Start, Red Bull Ring, 2024

Rate the race: 2024 Austrian Grand Prix

Formula 1

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What did you think of today’s race? Share your verdict on the Austrian Grand Prix.

RaceFans has held polls on every F1 race since 2008 to find out which fans thought of each round of the season.

Join in the latest poll and give your verdict on the race: 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest. Please vote based on how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was, not on how your preferred driver or team performed.

What were the best and worst moments of the race? What was the main thing you’ll remember about it? Rate the race out of ten and leave a comment below:

Rate the 2024 Austrian Grand Prix out of 10

  • 10 (10%)
  • 9 (27%)
  • 8 (28%)
  • 7 (17%)
  • 6 (9%)
  • 5 (2%)
  • 4 (2%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 2 (1%)
  • 1 (2%)

Total Voters: 121

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1 = ‘Terrible’, 10 = ‘Perfect’

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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52 comments on “Rate the race: 2024 Austrian Grand Prix”

  1. A decently exciting race overall.

  2. Poor driving not reprimanded quick enough ruined that.

  3. 9/10

    First half was a bit pedestrian, but the second half was edge of the seat material.

    1. Haha, “edge of the seat”?! How much is paint drying on the wall for you – 6/10?

      There was nothing happening until Verstappen’s last pitstop, which enabled Norris to get close. And after he did, it was just the only 2 overtaking spots offering a very predictable overtaking attempts by Norris. Then they collided and the race was dead again.
      It was just a bit of action. It was just descency and nothing beyond that.

      1. Indeed, I’m very surprised by the high ratings, I was watching on the background while doing other stuff because the first part was so boring, checking periodically, nothing happened, to the point that about halfway I completely closed the replay I was watching and decided I’d just read the results here, was shocked about the norris-verstappen contact cause verstappen was miles ahead till I stopped watching, and even then it took around 18 laps for something to happen, as in the slow pit stop and the battle between the 2, so it’s not like as soon as I stopped watching, it took 80% of the race until something interesting happened.

        I gave it 7 and 67% gave it higher than I did, but to me even a 7 is generous, probably the 7% of people who voted 6 are in the right.

    2. Seconded verdict, I voted 9/10 as well.

      I’d say the opening laps were quite good until the point when the positions were distributed. Excellent second half up and down the field. Both on track tyre-related tactics.

  4. Yes (@come-on-kubica)
    30th June 2024, 15:34

    Decent race but but my word does verstappen struggle to fight other drivers fairly. Awful conduct and 10s not good enough.

  5. Laughing Orc
    30th June 2024, 15:36

    Looks like Max Verstappen has regressed 4 / 5 years. Nice to see he’s still an obnoxious sore loser if he’s not dominating the race. His ‘defensive’ moves against Norris were clumsy at best, but he’s a good enough driver that he doesn’t make those kind of clumsy mistakes, so I have to read them as the kind of aggressive, dangerous, bull-headedness that characterised a lot of his earlier F1 career.

    1. VER never changed (in fact, adults in general rarely change). nobody was able (LEC briefly in 2022) to fight with him after 2021 so people forgot his true colors. but now that McLaren is catching RedBull we can all enjoy vintage VER in 4K.

  6. BLS (@brightlampshade)
    30th June 2024, 15:37

    What was shaping up to be a very good race was ruined by Verstappen and his inability to not wander in braking zones. I’m happy with the resultant podium though so that does bump the score back up a bit.

    1. Neither covered themselves in glory but Max really can’t stand not being the top dog. Every time he has a bit of competition he starts driving like that.

  7. 9/10 edge of the seat stuff the last 20-25 laps

    Why do people moan about dirty racing unless the stewards are blatantly useless in dealing with it. I thought Rate The Race was about entertainment, and it’s certainly more entertaining than the nonevents we’ve had before. Some will never be happy

    1. 19 laps, sorry, not my intention to be pedantic, 20 is a perfectly acceptable approximation, but I see very high ratings to this race, which was processional for the most part, and I notice that people are exagerating the amount of laps where there was battling, like the 25 in this case.

  8. We saw the same thing in the latter half of 21, put Max under pressure and he cracks.
    You cant drive in real life like you do in sim racing…

  9. Strange that Max doesn’t like the ‘move or we’ll crash’ technique when it’s someone else doing it to him. You’d think he’d have mellowed with a few championships under his belt but apparently he still can’t let the lead go gracefully.

    1. Yes, I think verstappen is the closest recent driver to schumacher\senna, the group of drivers who wanted to win at all costs and would try everything to not concede the lead, it’s just a different attitude he has compared to hamilton for example, I was very surprised when he refused to let perez by in brazil 2022, even though they were in lowly positions, and I guess it’s the same reason.

