Start, Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez, 2024

Rate the race: 2024 Mexican Grand Prix

Formula 1

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What did you think of today’s race? Share your verdict on the Mexican Grand Prix.

RaceFans has held polls on every F1 race since 2008 to find out which fans thought of each round of the season.

Join in the latest poll and give your verdict on the race: 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest. Please vote based on how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was, not on how your preferred driver or team performed.

What were the best and worst moments of the race? What was the main thing you’ll remember about it? Rate the race out of ten and leave a comment below:

Rate the 2024 Mexican Grand Prix out of 10

  • 10 (5%)
  • 9 (9%)
  • 8 (40%)
  • 7 (27%)
  • 6 (10%)
  • 5 (5%)
  • 4 (2%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 2 (1%)
  • 1 (2%)

Total Voters: 115

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1 = ‘Terrible’, 10 = ‘Perfect’

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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31 comments on “Rate the race: 2024 Mexican Grand Prix”

  1. Good race, yet again ruined by bad stewarding.

    1. 7/10 for the stewards when I take into account the deserved penalties for Verstappen (Norris has clearly learned that it is best to be first to the apex, and then expect to be forced off the track and complain, how else can you pass him except for a DRS drive-by?).
      But otherwise it was just average 5/10. No real strategy interest. Some reasonable action through the field, but nothing to make it stand out.
      And another horror show from Perez – why is he anywhere near the VCARBs on the circuit?

  2. What a race. A surprisingly dramatic & exciting for Mexico’s standards, perhaps even the best 2024 race thus far.

    1. Agree. Very nice race.

    2. Did we forget Silverstone? Canada? Austria? Azerbaijan?

    3. Great race. But fourth best after Canada Silverstone and Baku

    4. I agree we had some really nice racing – that battle between Russel and Hamilton was a good one, we had a really nice pass for the lead from Sainz too and the way Norris put pressure on Leclerc as well as several of the battles further down the field were nice to watch.

      But the best race of the season so far? There were at least 2-3 races I would rate higher.

    5. I am more thinking a 4 or 5 maximum. Apart from the violations of Max nothing happened. If the audience thinks penalties equals good races, F1 is in more trouble than we think. Netflix stuff level entertainment.

    6. Agreed. I score it an 8. It could only have been better if Lawson took the flap. I was almost praying but to no avail.

  3. What a race. Barely a couple of minutes without action. If Austin got 7 and 8 from most people then this is surely a 9.

  4. Max DotD. Made the race more fun than it should have been.

  5. BLS (@brightlampshade)
    27th October 2024, 21:53

    Was a fun race, shame about the silliness at the start that robbed us of more of a Norris vs Ferrari battle, but otherwise definitely enjoyable.

  6. It was nice in the end when Norris was closing the gap to Leclerc, but otherwise I think that it was pretty boring.

  7. Solid 8. Lots of action, great battles – I don’t remember Mexico being such a good track for racing

    1. Norris would have had a shot at the win if not for lap 1 incidents, but shoulda woulda coulda aye

  8. Gone with an 8 on this one.
    The tension and interest stayed from start to finish.

  9. An 8 from me as well

    1. “9” … I saw Ham pass a player!

  10. In a world where Silverstone is a 10 and Montreal is a 9, I’m afraid this one is a 7 at best.

    1. For me montreal was by far superior to silverstone, there was even a moment where full wets had a point! Still I’d give 8 to this and I did, very eventful.

  11. Would have given 8.5 if half points were allowed.

  12. Johnny Herbert as the hanging judge ruined it again. Karma get him soon and hard.

  13. 8, lots of incidents, some good competition over lots of laps (Lawson v. Perez, Hamilton v. Russell), Norris pressurizing Leclerc into a mistake at the end, Sainz fantastic weekend performance.

  14. I feel a bit tight now after reading the comments and having settled on a 6. Though I still consider that a ‘good’ race, particularly for Mexico, and would not have gone higher than a 7.

    More pleasing is that – at this stage – no-one has gone for a 1, though I expect that to change.

    1. I’m going to give myself the excuse of being rather tired having got up early to watch the race before work re: the possibility of a ‘1’ rating, I realise this is more of a sprint race issue than for the main event.

    2. Don’t worry some of us gave it a 10 to offset the low scores.

    3. As of now it seems 1 person voted 1, 1 person voted 2 and 2 people voted 4!

  15. Best race at Mexico since the epic 1990 race.

  16. Dutchguy (@justarandomdutchguy)
    28th October 2024, 23:11

    Decent race all around but it was slightly tainted by some ugly and/or clumsy driving by Verstappen, Perez, lawson & Colapinto in particular. Magnussen DOTD for not doing anything wrong and being pretty fast all around.

  17. Nice to have an exciting race to bring the championship back into contention!

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