George Russell, Mercedes, Imola, 2024

First pictures from the 2024 Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix weekend

F1 Pictures

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Pictures from the build-up to the 2024 Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix at Imola.

George Russell took to the track in one of the three Mercedes which contested the famed Targa Florio sports car race in 1924, which the team won. The original race-winning car no longer exists.

The Mercedes driver shared the cockpit of the 100-year-old car with former Formula 1 driver Timo Glock. “It’s a car that you expect to be sitting in a museum for people to admire, rather than being driven,” said Russell. “Being entrusted with its first public outing since its restoration was a real honour, therefore.

“The way it drove was exceptional. The noise was fantastic and the handling through the corners, considering the narrow tyres, was very impressive. It was a real joy to get the chance to drive it, so I want to say a huge thank you to the Mercedes-Benz Classic team.”

This year’s race marks the 30th anniversary of the deaths of Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger at the Imola circuit. Several tributes to the pair are on display around the circuit, including at the statue of Senna near the Tamburello corner where his fatal crash occured.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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3 comments on “First pictures from the 2024 Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix weekend”

  1. Bobby (@shakenbake)
    16th May 2024, 16:21

    Is that Glock?!

    1. I was looking for this comment :)

  2. I’d like to get a copy of that Senna T-shirt.

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