Michael Schumacher receives compensation over ‘AI interview’

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Michael Schumacher and his family have been awarded £170,000 (€200,000) in compensation after a magazine published what it claimed was an interview with him.

The seven-times world champion has not been seen in public for over a decade. He suffered a serious brain injury in a crash while skiing in France in December 2013.

In April last year German publication ‘Die Aktuelle’ ran a two-page spread described as an “interview” with Schumacher. The piece was titled “Mein Leben hat sich total verändert” (“My life has totally changed”) and was promoted on its front page alongside a picture of Schumacher with the title “Das erste Interview” (“The first interview”).

Schumacher’s family took legal action over the article, which appeared to have been generated using an online artificial intelligence platform designed to create responses which mimic celebrities.

Uber Medien reports the Munich Labour Court confirmed Die Aktuelle’s publisher Funke-Mediengruppe paid the compensation to Schumacher’s family.

Report: Michael Schumacher’s family discuss his life after skiing crash in film

Following considerable criticism over its decision to publish the article, Die Aktuelle replaced its editor-in-chief soon afterwards.

Schumacher raced in F1 between 1991 and 2006, then returned to the series for a three-year stint in 2010. His son Mick competed in Formula 1 during 2021 and 2022 and now races for Alpine in the World Endurance Championship. He is also a reserve driver for Mercedes’ F1 team.

The Schumacher family has closely guarded details of his life since the crash. His condition has been the focus of huge interest. One journalist disguised as a priest was caught and evicted from the hospital Schumacher was first taken to.

Members of Schumacher’s family referred to his condition in an official documentary on his life released in 2021. His wife Corinna said: “Everybody misses Michael, but Michael is here. Different, but he’s here, and that gives us strength, I find.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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5 comments on “Michael Schumacher receives compensation over ‘AI interview’”

  1. Dick Dawson
    22nd May 2024, 19:11


  2. Die Aktuelle replaced its editor-in-chief soon afterwards

    Immediately wouldn’t have been soon enough.
    What an absolutely moronic thing to do…

  3. With Neuralink getting human trials, I wonder if his condition is compatible with the tech. There could be some hope for Schumacher there.

  4. Their callousness is matched only by their stupidity. The whole thing seems AI generated

  5. Chris Horton
    23rd May 2024, 11:45

    200k isn’t enough. I’m pretty sure that magazine made more profit from the article than that.

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