Red Bull's 2024 Hungarian Grand Prix update

Red Bull remove engine cover ‘cannons’ in major RB20 update – but they may return

Formula 1

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Red Bull have removed the distinctive engine cover ‘cannons’ from their RB20 as part of the biggest update the team has introduced so far this season.

The engine cover extensions were an eye-catching addition to the team’s new design for 2024 as they strongly resembled those used on Mercedes’ unsuccessful 2023 car, the W14. Red Bull says they have been removed as a “circuit specific” alteration for this weekend, suggesting they may return at later rounds.

The team appears to plan to switch between the bodywork configurations for different tracks. If so, it would be no surprise to see them revert to their previous set-up for the next race at Spa-Francorchamps, a high-speed track where temperatures are often much cooler.

The new, flatter bodywork is intended to provide more effective cooling for the RB20 at what is expected to be one of the hottest races of the season so far.

Together with revisions to the sidepods, Red Bull say the new design offers “better cooling efficiency… for a high ambient temperature and relatively slow circuit with the revised geometry by reducing the load losses in such conditions from the exits.”

Red Bull has made one further circuit-specific alteration as a result of the change. It has reshaped the fairings around its Halo to improve the airflow over the upper bodywork towards the rear wing.

The team introduced an upgrade to its floor on Max Verstappen’s car at the previous race. The driver said the team need to unlock more performance from its car as they have faced stronger competition from rivals McLaren and Mercedes in recent races.

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The RB20 sports three further performance upgrades this weekend. All four elements of the front wing have been reshaped. “Knowledge from the previous wings has allowed us to extract more load form revised profiles without affecting flow stability and protect downstream consequences,” say Red Bull.

Red Bull has also revised the shroud around the forward leg of the front lower wishbone. This has an important aerodynamic effect ahead of the entry to the car’s floor, and Red Bull say the change will increase the pressure downstream.

Finally, Red Bull have altered the rear wheel bodywork with a view to improving the air intake pressure at the brake and caliper. The ultimate goal is to improve aerodynamic efficiency rather than braking performance.

Pictures: Red Bull RB20 updates

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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22 comments on “Red Bull remove engine cover ‘cannons’ in major RB20 update – but they may return”

  1. An Sionnach
    19th July 2024, 12:05

    Hopefully some of this works. If Max in a Red Bull was to race someone of Max level in a McLaren for the rest of the season, the title race would soon be as over as it was in 2022. As it is, competition between the McLaren and Mercedes cars and drivers, along with driver inconsistencies, should make it more interesting.

    1. I hope it doesn’t work.

      1. I hope Max win 24 seconds ahead Perez

        1. And that would benefit the sport how?

          1. Lots of talks in the media during the summer break about Lawson who will replace Perez for the remainder of the season

  2. Coventry Climax
    19th July 2024, 12:12

    I’d have called that reshaping, instead of removing actually.
    They’re still there, in the back, but the front of them have been narrowed, and the top flattened.

    Remarkably, they either seem to have been fully empty, or otherwise the components beneath that part of bodywork were relatively easy to move to other locations.

    It’ll be hard for us to confirm if it works or not. Other teams have brought updates as well, and Hungary is a Mickey Mouse type circuit with different characteristics to most. Plus, it’s predicted to be hot, which seems to be an advantage to Red Bull. Since that’s a word that relative, it may be a disadvantage to others.

    Let’s wait whether we see this configuration return in the future and what it’s impact is on race results over more than just one round.

    1. Coventry Climax
      19th July 2024, 12:21

      If it does work, and Red Bull decide to run different shapes of body work depending on the circuit, I expect the FiA to come up with some sort of rule stating bodywork must (to whatever degree) remain the same during a season.

      That’s in line with their policy to rein in all types of possible car development and moreover, totally consistent with how they themselves always keep the rules unchanged and the stewardry consistent over a season..

      Yep, JereJJ, thats a prediction. ;-)

      1. Most of the teams already use “track specific” bodywork like the “Monza rear wings”, of course they also reuse these parts for other circuits too. Also FIA also has a set of rules that indirectly handles this problem: budget cap. It’s just not feasible anymore.

        1. Coventry Climax
          19th July 2024, 17:28

          I don’t put bodywork and wings in the same category, although true, the bodywork serves an aero purpose.

          What you (and I) think is logic seems to not register with the FiA themselves, unfortunately, as otherwise they would not restrict so many other things as well.

    2. BMW P85 V10
      19th July 2024, 14:08

      It’s not that remarkable that the ” canons” have been fully empty. You don’t want to bring up any components this high in the car if you can place them lower. It would have impacted the center of gravity to much.

      1. Coventry Climax
        19th July 2024, 17:23

        I know enough about automotive engineering that I full well know the energy store would’nt have been there..
        But they very well could be/have been some inside air-ducts.
        Also, light components that they nonetheless would like to be relatively easily accessible could well be/have been there.

  3. Good riddance to them. Two useless lumps out of the way, that’s a good start…

    1. Coventry Climax
      19th July 2024, 13:03

      As the article clearly states though, they’re pieces of bodywork that might be very useful, if just not on all circuits.

      To be honest, Red Bull run a much less useful work of body, and recently even exteded it’s contract.

    2. Derek Edwards
      19th July 2024, 14:46

      Three useless lumps if they ditch Perez over the summer break.

      (Sorry, it was an open goal…)

      1. Coventry Climax
        19th July 2024, 17:31

        And an hour and 43 minutes after I scored, the goal is still open.

  4. Either way, Red Bull clearly feeling pressure rather than running away with almost every race is a welcome change. Would love to see a back shot of that car in this iteration.

    1. notagrumpyfan
      19th July 2024, 15:24

      From the back it’s just ’smoke and mirrors’ unfortunately.

    2. they’re under pressure but these updates were probably coming this race regardless of their situation on the championship.
      Their major package last season also came in Hungary.

  5. Chris Horton
    19th July 2024, 14:14

    Well it looks a lot better. Those cannons are hideous.

    1. Coventry Climax
      19th July 2024, 17:38

      That’s been said of so many developments before already. But if they work and all teams do it, we get used to it easily enough.

      To the point even, that we think it’s cool if we see a (family!) road car with it – even if that’s just looks and not functional. Just look at the diffusers that so many cars now have. But look underneath those cars, and you’ll find such a mess there aero-wise, that there’s hardly a laminar airflow to manage at all. 95% of them are completely pointless, just like the ‘eco’ or ‘green’ sticker.

  6. BLS (@brightlampshade)
    19th July 2024, 17:23

    Definitely looks nicer. Wonder how it effects the cooling given the temps this weekend.

  7. Feersumenjin
    19th July 2024, 17:28

    Odd is it not that those are the two very areas of the car that Newey alledgedly was against as reported in his reasons for leaving speculative articles?

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