Formula 1 drivers' tribute to Ayrton Senna, Interlagos, 2024

First pictures from the 2024 Brazilian Grand Prix weekend

F1 Pictures

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Pictures from the build-up to the 2024 Brazilian Grand Prix at Interlagos, where Formula 1 drivers paid tribute to Ayrton Senna.

This year is the 30th anniversary of Senna’s death. The drivers previously commemorated his passing at the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix earlier this year at Imola, the track where he lost his life.

Today the drivers gathered for a photoshoot with a giant replica of the three-times world champion’s crash helmet. It was created from reclaimed and recycled materials as part of a project organised by Sebastian Vettel.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “First pictures from the 2024 Brazilian Grand Prix weekend”

  1. Seb’s papier maché helmet tribute to Senna is hilarious, especially the photo with everyone inside. Must have taken him a whole year. Can it actually makes its way up the Interlagos main straight though?!

  2. Ah Vettel, ready to replace Perez. Well, would be fun if he did it.

  3. Always great seeing Vettel at a race weekend. He is one of those characters that is great for the sport, like a Ricciardo or a Alonso where even if they’re not on the grid, they are still a great energy to have in F1.

  4. Seb only seems to attend GPs when he has something related to either the general climate subject or Senna.
    I’m surprised Lawson, the Red Bull Racing, & Haas drivers weren’t present for this project presentation, so 15 out of 20 in the end.
    The bottom right image would be a fitting choice for the Caption Competition.

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