Haas with Toyota branding, 2024

Toyota not planning F1 team or power unit after return with Haas

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Toyota’s return to Formula 1 with Haas is not a step towards a return as a chassis or engine builder, it has indicated.

The manufacturer competed in F1 as a full works team between 2002 and 2009. Its branding will appear on Haas’ cars from the next round of the world championship as the two begin a new technology and resource sharing arrangement.

Several of Toyota’s rivals will have a more significant presence on the grid from 2026. Audi will have a full works team, Honda is returning as Aston Martin’s power unit supplier and Ford is assisting Red Bull in its hybrid development programme.

But Toyota Gazoo Racing general manager Masaya Kaji told media including RaceFans today: “We have no plan to have a team in Formula 1. At this moment we have our best choice, the best option to collaborate with Haas.”

“Regarding the power unit, unfortunately we have no plan to enter power unit supply at this moment,” Kaji added.

Toyota’s return to F1 came about as CEO Akio Toyoda said he wanted to give the team’s motorsport personnel, including its drivers, the benefit of contact with racing in the top flight.

“He’s always thinking about drivers,” said Kaji. “I had a communication with [him] at the beginning of this year and he would like to find a way for our drivers and engineers and mechanics to enter the top category for good learning and developing people. So after this communication I started the communication with some teams, including Haas and as I said, Haas was the best partner.”

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Toyota already has a connection to F1 to McLaren through one of its junior drivers. “We have a relationship with McLaren, with Ryo Hirakawa,” said Kaji. “Of course we have some connection with other teams.”

Kaji first made contact with Haas team principal Ayao Komatsu about a potential collaboration around six months ago. “Haas and Komatsu-san is our best partner because our scope is exactly the same and we can strengthen the team together,” he said. “Our strong points and weak points [complement] so we found a good answer to collaborate with Haas and Komatsu-san.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “Toyota not planning F1 team or power unit after return with Haas”

  1. For the time being indeed, but the more distant future is another matter as things can change.

  2. I don’t understand why they would want to be affiliated but NOT plan a return. I’d love to see them back in F1.

  3. The important part is that Toyota is going for its usual approach. A three year test and observation period: if it goes nowhere, at least their engineering team learned something. If it works, they raise the bet.

    The funny bit is Ocon pinching himself to see if he’s dreaming, while Gasly calls Briatore “just to make sure”.

  4. That means they are!!

    When something in F1 is denied it usually happens….

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