Frederic Vasseur, Monaco, 2024

Caption Competition 243: Frederic Wasser

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The Monaco Grand Prix weekend was a memorable one for Ferrari with Charles Leclerc taking victory in his home race.

But what was team principal Frederic Vasseur’s reaction to having to take a celebratory dunk in the harbour after the race?

Can you come up with the best caption for this picture? Post your funniest suggestion in the comments below.

A selection of the best will feature in a future edition of the RaceFans Round-up.

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Will Wood
Will has been a RaceFans contributor since 2012 during which time he has covered F1 test sessions, launch events and interviewed drivers. He mainly...

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39 comments on “Caption Competition 243: Frederic Wasser”

  1. Socks socks socks!

  2. Roth Man (@rdotquestionmark)
    1st June 2024, 11:32

    I’ve signed Mbappe as well!

  3. Derek Edwards
    1st June 2024, 11:33

    Fred is thrilled to win the “I bet I can swim faster than you were driving” wager with Charles.

  4. Some people know how to race in the rain, others just get wet.

  5. It was all sunshine and roses until he realized his 200K Richard Mille wasn’t water-resistant

    1. lolololololol

  6. By the way, I think the title should be the winner: Frederic Wasser

  7. I wish we’d won in Miami instead.

  8. Mr Sam X Crawford
    1st June 2024, 12:26

    “See, I told you we were good in the wet!”

  9. Celebrity dunk? Or was he just trying to step onto the boat and missed?

  10. A pain having to swim to Adrian’s yacht — but he signed.

    1. notagrumpyfan
      1st June 2024, 23:20

      Great one.

  11. Come on in Lewis – the waters fine.

  12. “After this, we’re going to have a celebratory procession through the streets of Monaco. My mistake, we’ve just done that…”

  13. Sorry, but you can’t have this victory watered down.

  14. Reporter “Is it true that you are against anti-dive”
    *SPLASH… moments later… *
    Vasseur “See i am not an anti-dive”
    Reporter ” I was referring to your car not you!”

  15. For once, Ferrari strategists were not the ones washed up!

    1. Urvaksh (@thedoctor03)
      1st June 2024, 20:06


  16. Bernie’s hoodlums put sprinklers in my motorhome.

  17. @guys Where do I find the results of the previous Caption Competition round?

    1. Scroll back and check the “Race Fans Roundup” pages.
      The results are announced in them.

  18. Urvaksh (@thedoctor03)
    1st June 2024, 20:05

    “Charles’ drive was magical. Almost Harry Potter-esque. I am his Albus Tumbledore.”

    1. As a fan i had to smile :)

      1. Urvaksh (@thedoctor03)
        3rd June 2024, 19:29

        Haha thank you @macleod

  19. Vasseur fails to get his Pirelli shoes into the right operating window

  20. I’m Santa from the sea and its Christmas time now – ho ho ho

  21. “Phew. That was close. I forgot I couldn’t swim.”

    1. “I’d step back if I were you guys. Zak’s jumping in next.”

      1. That’s the type of red salmon John West rejects!

  22. “Where is that champagne bottle I had in my hand moment ago”.

  23. The illusion fell apart when Fred Vasseur assisted his stunt double out of the water.

  24. “What Red Bull dominance? Don’t sweat it, it’s just water under the bridge.”

  25. Ian Murtagh
    2nd June 2024, 9:12

    “Hey Christian, I saw some parts of Perez’s car down there, might save you a few quid”

  26. Life as a Ferrari Team Principle? … I’ve taken to it, like a duck to water, literally…

  27. Newey shouting to Vasseur “I would shake your hand, but I hear you are a slippery customer!”

  28. Electroball76
    2nd June 2024, 9:43

    “Mom, can we get The Little Mermaid?”
    “No hun, we already have The Little Mermaid at home!”
    The Little Mermaid at home:

  29. Following fan complaints about Monaco’s “boring” track layout, Fred tries out a proposed alternative to the swimming pool section.

  30. ‘Box for drys Fred, box for drys – others are seeing chaffing’

  31. Fred discovered a loophole in the FIA’s fluid dynamic restrictions allowed Ferrari unlimited hours of testing provided it was in Monaco harbour.

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