Caption Competition 212: Marko my words

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Yuki Tsunoda has enjoyed a strong start to his third season in Formula 1 with AlphaTauri – even taking a point through the chaos of the Australian Grand Prix.

But what words of encouragement did he receive from Red Bull motorsport advisor Helmut Marko before the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix?

Can you come up with the best caption for this picture? Post your funniest suggestion in the comments below.

A selection of the best will feature in a future edition of the RaceFans Round-up.

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Will Wood
Will has been a RaceFans contributor since 2012 during which time he has covered F1 test sessions, launch events and interviewed drivers. He mainly...

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37 comments on “Caption Competition 212: Marko my words”

  1. So, you want to become a Formula 1 driver when you grow up?

  2. Agent 20 19 21 14 15 4 1, your conscription ends in 2023. You understand what this means.

  3. PickleMuffin
    15th April 2023, 11:00

    “Yuki, when I told you to ‘push it to 11’ this season I wasn’t talking about your finishing position…”

    1. Ahah, that’s my favourite!

  4. With this pace you’ll be opening your restaurant sooner than planned. You may want to call a certain Spanish DJ for special events animation…

    1. Also a good one!

      1. Isnt there a new Russian dj who recently spun for Williams?

  5. Finally, the last colossus…
    The ritual is nearly over…
    Yuki, Thy wish is nearly granted…
    But someone now stands to get in thy way…
    Make haste, for time is short…

  6. “and stop eating so much Sushi … it will give you blurred vision!”

  7. Yuki decided to turn to religion after witnessing an all-powerful deity appearing in the sky above him.

  8. Yuki seemed baffled when Helmut Marko approached him and whispered him “execute order 66”, just before Perez started from pole

    1. Ahah, star wars references are always great when someone crashes! But in that case he didn’t obey!

  9. Electroball76
    15th April 2023, 12:29

    Not to be outdone by Hamilton & Pitt, the team at Red Bull were busy working on “Attack Of The 50ft Marko”

    1. I like it :)

  10. Sayonara baby!

    1. Also a good, harsh one, at least the one above about opening a restaurant was just a threat, this one he’s already fired!

  11. Remember you need to prove yourself on track, not on the radio!

  12. Dean Stewart
    15th April 2023, 16:22

    M-m-m-my Tsunoda…..

    1. The overtones of this are disturbing

  13. “Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father…”

  14. You keep on outperforming Nyck & you’ll get to stay for next season.

  15. When you start your game and see a glimpse of the last boss

    1. Derek Edwards
      15th April 2023, 18:07

      Yuki instantly regretted asking for a more aggressive Helmut design.

  16. Iiiiiwasa is coming.

  17. Every time you crash the car, I grow an inch taller.

  18. ‘Fee-fi-fo-fum I smell the blood of a Japanese man’

  19. “Yuki, you’re doing it again. I told you the camera has to focus on me when you’re taking a selfie.”

  20. Shades of the movie Airplane “…….so have you ever seen a grown Marko naked before?”

  21. Electroball76
    16th April 2023, 1:19

    ..and if you look to your left now, you can see two Red Bulls and a gigantic Helmut..

  22. Marko my words… Yuki betta do betta…

  23. Yuki drew the short straw to notify Melbourne’s Air Traffic Control when Red Bull’s giant “Dr Marko” blimp broke free from its mooring.

  24. I can’t *bleeping* believe that *bleeping* Dr Marko tells me to *bleeping* focus on the race when he can’t stay in *bleeping* focus himself……………………………*bleep*.

  25. Roth Man (@rdotquestionmark)
    16th April 2023, 9:53

    Head masters office, NOW!

  26. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
    16th April 2023, 15:09

    Marko, I feel I’m ready to drive a Red Bull.

  27. Use the force, Yuk’

  28. Yuki just couldn’t fathom why God kept talking to him without his traditional white beard until he realised this was a recurring dream.

  29. Yuki: SOOOOOOOO!!! KEEPING BUSY!!!!!!

    Helmut: DON’T GET SMART, TINY!!!!!

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