  10. For the first three quarters it was a 3, cars just driving around on their own, with the continuing antics of Ocon and Gasly being the only real thing of interest. Verstappen’s slow stop brought it to life, and then the battle between Max and Lando bumps it up to a 7 overall.

    So yet again we see the Max of 2021 who tries to bully and intimidate on track when he doesn’t have a pace advantage. Is this the end the start of the end of he and Lando being friends. Easy enough to be friends with someone if you know you’ve got them covered because you have a quicker car. Saying that, for the second time this weekend, Lando’s race craft was poor. Instead of complaining on the radio every 10 s, just get on with it! You had the quicker car.

    Congratulations to Russell, excellent all round weekend. There to pick up the pieces, his middle stint on the mediums was really good and him continually being better than LH in qualifying paid off today as it meant he got strategy preference and he was the one ready to capitalise.

    1. Perfectly agree, horrible rating for the first part and then it recovered a bit in the end, it was bad enough I completely stopped watching halfway through and only resumed (since I watch replays more often than not and not live I can do that) when I found out on here that something happened late race.

  11. A cracking race sadly tarnished by some amateur driving from Max. His defence is horrendous and the incident was very predictable, Baku 2018 style. I was arguing the point just the other day that Max is one of the greatest drivers of all time. He’s gone down in my estimations now… he seems to crumble under pressure. Sadly he’s been rewarded with extending his championship lead. Glad Piastri was able to work his way through to salvage something for McLaren. Bring on a home win for Norris next week! Gave it an 8.

  12. Was that Max also being on par with Senna and Clark, Christian?

    Really surprising to see that despite all Max’s talent and success, he still cannot address his greatest flaw. Too many times when he’s under serious pressure, he cracks and decides to make sure his opponent won’t make it through by any means necessary. He doesn’t need to do it.

    1. Nikos (@exeviolthor)
      30th June 2024, 16:04

      Well to be fair, Senna was also driving like this. No rules against it at his time though.

    2. I wouldn’t say VER cracks under pressure (he rarely does). He goes Michael Douglas’ Falling Down all the way down and that’s when contact occurrs.

    3. Not the best comparison indeed if you wanted to make verstappen look different than senna: this kind of aggressive defensive moves are exactly a reminiscent of senna and schumacher!

  13. Voted 8. First half a bit meh, and still too much track limits issues.

    1. @mxmxd The track limits are pointless and annoying now. No need with the gravel. Just let them use the track they want and push to the limit, the penalty is there automatically if they push too far.

  14. 9/10. Real Formula 1 racing back at last. How do we know? Collisions at the front…

  15. 8 because the first half was chronic. The last bit was epic:)

    Respect to HAAS for getting a double points finish.
    Ricciardo should feel good about beating Yuki and Leclerc did a great job considering his start.

    Can’t wait to hear Checo’s excuses……

    1. Car damage apparently, there’s always something! When verstappen has car damage (miami) he still comes comfortably in second place, against a super-fast mclaren that particular race.

  16. It’s safe to say that Max caused the accident, but Lando played his part too. You know what you are going to get with Verstappen if you go wheel to wheel with him. You have to box clever. I’m hoping Lando learns from this as his intentions were good, and I respect him for not backing off. It’s just that next time Max does that to you it is him retiring and not you. In other racing series, especially in the US, Verstappen would have been dumped in the wall years ago.

  17. Nikos (@exeviolthor)
    30th June 2024, 16:06

    I think that the colision helped the race get a high score. Imagine if Lando had passed Max just to be penalised for exceeding track limits…

  18. Really hard to rate this one. The first 2/3 of the race was abysmal; something from the late 90s Barcelona races. When the commentators on F1TV are talking about football and the silly season by lap 10, you know the race is not the most engaging. But the race did come alive in the end, so I suppose a 6/10 is in order.

    1. Indeed, voting can’t be changed unfortunately, I went for a 7, but you’re right, the race was so horrible early on that even with the battling between verstappen and norris, the collision and puncture, and the battling between piastri and sainz it doesn’t deserve more than 6.

  19. I’m going to post this here even though it isn’t mine. It is from a fan on Twitter and I think it bears re-posting.

    “It should be noted that Sergio Perez still finished 2 places behind Max Verstappen despite his teammate driving more than half a lap with a puncture, making an extra pit stop and having a 10 second penalty added to his race time”

    It’s a fair point yes?

    1. @nullapax Red Bull might just as well say, look, it’s the sponsorship money. But thanks for the concern.
      I’m not sure I’ve ever seen such an irrelevant driver in one of the lead racing cars in Formula 1. Worse, yes. But less relevant? Nobody even bothers registering Perez as a factor in races any more.

