Santino Ferrucci, 2024

Ferrucci secures second Foyt IndyCar seat for 2025 alongside Malukas


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Santino Ferrucci has extended his deal to drive for AJ Foyt’s IndyCar team next season as part of a “multi-year” deal.

He joined Foyt last year having spent the previous two seasons without a full-time IndyCar drive. Ferrucci’s team mate will be David Malukas, who signed for the team last month.

Foyt president Larry Foyt said Ferrucci and the team “have really gelled over the last two seasons and he’s a big part of our recent success.”

Ferrucci goes into this weekend’s season finale 10th in the standings on 339 points, substantially more than the 214 he scored last year when he finished 19th. Foyt agreed a technical partnership with Penske prior to the start of this season.

“This continuity is great for the team and I believe the pairing of Ferrucci and Malukas next season is a powerful combination for AJ Foyt Racing,” Foyt added.

Ferrucci scored his first IndyCar pole position in Portland last month and finished fourth in the last two races on the Milwaukee oval, his best results so far this season.

His results in the Indianapolis 500 race have been especially strong, peaking with fourth place in 2020. Ferrucci believes the team can do even better in future following their association with Penske.

“I think Larry’s done a great job building the team so they are now in a position to win an Indy 500 and compete for championships,” he said. “Everybody that’s there is what made this team’s amazing turnaround. We’ve all put a lot of time, energy and hard work into this program and I really want to see it through, not just as the driver but on a personal level too.”

Ferrucci’s previous best championship positions were 13th in 2019 and 2020 when he drove for Coyne. He made his IndyCar debut in mid-2018 after being fired by Formula 2 team Trident.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “Ferrucci secures second Foyt IndyCar seat for 2025 alongside Malukas”

  1. This makes me happy. He’s the driver I love to hate. He’s the quintissential pantomime villain of the piece.

    I was going to suggest you go to this link to his first appearance on this website, wearing some hilariously bad jeans with stitching seemingly designed to look like his privates, but the photo has been removed from the page. Why Keith? It had periodically given me a giggle.

    Ah good, I found another photo of them.

    1. Hahahahhaha@that last photo.

      He really is a driver one can love to hate. I look forward to seeing his many failures and embarrassments as his “career” continues. Make animosity great again!

  2. Ferrucci was SO exciting to watch in the Milwaukee races. In fact, in pretty much every oval race he’s exciting to watch.

    1. Yes. I’m more a fan of the non-oval races, but I absolutely loved those Milwaukee oval races, and his starring dirt track overtaking style was quite remarkable, I was impressed. Maybe one day I’ll switch round to hating to love him instead.

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