Oliver Bearman, Haas, Yas Marina, 2023

Bearman to drive in six F1 practice sessions for Haas

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Ferrari Driver Academy member and reserve driver Oliver Bearman will take up an active role at its customer team Haas during 2024.

Bearman has been named as one of the team’s reserve drivers for the upcoming season. He will also be given six opportunities to drive their cars during official practice sessions.

F1’s rules require teams to run an inexperienced driver in each of their cars in one practice session over the course of the season. Haas is going beyond that requirement by giving Bearman the chance to drive in the races at Imola, Circuit de Catalunya, Silverstone, Hungaroring, Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez and Yas Marina.

He had his first two practice outings for the team at the latter two venues last year, impressing them immediately with how quickly he adapted to an F1 car. Bearman also drove for Haas in the post-season test at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix venue.

Bearman’s F1 outings will fit around his second season in Formula 2 with Prema. He finished sixth in the championship with six wins in his rookie campaign in the category last year.

Haas also confirmed Pietro Fittipaldi will continue as one of their reserve drivers. The 23-year-old, who will race for Rahal Letterman Lanigan in IndyCar this year, started two races for Haas in 2020 and is entering his sixth year with the team.

“I’m pleased to have both Oliver Bearman and Pietro Fittipaldi as our reserve drivers,” said team principal Ayao Komatsu. “Oliver did a tremendous job for us last season settling in well and working through both his FP1 run programs in Mexico and Abu Dhabi and then with his test program. We’re looking forward to giving him the opportunity for more outings in FP1 in 2024 – with testing at a premium this is key running time, both for us to evaluate Oliver’s progress but also to enable him seat time in a Formula 1 car.

“Having Pietro with us for a sixth season is valuable as he again provides continuity and he’s been a great contributor to our program over the years – both on and off-track. We’re excited he’s landed a full-time IndyCar ride this season, so he can do what he loves to do – and that’s to race, but he’s there for us too as part of the Haas family.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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5 comments on “Bearman to drive in six F1 practice sessions for Haas”

  1. This guy is really, really good… but I’m afraid the guy next to him in PREMA in F2 could be even better. What a pair of drivers.

    1. I’ve watched Bearman sporadically since his British F4 days and I’ve never been overly impressed, to be honest. He is fast on his day, but inconsistent – and, worryingly, doesn’t seem to be getting any more consistent with age and experience. He needs a very, very strong second season in F2 to have a realistic chance of an F1 drive, in my opinion.

      1. Well, he had the most Sunday wins in F2 2023. Being a rookie. And being the youngest on the grid (I think). He’s 18. At that age Lewis was on FR2.0 and Seb on F-BMW. But I agree with the “he’s inconsistent” reasoning. I just think there’s still time to work on that.

        But maybe Andrea Kimi is even one step higher… that boy could be a special one.

      2. Sorry, Seb was in F3 Euroseries at that age (I want an “Edit” button…)

  2. This news can also be interpreted as, “Hey Kev…wake up this season or you’re out”.

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