Rate the Race: 2024 United States Grand Prix sprint race

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What did you think of today’s race? Share your verdict on the United States Grand Prix sprint race.

RaceFans has held polls on every F1 race since 2008 to find out which fans thought of each round of the season.

Join in the latest poll and give your verdict on the race: 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest. Please vote based on how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was, not on how your preferred driver or team performed.

What were the best and worst moments of the race? What was the main thing you’ll remember about it? Rate the race out of ten and leave a comment below:

Rate the 2024 United States Grand Prix sprint race out of 10

  • 10 (2%)
  • 9 (16%)
  • 8 (24%)
  • 7 (21%)
  • 6 (3%)
  • 5 (6%)
  • 4 (5%)
  • 3 (3%)
  • 2 (3%)
  • 1 (17%)

Total Voters: 63

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1 = ‘Terrible’, 10 = ‘Perfect’

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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38 comments on “Rate the Race: 2024 United States Grand Prix sprint race”

  1. A decent sprint with good battles at different parts of field.

  2. Think there are some childish people out there just dumping 1s for no valid reason.

    Was it a banger 10/10? No.
    Was it a dull 1/10 with no action? Also no.

    1. See below: there is a valid reason if you think the sprint races detract from the GP.

      1. The point here is to rate the race, not the format…

        1. @paeschli I really don’t enjoy sprint races much for the reason given. Sure it’s a protest vote, like voting blank, but they’re valid too. If you want an ‘unspoiled ballot,’ 4 at most. It’s one of my favourite circuits but for me the sprint race drains the drama.

      2. notagrumpyfan
        19th October 2024, 20:15

        The question is to rate the Sprint Race, not the consequences of having a Sprint races on other parts of the weekend/calendar.

        But I guess some here are childish and others fall for it.

        1. perenniallygrumpynemo OK I’ll bear your complaint in mind.

          1. notagrumpyfan
            19th October 2024, 20:55

            Some ‘feedback’ and an ‘observation’ more so than a ‘complaint’.

            It makes me think of the interesting discussion about the need for a competency test before being allowed to vote (e.g. this link).

    2. 31% protest votes at time of me posting this. I raised this on the article discussing the ratings of races vs sprints, but the author said that there was no statistical evidence of any protest votes on sprint race polls. I’ve never paid that much attention, but maybe ordinary races also have a similar proportion of ‘1’ votes.

      1. I have in the past asked for there to be a ‘0’ option (protest vote option would work just as well of course). It sullies the figures allowing a person who is not against the format but truly hated the race, and someone who thinks there is a point in expressing their anti sprint sentiment, to share the same vote. They are clearly different things.

        As Patrick clearly put it, it is intended to rate the race and not the format. A protestor could not ‘reasonably’ argue that they ‘are’ rating the race but they hated it as much as all the others, because to apply a rating the highest score has to be the highest ‘achievable’ score. If you are only ever going to rate a 1, then you are not really applying a rating.

  3. Quite fun. Lot’s of action.

  4. 1 Terrible.
    OK it wasn’t terrible but maybe FIA can dump these sprint races along with the useless FLAP point.
    Even when sprint races are OKish, like today, they detract from the GP by giving us too much idea of the relative race pace of the teams/drivers and how the GP will unfold.

    1. Or they can make you more exited about the rest of the weekend?
      Will Verstappen be able to get pole tomorrow as well? And if not, can he show the same pace when he doesn’t have the possibility of controlling from the front?
      Will the McLarens have the possibility to make Max more life difficult with Piastri in the mix as well?
      And what about the Ferraris? Is 2nd the best they can get? Or do they have a chance to race for the win if they work together?

      1. @paeschli I get what you’re saying, just doesn’t work for me. it’s like watching a 20 minute match between Real Madrid versus Barcelona and the winner gets, what, half a point for a win? A quarter of a point each for a draw? Then the very next day they play 90 minutes and it’s a full 3-pointer.

      2. @paeschli They always made me less excited about the rest of the weekend because they tend to take away a lot of the unknowns we have going into the opening stint of the GP on a normal weekend as well as give teams/drivers far more relevant data which again takes away some of the uncertainty from the GP.

        We know where everyone’s race pace is, we know how tires are going to act, we know how powerful DRS is going to be etc…

        Plus having had a race build-up and start it just takes away a lot of the excitement and anticipation for me and whenever i watched a sprint race i always ended up been less interested going into GP because I’d basically already seen the opening stint that tends to be the most interesting part given we go into it with many unknowns.

        Thats why i just stopped watching the sprints altogether. Hence why Qatar sprint last year was the first time since i became a fan in the 80s that i didn’t see the championship decider.

        It honestly irritates me a bit that the sprints award championship points because it means those of us who don’t like the format and don’t want to watch or engage with it end up missing parts of the overall championship.

        I’ve just always felt if they were going to do sprints they should have a separate championship that doesn’t award pointa for the world championship so that those who dislike sprints can skip them without missing anything of any value.

        Not to mention how i also really don’t like how 6 weekends now award more points than others.

  5. Confused by the amount of 1’s, can only assume it’s because people don’t like the format. Personally the race itself was pretty decent, good action. Threatens a pretty good qualy/GP so it’s just more of a good thing.

  6. Best argument against sprint race deniers: Rewatch this one

    1. I agree, the first 5 laps were amazing, Carlos and Charles really don’t like each other, the pass, re-pass, over and over and over again was great. Pretty good all the way, and I don’t like the format. With how difficult COTA has proven with re-pave, and the smart move to ditch Parc Ferme after the sprint, actually brings back some uncertainty in my mind. They all can make changes and improve, or not in a few cases for GP. In the end, dump the sprints, but for once, today’s sprint was a real race, no procession today, so many amazing passes. Great Track

  7. Missed it, couldn’t care less. That’s not a 1 or a 5 or a 10, just a shrug. Who’s on pole?

  8. I don’t get the people giving 1. You miserable lot. I thought it was a great sprint race, battles throughout and makes me even more excited for quali and GP tomorrow. Viva les sprint races!

