Sergio Perez, Red Bull, Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez, 2024

Perez says he “just cannot stop the car” after fifth Q1 exit of 2024 at home

Formula 1

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Sergio Perez said he failed to reach Q2 for the fifth time this year because he was struggling with the brakes in his Red Bull.

He was eliminated in the first round of qualifying for his home race at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez after missing the cut by two-tenths of a second.

Perez admitted it had been “a very difficult” session as he struggled to slow his car down for the many low-speed corners on the Mexico City track.

“It was really difficult to stop the car,” he told Sky. “I just couldn’t get on top of it.

“I couldn’t stop the car soon enough and I just put too much energy into the tyres at braking and that was the main issue for me.”

Perez’s best lap in Q1 was eight tenths of a second slower than his team mate Max Verstappen managed. Verstappen went on to qualify second.

The Red Bull driver said he had been battling the problem throughout practice. “It’s been very similar to the rest of the weekend,” he explained. “I just cannot stop the car and I’m struggling along with that part of the phase going into the low-speed.

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“It’s a little bit similar to Austin where I just cannot attack the corners into the braking and here you have a lot of that.”

Perez fell into the drop zone after his first run in Q1. He told his race engineer Hugh Bird on the radio he lacked confidence “mainly at the braking for the low-speed.”

Starting from the penultimate row of the grid, Perez admitted he faces an uphill climb to score points.

“I think tomorrow it’s just very important to try and maximise the day,” he said. “If we are able to score some good points, it will be a tremendous effort, but it’s going to be very difficult from the position we’re in.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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23 comments on “Perez says he “just cannot stop the car” after fifth Q1 exit of 2024 at home”

  1. Wow, after watching Checo’s interview after being knocked out of Q1 at home, it appears he’s going to make it easy for the team and just retire. He looked so depressed and every recent interview shows he is way past enjoying F1 anymore. Today may be the low point of his career. GP was sold out in 2 hours, they love Checo, but it’s just a matter of time now.

    1. We have seen Sergio throughout his career drive cars MUCH worse than this season’s RB and be much more competitive and consistently faster than he has shown. He is clearly finished. If you hate your job but don’t actually need the paycheck, retire.

    2. I had the same feeling, when he lifted his helmet visor after Q1, he didn’t even look angry, his eyes were those of a defeated man. I think he’s aware he won’t race on this track again as an F1 driver.

      1. I thought he was going to well-up tbh. It was a really sad moment to watch. It felt like someone pushed well beyond their limits and finally realizing that all those self-doubts (and criticisms from others) were valid. I’d feel more sorry for him, but it does seem to have been all about the money for all sides involved. And there is a really strong and valid criticism to be made about Perez’s own motivation with his performances improving before new contracts and slumping after they’ve been signed. But in general the Red Bull, designed around Max, never really suited him, the diametric opposite in fact.

    3. It’s so sad. The guy was driving genuinely well a few years ago – not elite level, but more like a Rosberg than a Bottas – and is a lovely person. But something has stopped clicking, and at this point, he seems so weary that it’s hard to imagine him turning things around.

      I hope that in years to come, he can remember the highlights of his career and not just the ones that got away.

  2. I want whatever magic dust Perez has, best seat in the house and can consistently underpeform. A future career in politics beckons, he’ll fit right in!

    1. Hahaha.

    2. It’s called Telex or something.

      1. Grrr…Telmex!

  3. This is just embarrassing for him. His whole country cheering him on and he’s nearly last on the grid with Max sitting in P2. Just pack in, whatever talent Perez once had has disappeared now.

    1. It has been enough indeed. It has become a joke and an insult to keep him in the car.

  4. Perez told to latin american broadcaster that the solution to breaks is that they need to replace them but there are no spare parts at the moment. Also in Austin he told that he didn’t get any of the new imporved parts that all come to his teammate.
    Red Bull seems to spend all their efforts in just one car… the way Helmut always wanted, even when Checo is the one who brings most of the money to the team in sponsorships, and they don’t even gave him a good breaks.

    1. Even if this is true, there is no excuse for him to be this consistently bad. He’s not only extremely slow, but gets into a lot of crashes.

    2. At this point in the season, surely you back the driver with the chance to win the WDC, right?

  5. Once again, perez shows he’s not one of those drivers who perform better at their home track.

  6. Excuses

  7. Just as Homer Simpson would respond: If he can’t stop the car shouldn’t he actually be faster?

    1. @chriju0411 True Homer logic :)

  8. It’s easy to criticise Pérez, but let’s not forget his early season form. Race after race he was up there on tyre podium. Red Bull’s Imola package seems to have been a turning point.

    1. Same as Bottas at Mercedes – early season form is great every time whilst he believes he’s got a chance at winning the title and then around race 5 when it’s clear he’s not winning it, his pace completely falls off a cliff for the rest of the year.

  9. I think Red Bull could do with shuffling their drivers, just really to see if the problem is the car or Perez himself. *Something* is no longer clicking. A shame because when he’s on form he’s really good but he’s not been ‘on form’ for a while now. Similar thing people were saying about Ricciardo.

  10. BLS (@brightlampshade)
    27th October 2024, 12:08

    It’s a competition of who will crack first from embarrassment, Perez or RBR.
    Let’s see if he can at least finish the race this year.

  11. If this was Japan or something i doubt he would care, but to embarrass himself in front of his fans, who were cheering for him as if he’s the 4 times world champion, just for him to perform this badly, it probably got to his head.

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