      1. I believe his performance is now as bad as that of albon and gasly when they were at red bull, the thing is they didn’t last long for obvious reasons; perez did a better job in 2021, however he’s just getting worse, especially since mid 2023.

  20. Both the track limit penalty for Norris (which would have ruined the race completely if they hadn’t clashed) – as well as Verstappen’s penalty for the clash are completely nonsense. F1 is it’s own worst enemy. We finally have fights for the victory and they ruin it with petty rules and bad stewards. If this continues I am seriously out and I’ll stop watching (after following F1 for more than 30 years).

    1. Yes, unfortunately it’s nothing new, verstappen said it years ago as well “they’re doing a good job at killing races”, just let them race, since you’ve been following over 30 years the contrast to the 80s and 90s in how much they let them race will be evident.

  21. A proper race broke out, but boy it’s hard to watch with all the whining on the radio and petty race-control announcements. Maybe that’s always been there, but I doubt it. Can’t enjoy a race until TV starts presenting the contest in a more positive light.

    Disappointingly amateur from Norris, who had enough laps and pace to move decisively, from not so far back. Sickening moves from Verstappen, right from the bottom of Schumacher’s barrel, trying to run him off the track when they both had punctures.

  22. Better than usual, but the thing that ruined it for me was just the stewards being too slow in making any decisions between Lando and Max. Nothing was decided until after their final coming together…come on, sort this out. The outcome would definitely have been different had they been quicker on making a decision.

    1. Think about it though: someone said it as well, if they had penalised norris the race would’ve ended right there, verstappen could’ve let him by and stayed within drs, we’d get a repeat of canada 2019, a good race ruined by a silly penalty.

      Conspiracy theory now: what if they purposely waited for their crash to give the penalty? So that norris’ penalty didn’t matter any more at that point, hence no race ruined by the stewards.

  23. Piastri should have won this race, but he missed it yesterday. Hopefully a lesson learned for him.

    Ironically the incident between Norris and Verstappen spared F1 the embarrassing scenario where Verstappen would have won after Norris penalty was applied.

    McLaren has come a long way, but they need to take a few more steps in how they tackle the weekends. They should have more than one win by now.

    1. I was surprised for example that norris followed verstappen into the pits: you can’t count on your opponent having a slow pit stop, that didn’t look like a strategy aiming for victory.

  24. 8/10 Engrossing. I’m still processing. More of this, please!

  25. I think some have been quite generous here. 7/10 for me. I thought it was pretty dire up until about lap 50. Then it sprung into life though.
    Max was lucky to escape with 5th. Lando was unlucky but I think part of this is experience. Max requires a tough approach.

    1. @phil-f1-21 Whilst I voted the same, I am not so surprised that the spread is centered a little higher than that (At the time of writing). Races that clearly are not the worst ever, or anywhere near that, often garner 1’s and 2’s. Was this race amongst the best ever, or as the legend describes ‘Perfect’. I would say objectively not. It is difficult to see how it could even be regarded as one step down from perfection.

      Having written the above I am even beginning to think 7 is potentially generous.

      1. + 1. A little excitement does easily sway people I agree. 9s though! It’s a bit much if you ask me. Anyway, each to their own.

        1. Yes, agree, I would say 7 is generous, 6 is more like it and indeed very dire until lap 50-51.

          If you want an example of a great austria race which I voted 9 is the 2018 one: very unpredictable, and in different moments of the race mercedes, ferrari and red bull had the fastest car.

          I think the 2019 version was great too with verstappen recovering from a bad start with the fastest car and his battle with leclerc in the end.

  26. Last 20 laps reminded me of why I love the sport so much!

  27. I did rather enjoy proceedings today, though it is hard to ignore that the historical lack of action at the sharp end perhaps exaggerated the level of satisfaction I derived from this event. I have regularly advocated the contribution of battles through the whole field in these Poll discussions, and whilst I remain of the same opinion, it is undeniable that a battle for the lead is even more tantalizing.

    However. Now the dust has settled, and though I still think it was a good race, I am feeling a little less grateful for the small morsels of proper F1 drama we were given and – perhaps unreasonably – continue to hope for even more.

  28. 8 for me. Not the outcome I was hoping for, but enough action and tension in the race up to Max silly behavior. Alonso quickly switching tires to get fastest lap away from Max was funny.

  29. I think a 8/10 for entertainment and also like the hard racing. But one point less for the ridiculous long DRS zones. DRS was too much of a factor this weekend.

  30. 8/10
    The race was as spicy in the second half as dull in the first half.

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