    1. I don’t get the people giving 1

      That’s easy to explain: if you rate a sport as 1 out of 10 then the maximum you can give for one specific event of that sport is 1
      So, you see, the people giving it a 1 were being extraordinarily nice and saying it was the best it could be – for what it is.

      1. notagrumpyfan
        19th October 2024, 21:00

        The poll asks you to:

        Please vote based on how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was

        It asks you to rate the race, not how you rate the existence of this event within the whole sport.
        There have been other polls asking that question.

        1. And if how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was is always dampened by the constant feeling that the sprint race spoils the GP weekend? The poll asks for a subjective evaluation, that’s the whole point. Clearly some people like Patrick (@paeschli) feel the opposite and for them it makes the weekend even better. Great, I’ve zero objection to someone having a different opinion. I watched the race with the usual attention I give to a GP, but it just doesn’t have the same feel and I far prefer the race weekends without sprints.

          1. notagrumpyfan
            19th October 2024, 21:30

            And if how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was is always dampened by the constant feeling that the sprint race spoils the GP weekend?

            And still you watched it :P

          2. I know :)
            Even bad Formula 1 is better than no Formula 1.

      2. Can we have a rate the qualifying, please? I’d love to see some of those sprint critics defend the most boring, pointless session of the weekend that contains exactly 1 interesting minute and that’s even after the clock expires.

        1. This is true, but only because this qualifying format is also a gimmick. Bring back the 1 hour 12 laps format and then you would see real action on track.

          Before people jump and say that it was a boring format, it was boring only in the last years it was used. Ferrari was a very dominant car at the time so there was no point to run for the full hour.

          In the Shumacher vs Hakinnen era, though, qualifying was always thrilling.

          1. * Schumacher vs Hakkinen

          2. @exeviolthor I personally think the current qualy format is a significant improvement over the 1 hour format, even in its good years. The 1 hour format had typically little to nothing happening for at least the first 30 mins, while the big teams waited for the lower teams to rubber in the track. Then it all came down to the last 2 minutes, while the competitors are still doing their laps at the same time so that you can’t watch them all. Additionally, if there happened to be a dry start followed by rain, the entire rest of the session was a write-off since noone can improve.

            The 3 session format provides 3 separate crunch points which have relevance for some cars. Often even some front runners are in danger in Q1 and Q2 which provides some extra pressure and entertainment. If there is rain, then at least there are 2 reset points which means everyone has to set times in similar conditions.

    2. They’re militant anti-sprinters. It’s genuinely amusing how angry they get about the sprint format. While I wouldn’t mind if we lost it, I also like seeing drivers not given endless amounts of practice because it separates the wheat from the chaff. We’ve long seen how a great driver will be way ahead of their teammate in P1 and then that teammate uses their data to figure out how to drive and by the end of P3 is within a tenth of them. It contributes greatly to the Noah’s ark effect we so often see.

  9. As sprints go it was pretty reasonable. As usual, it kinda stalled out in the last 5 laps when you’d expect pitstops to be made. Interesting to see Ferrari’s advantage in that phase of the race. A shame for Norris but this race was typical of his season: generally quick but quite scruffy. He can’t afford these little mistakes against Max but they keep creeping in. I just hope McLaren maintains their momentum so Lando can come back stronger and more consistent next year.

  10. All the sprint gimmick format does for me is make me not watch a ‘race’ as i skip all of them.

    Only F1 could come up with a format that makes an avid long time fan that hasn’t missed a race in about 40 years intentionally skip races.


    1. Boo hoo.

  11. Others have asked ‘who’s voting 1’ and i’ll openly admit that I have given every sprint race a 1 (Despite having not watched a since one after the 1st year of them) purely as a protest to highlight my dislike of the format.

    I don’t care what people think of me doing such a thing as i will continue doing it for as long as the format is used even though I will continue to not watch a single second of any of the sprint races. It’s just for me an easy way to let people know what I think of the whole horrid format.

    1. @roger-ayles As you have pointed out, you do not care what people think, so this is not in any way an attempt to change your mind.

      It’s just for me an easy way to let people know what I think of the whole horrid format

      Except that you are not letting people know what you think of the format any more than people voting a 10 may attempt to suggest that they love the format despite it being a poor race. Okay, it could potentially be assumed when the curve peaks significantly ahead of that, but otherwise it is a vote of 1 and nothing else.

      If you do not care that you are polluting the stats for those of us that like things like ‘average vote’ etc, to make a point that is far less clear than stating your position in the comments for example, then great for you.

      1. @cairnsfella Maybe the evil sprint race haters (like Max Verstappen, were he to vote here, which I’m sure he frequently does having nothing better to do) will lower the averages but statistically, on average, stat lovers should still be able to tell which sprint races were more popular and which were less. Integrity of the statistics preserved (for those who worship numbers.) Or simply eliminate all the 1s on the basis that they’re not from the true sprint race believer base.

        1. Or simply eliminate all the 1s on the basis that they’re not from the true sprint race believer base.

          Which is what I do, though it still remains unfair and inaccurate given that there may be voters that are voting 1 as a genuine rating and not as a protest.

          stat lovers should still be able to tell which sprint races were more popular and which were less

          Completely true. Though that still doesn’t make it okay for people to make those stats less robust (no matter how much less) for a personal agenda.

  12. It takes significantly away from the regular race and format, and only exists to boost revenue for Liberty. Therefore it is useless to attempt to rate it. It will always be a loss for the sport.

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