Matt Mella as Alain Prost and Gabriel Leone as Ayrton Senna in Netflix's Senna series, 2024

Netflix reveal new details and November launch date for six-part Senna series

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The new Netflix series based on the life of Ayrton Senna will debut on November 29th in Brazil.

The six-part series on the life of the three-times Formula 1 world champion was originally announced in 2020 for release two years later.

“Over the course of six episodes, ‘Senna’ will, for the first time, depict the journey of overcoming obstacles, ups and downs, joys, and sorrows of Ayrton, exploring his personality and personal relationships,” said the broadcaster in a statement.

“The starting point will be the beginning of the three-time Formula 1 champion’s racing career when he moved to England to compete in Formula Ford, all the way to the tragic accident in Imola, Italy, during the San Marino Grand Prix.”

The series stars Gabriel Leone as Senna and Matt Mella as rival Alain Prost. Other prominent characters include McLaren team principal Ron Dennis (Patrick Kennedy), Senna’s girlfriend Xuxa Meneghel (Pamela Tome) and Brazilian television commentator Galvao Bueno (Gabriel Louchard).

The cast list confirms other F1 figures portrayed in the series include world champions Niki Lauda, Nelson Piquet and James Hunt, Williams team principal Frank Williams, Lotus team principal Peter Warr, Honda F1 engine head Osamu Goto, FIA president Jean-Marie Balestre, FIA medical delegate Sid Watkins and photographer Keith Sutton.

The series was created in partnership with Senna’s family. Several of his relatives and other friends are depicted in the series, including his mother and father as well as another girlfriend, Adriane Galisteu.

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Senna was previously the subject of a feature-length documentary in 2010, also called ‘Senna’. A new feature-length documentary focusing on his early years, Senna Kart – Pure Competition, is in production.

Senna Netflix series production images

Senna Netflix series official teaser trailer

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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2 comments on “Netflix reveal new details and November launch date for six-part Senna series”

  1. I am curious how honest the Senna-Prost rivalry will be depicted here. Neither Prost, nor Senna were innocent choir boys and both played dirty and were very good at intra-team politics. A biographical series should be able to show all aspects of the main character’s life and character, both good and bad.

    I will surely have a look, if only for the racing scenes (and hopefully they don’t go for the “change gear to pass” gimmick you see in so many “racing” movies).

  2. Hakk The Rack
    19th July 2024, 8:58

    The 1991 McLaren seems fake. I assume it’s not the original MP4/6. What do you think?

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