Caption Competition 219: On your head, Helmut

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Ferrari team principal Frederic Vasseur vowed revenge after Red Bull team principal Christian Horner stuck a Red Bull sticker on him on the grid at Spa.

So what was Helmut Marko’s response when Vasseur attempted his counter attack on him?

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Will Wood
Will has been a RaceFans contributor since 2012 during which time he has covered F1 test sessions, launch events and interviewed drivers. He mainly...

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30 comments on “Caption Competition 219: On your head, Helmut”

  1. Dean Stewarrt
    5th August 2023, 10:23

    “This is the nearest you’ll get to leaving a mark on us this year Fred…..”

  2. Keep that away from me: it’s fifteen years bad luck 😨

    1. More seriously, I think it’s great that the different team principals joke around with each other like this. Compete hard, but stay friendly: that’s how sport should be.

  3. Derek Edwards
    5th August 2023, 10:33

    Here’s my job application with a summary of what I’ve achieved so far at Ferrari.

    1. Coventry Climax
      6th August 2023, 22:57


  4. Look at the size of that dandruff Helmet.

  5. Cristiano Ferreira Gonçalves
    5th August 2023, 11:42


  6. No Fred, I said put the sponsorship stickers on the Helmet.

  7. Drive to Survive Narrator: “…but no-one could touch Red Bull in 2023.”

  8. The regulations are clear – all Helmuts must carry an FIA-approved sticker.

    1. Good one!

  9. the latest neurotransmitter chip being created by Red Bull. When you put the chip in it gives you wings.

  10. “Don’t put stickers on my head, I’m not wearing my budget cap”

  11. Electroball76
    5th August 2023, 16:45

    “The power of Christ compels you! I cast you out, unclean spirit!”

  12. Richard Hill
    5th August 2023, 18:02

    Fred following through on his threat to stick it to Red Bull on race day…

  13. “Wear this electrode – it’ll make you think like a Ferrari strategist”

  14. Roth Man (@rdotquestionmark)
    5th August 2023, 20:54

    Here Helmut, take a Pride sticker.

  15. Luckily for Fred he failed to attach the sticker, as he later discovered it was his only copy of Mattia’s handover notes.

    1. Coventry Climax
      6th August 2023, 22:59


  16. You can’t make this move stick Vassur. I’m quicker by a whole second!

  17. I see you haven’t put much thoughts in your driver situation

  18. Here’s a sticker for Hugo Bull Ferrari. Maybe a Ferrari can win something with an RB19 next year

  19. Electroball76
    6th August 2023, 14:51

    This badge is like an FIA investigation. I can’t make it stick!

  20. That’ll not stick you don’t have enough downforce!

  21. “Come now, Helmut, don’t be a baby. It’s not like there is spyware on this tiny little sticker.”
    “Then why does it say ‘Mission We Know” instead of ‘Mission Winnow’?”

  22. Coventry CLimax
    6th August 2023, 23:06

    “Here, have this piece of our puzzle. We can’t solve it anyway, as we were never given all of the pieces to begin with.”

  23. Electroball76
    7th August 2023, 2:01

    You think this is bad? You should see where Toto wants to stick the crayons!

  24. Fred – “Must have really hurt having Nyck in that car… here’s a bandaid”

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