Zak Brown, Oscar Piastri, McLaren, Spa-Francorchamps, 2024

Caption Competition 248: Brown goes orange

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McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown decided he had enough tattoos after adding a second when Lando Norris scored his first grand prix win in Miami earlier this year.

So when Oscar Piastri achieved his breakthrough victory two months later in Hungary, Brown told his driver he’d arrange another forfeit to mark his triumph. Piastri’s boss promised him a bright orange mohawk, though he may not have quite stuck to the spirit of the deal…

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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26 comments on “Caption Competition 248: Brown goes orange”

  1. Derek Edwards
    17th August 2024, 10:12

    But Zak, I was just ribbing you.

    1. Zak Vicious meets drivers ahead of the Sux Pistols reunion after the Hungarian Grand Prix.

  2. McLaren performance improvement is thanks to a newly found Easter egg.

  3. Zac sporting his helmet hair.

  4. Let the bulls know there’s a new rooster in this field.

    1. Like the idea, especially considering McLaren has one of the strongest line up…

      “Zak can’t stop about McLaren having the best rooster this year”

  5. Behind the scenes of the new live action Netflix show, Mario Kart: F1. Zak and Oscar will play the roles of Bowser and Baby Mario.

  6. Attempting Undercover Boss without having watched the show, Zak somehow wasn’t receiving the insider knowledge he desired.

  7. Zac… “Who’s the young punk now!”

  8. Coventry Climax
    17th August 2024, 16:46

    Pss.. don’t tell: My tattoos were just wash-off stickers as well.

  9. “Can you tell me where my country lies?”
    said the unifaun to his true love’s eyes.
    “It lies with me!” cried the Queen of Maybe
    For her merchandise, he traded in his prize.

    1. Very elegant!

      (“The deck is uneven right from the start, and all of their hands are playing a part…“)

  10. Hey Zak, is that a strategic error or one of Lando’s mistakes?

  11. “Zak, Galahs are pink and grey”

  12. Last of the McLarens

    1. Scotty (@rockonscotty)
      18th August 2024, 0:39


  13. Foghorn Leghorn – I say, I say boy come over here and get your photo taken.

  14. Zac, fresh from a mosh pit stop.

    1. Only three letters in his name, and I still stuff it up.. D’oh!!

  15. Henrik Jørgensen
    18th August 2024, 10:30

    First a tattoo, now a haircut. Next up is a piercing

  16. That time when Birdman won an Oscar.

  17. “Don’t worry Oska ma boy Lando will be gone soon, I’ll see to that” !

  18. Orange is the new Brown

  19. It’s impossible to look more embarrassing than Lando did with Trump after his first win!

  20. After finally not throwing away a victory, McLaren had to find another way to make themselves look like clowns.

    1. Good one!

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