list would be a bit long.

      1. But I’m not talking about highlights, I’m talking about full race replays, which are only shown for early morning races (uk time), like the Japanese, Chinese or Australian GPs.

        1. Australian F1 Grand Prix “full race” repeats on Sky Sports F1:
          Sun 10th Apr 9:30am
          Sun 10th Apr 2:25pm

          But be advised these will include adverts and have red-flag period/s edited out

          1. Suckers

  4. Is the UK time GMT or BST?

    1. Why would it be GMT? The clocks changed on 27th March, so it will be BST

      1. @nvherman The article previously had these times titled as GMT, but it has since been changed to BST.

        It’s quite common for GMT to be used as “the time in England”, even if it’s incorrect for most of the year.

  5. @keithcollantine
    Channel 4 are showing Formula E Rome race two live, not race one, at 13:30 Sunday. Before the F1 highlights. According to their schedule.

    1. Also race 2 has been tagged as ‘Saturday’ in the table above when I assume it should say ‘Sunday’.

  6. I’m happy about getting a morning race after a while.
    2019 Japanese GP is the most recent Europe morning race, so about time.
    In the last two years, the only morning ones for me were SF races.
    Next season will have four such races in Europe for the first time since 2017, albeit still a minority.

  7. 10pm race on Saturday night here in California, same as next years Las Vegas Grand Prix

  8. playstation361 (@)
    5th April 2022, 8:24

    Nice to see things are getting quicker these days.

  9. @keithcollantine Is there any chance of putting this in the F1 2022 each race like used to happen in previous years? Makes it much easier to check times than having to rummage through the posts to track it down. Thanks!

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