Norris cleared by stewards after Leclerc accused him of “moving under braking”

Formula 1

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Lando Norris has been cleared by the stewards following an investigation into whether he was “driving erratically” in the sprint race.

The stewards examined the McLaren driver’s conduct as he scrapped with Charles Leclerc at turn 15 on the final lap.

The incident occured as Norris came under attack by the Ferrari drivers at the end of the race. Norris complained of a loss of grip from his front tyres and was passed by Carlos Sainz Jnr at turn one as the final lap began.

Norris then came under attack from Leclerc. The Ferrari driver aimed to overtake him at turn 15 but Norris covered the inside of the corner.

Leclerc almost ran into the back of the McLaren and nearly lost control of his car. He told his team on the radio Norris was “moving under braking.”

“I did not expect him to do that,” Leclerc told Sky afterwards. “Maybe in the heat of the moment I considered that it [was] moving under braking, I’ve got to look back at the images.

“It seems to be on the limit with the way he took the line. But at the end it’s racing as well. So, he wanted to keep that position, I tried, it was a close call, we nearly crashed. But at the end nobody crashed and he finished in front.”

The stewards scrutinised footage of that incident, plus the moment at turn one where Sainz passed Norris, and data from both moments. After considering the matter the stewards rejected Leclerc’s complaint and ruled Norris’ driving was within the rules.

“There did not appear to be any significant changes of direction under braking, and the move at turn 15 was a legitimate defending move by the driver of car four [Norris]. In turn one car four locked up under braking and went wide, losing a position.

“Accordingly the stewards determine that there is no erratic driving and hence take no further action.”

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Keith Collantine
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11 comments on “Norris cleared by stewards after Leclerc accused him of “moving under braking””

  1. A fair decision in the end.

  2. Surprised there was any investigation. I could see from how close Leclerc was that he would try the dive up the inside, as many other drivers did successfully through the race. But Lando anticipated it too and correctly positioned himself to defend against it. Nothing erratic, just both drivers in close proximity going for the inside line.

    1. I agree. Had it been Max this section would however spill over from rants and wild accusations.

  3. It is false he was moving under braking, seems Leclerc can’t read an action.
    It was dangerous brake testing by Norris, basically dirty driving. Video and data make it clear.

    That the FIA does nothing is not a surprise.

    1. FIA guidelines are to not interfere if it is not in the interest of the championship.

  4. BLS (@brightlampshade)
    19th October 2024, 21:52

    Just looked like he blocked Leclerc from diving down the inside by hogging the inside himself. Not entirely sure why Leclerc had his wobble as it was clear for some time the inside wasn’t an option this time round.

    1. Video and data make it clear? Stunning. Can you share? Because my video only shows a driver choosing to protect the inside line and another one surprised by it.

      1. pretty clear he blocked the outside under braking. Problem is a lot of people do it, and the FIA are not going to do anything that jeopardizes the TV ratings.

        1. Oh, pipe down. While there has been some questionable stewarding with questionable motivations, this is clearly not one of them. I’d be the first to call foul if that wasn’t the case, but literally all that happened here was Lando running a line he was fully entitled to.

      2. BLS (@brightlampshade)
        20th October 2024, 11:04

        yes…. that’s literally what I wrote….

    2. It is in Norris rights to block the line. What is not in his right it to brake test.

      Alonso was punished for it, Norris did not.

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