RB Miami Grand Prix livery, 2024

RB unveil special rainbow livery for Miami Grand Prix

Formula 1

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RB has become the second team to present a special livery which it will use for this weekend’s Miami Grand Prix.

Red Bull’s second team has presented what it calls a “unique, colour-shifting” design in place of the blue, white and red palette it has used since it was rebranded at the start of the season.

The new look is intended to promote the team’s sponsors Visa and Cash App. The same colour scheme will appear on their F1 Academy car which is driven by Amna Al Qubaisi and run by MP.

The team have joined Ferrari in presenting a different livery for this weekend’s race. Ferrari have incorporate blue into their colour scheme to promote their new sponsor.

While the RB 01s will have a new style, the team has also confirmed it will bring a performance upgrade for their chassis this weekend as it seeks to consolidate and build on its sixth place in the standings. Daniel Ricciardo and Yuki Tsunoda will both have examples of their latest aerodynamics parts on their cars.

Ricciardo is still seeking his first points of the season, but was encouraged by their performance at the previous round. “The Shanghai result didn’t reflect it, but we made progress in China,” he said. “The performance of the car was strong and I’m confident that will continue.”

However he has a grid penalty for the race which was applied for overtaking Nico Hulkenberg under Safety Car conditions.

“Obviously, it’ll be a challenge this weekend given the three-place grid penalty, but we’ll be pushing for points,” he said.

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“It’s no secret that I love spending time in the States, so I’m looking forward to getting on track in Miami. I’ve only raced here once so I’m excited to go back. It can be a really hot physical race.”

Pictures: RB Miami Grand Prix livery

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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35 comments on “RB unveil special rainbow livery for Miami Grand Prix”

  1. My poor eyes!!

    1. You’ve been looking at the livid green of the Sauber for a number of races now, and your eyes still function?

      1. Only thanks to heavy-duty sunglasses

  2. Adam (@rocketpanda)
    2nd May 2024, 1:31

    Okay maybe an unpopular opinion but I rather like it. It’s so colourful! The change of shade going up the nosecone I think looks really nice, like in a grid full of cars with such boring, basic, corporate identities one so brightly coloured is so refreshing tbh.

    1. You’re not the only one. I suddenly find myself craving a tropical beverage.

    2. An Sionnach
      2nd May 2024, 2:02

      Yes, it looks great. Not even “special” livery fatigue can stand in its way!

    3. I think it looks very cool.

    4. I couldn’t agree more. I immediately started to like this one-off livery so much that instead of being only temporary, I wish it remained.

    5. I think you are right. I actually prefer it a lot over the standard livery!

      1. Their standard livery is awful.

      2. That’s not so tough to beat

    6. Indeed colourfull but a bit buzzy could be more suptiele applied for my tast.

  3. The nose is very instagram with the pink red yellow. Looks good on the whole. Much better than Ferrari. It’s what the cotd was asking for really.

  4. Doug Webster
    2nd May 2024, 2:14

    This looks nice to me. I think Faenza has had some of the most attractive liveries over the past ten years.

  5. They’ve outclassed the other Italian outfit with this. Love it.
    Now for the animated discussions, arm wavings and shoulder shrugging about performance.

  6. EffWunFan (@cairnsfella)
    2nd May 2024, 4:02

    I accept I am in the (current) minority, but – at least in that one picture – I think it loogs an absolute mess. Whilst the colour graduation may be a good idea in theory, the sponsor logos break it up such that it looks far too random.

    Maybe some flow vis paint will help it during free practice, if they can make out what the flow vis is doing over that colour-tastrophe.

    1. EffWunFan (@cairnsfella)
      3rd May 2024, 9:00

      With more pictures added to this article and elsewhere……

      I’m still in the minority, and I still don’t like it.

  7. At least it looks like they made a real effort with the design. Unlike Ferrari with their poor token effort of a dash of blue randomly placed.

  8. Thumbs up from me. F1 should be colourful.
    Stick with this one for the rest of the season because why not?

  9. Probably not a good sign of their team name that I even though I saw the Visa sponsorship on the car, after reading the title of the article and skipping the text my brain just registered it as a special livery for Red Bull (you know, shortened to RB), and I didn’t realize it was Toro Rosso until I scrolled down to the comments.

    1. I was confused to see the big VISA logo, to and had to scroll up to double check the title.

      People have been saying RB rather than RBR since forever to refer to the first two Red Bull cars, so this latest name change is … well. Not a fan!

      1. Of course, 90% of “special liveries” are reserved for USA, as yet another form of kissing their… hands. Considering the beauty of mentioned liveries, I’d take it more as an insult though.
        Now only if Andretti would finally shut up, instead of running to the Congress, and if Sargeant could start driving like an actual F1 driver so at least a few Americans would become aware of his existance… But you can’t have it all.
        Special liveries and fake yachts will have to do it.

        1. And sorry, this wasn’t meant to be a reply. I hate phones and their small screens. I’m in such a negative mood it seems.
          It makes me think… F1 seems to generate mostly negative emotions lately and provoke my cynical side.

        2. Don’t you mean “kissing their Haas”?

  10. Aside from the big white spaces for the Honda and Hugo logo’s, this looks pretty fun.

    It’s hard to pull off a gradient, but this is probably pretty close to getting it right.

  11. Very slight FW21 vibes.

    I like it.

  12. Well it is certainly “Different”
    It is vastly better than the colour clash mess that will be Ferrari this weekend.

    I dare say there may be offerings from other teams yet, so let’s wait and see if RB have won this particular fight to pander to the Yanks ;)

  13. I also like this livery, much better than ferrari ones and dare I say better than the usual red bull.

    1. Well, I guess it should be compared to toro rosso, but looks more similar to red bull’s usual livery to me, and in that respect it’s better, compared to toro rosso’s usual livery much better.

  14. F1 has lost it completely. Helmets and liveries are like a joke nowadays.

  15. hotwheels edition

  16. There are more pictures now than when I commented earlier. I really quite like it. It is a ‘special’ livery which delivers. We see that F1 can stand to put a coat of paint on their cars! (please note, Alpine, etc).

  17. Terrible, clueless design. From a distance in blurrs into sth purple with brighter accents.

  18. I think it’s just fabulous! 🌈

  19. At least they have gone all in, unlike the Ferrari almost different livery.

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