Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Red Bull Ring, 2024

Verstappen’s unseen post-crash error and thwarted bid for fastest lap bonus

Formula 1

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Max Verstappen salvaged 10 useful points after his collision with Lando Norris in the Austrian Grand Prix. But his bid to take another was thwarted by an unexpected rival.

While Norris retired due to the damage caused by his punctured tyre, Verstappen was able to continue. He left the pits in fifth place with seven laps remaining.

Lewis Hamilton was six-and-a-half seconds ahead of him in fourth place. Though that was a large gap to reduce, Verstappen was running a set of soft tyres which, although used, had more life in them than Hamilton’s harder, 11-lap-old medium rubber.

Indeed, Verstappen might have been in an even better position had he not used his final fresh set of soft tyres in qualifying to better a lap time which was already quick enough for pole position, a decision Norris expressed surprise at after the session.

But Verstappen committed a greater error soon afterwards. He was instructed to make a settings change during the Safety Car period but hit the wrong button and activated his pit lane speed limiter instead:

Lap: 65/71 VER: 1’33.697
Lambiase Strat 11 tyre eight. Strat 11 tyre eight.
Lambiase Okay so you’ve got Hamilton at seven seconds ahead Max. Seven laps remaining. Hamilton pace…
Verstappen {Interrupts} Did you see the floor damage?
Lambiase Hamilton pace 9.9. Nothing we can do about that now Max so just focus on the car ahead.
Lambiase ‘VSC deployed, VSC deployed. Plus one. And fail 10. Fail 1-0 fail.
Lap: 66/71 VER: 1’23.719
Verstappen Mate my delta’s fucked. I have no power. Hello?
Lambiase Stand by Max. {Feed cuts out}
Verstappen Why am I negative? What’s going here?
Lambiase Stand by Max, stand by.
Lambiase Okay VSC ending Max and you had the pit lane speed limiter on. VSC ending.
Verstappen Yeah but the delta was fucked.
Lap: 67/71 VER: 1’11.691
Lambiase We’ve lost four seconds to Hamilton ahead.

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Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Red Bull Ring, 2024
Verstappen switched to softs in bid for fastest lap
Running at the pit lane speed limit instead of the Virtual Safety Car delta time cost Verstappen four-and-a-half second compared to Hamilton ahead. He ended the race 4.1 seconds behind the Mercedes driver, and as the DRS effect was so powerful there’s a reasonable chance he could have caught his rival for two more points.

At this point Verstappen had not been given his 10-second penalty for colliding with Norris. But Red Bull presumably thought it was likely, as their priority at this point was not catching Hamilton but trying to take the bonus point for fastest lap.

Norris had the fastest lap at this point but was doomed not to score the point as he would be classified outside the top 10. Verstappen was told the McLaren driver had set a 1’08.0 lap and duly beat it by 0.297 seconds:

Lambiase Okay, so five laps remaining. Gap ahead 11. So Max let’s have recharge on, recharge on. Let’s prep the next lap. For info the fastest lap is an 8.0.
Verstappen What do I have on my dash?
Lambiase Strat one, please Max, strat one. Currently a purple lap is -0.6 on your dash, -0.6.
Verstappen What mode?
Lambiase Mode one please and recharge on.
Lap: 69/71 VER: 1’08.321
Lambiase And mode six, strat 10.

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Fernando Alonso, Aston Martin, Red Bull Ring, 2024
Alonso thwarted Verstappen’s bid for bonus point
After the race, Red Bull notified Verstappen of his penalty. But they neglected to tell him his bid for fastest lap time had been in vain.

Fernando Alonso, evidently bored with his run to 17th place opted to pit for a set of softs at the end. With his final lap of the race he produced a 1’07.694, snatching the fastest lap from Verstappen by 0.025s.

As Alonso finished outside of the top 10 in 18th, he didn’t score the bonus point, but it did mean Verstappen lost one. Given his mood, it’s perhaps understandable that Lambiase chose not to point it out to him.

Lap: 71/71 VER: 1’08.518
Lambiase Okay so final lap.
Chequered flag
Lambiase Recharge on and fail 84 please Max.
Lambiase Max, heads-up you were given a 10-second penalty for that incident with Lando, just in case you’re quizzed about that after the race.
Verstappen Of course. Yeah, sure. That’s just ridiculous. You can just send it left and right. What do you want me to do?
Horner Yeah he didn’t behave correctly, Max. So, yeah, desperately unlucky, especially here. But, you did your very best.
Verstappen Yeah. I mean the race itself was also just shit, to be honest. Many things to improve on. But that’s what it is.

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16 comments on “Verstappen’s unseen post-crash error and thwarted bid for fastest lap bonus”

  1. This may well have been answered already somewhere, but do we know why Alonso/Aston Martin did this?

    Was there a genuine technical reason, or was it just to be spiteful – or for a laugh?

    1. So, someone could do it in a title deciding race when e.g. Verstappen or whoever needs 1 point to win the WDC.

      1. Of course.

        And what would be wrong with that?

        The point for “fastest-lap” is for “the fastest lap of the race”, not for “the fastest lap of the race as long as you are a championship contender”. As with the points for position.

        1. The point for fastest-lap is for the fastest lap of the race as long as you finish in the top ten though, which Alonso didn’t.

          1. Fastest laps were a thing before points too, it’s better to end your career with 40 than 20 fastest laps on your stats.

      2. So, someone could do it in a title deciding race when e.g. Verstappen or whoever needs 1 point to win the WDC.

        Yep, just that.
        Like RBR could, and did during 2021, pit Perez for new soft tyres so that he could snatch the point from Hamilton.
        It’s called team tactics.

        What you call the FL run Alonso did I don’t know, although the English phrase “dog in the manger” comes to mind.

    2. It’s called racing although there are 3 of the 20 drivers that wouldn’t challenge for fastest lap unless someone in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th fastest teams was going to get the point.

    3. Its for the ‘DHL Fastest Lap’ trophy..

      1. Oh wow – I had never heard of this. Very interesting.
        Thanks for the link ;)

    4. There’s records for highest amounts of fastest laps too, so I’d say: if you can do it why not.

  2. I could’ve never guessed he accidentally activated the pit limited during the VSC neutralization, like Hamilton in the 2007 Brazilian GP & Kovalainen in the next race, i.e., the 2008 season-opener.
    DRS isn’t necessarily very powerful at Red Bull Ring, though, & never has been, given the altitude impact that reduces effectiveness to an extent, similar to Interlagos.

    1. If your talking about what I think your talking about watch the onboard of Lewis and your see he doesnt touch the steering wheel buttons till after the car decides to have a ‘box full of neutrals’…

  3. I love to hear it from Christian that someone ‘isn’t behaving correctly’.

    1. I love to hear it from Christian that someone ‘isn’t behaving correctly’.

      Indeed. An opinion from a world expert on not behaving correctly.

      1. Ahah, indeed, didn’t think about that but it’s a good point with what happened this year.

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