Sergio Perez, Red Bull, Las Vegas Strip Circuit, 2024

Perez says father’s homophobic comment on Ralf Schumacher was a “mistake”

Formula 1

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Sergio Perez has distanced himself from homophobic comments made by his father in a recent interview.

Antonio Perez made disparaging remarks alluding to Ralf Schumacher’s sexuality in an interview for ESPN. The former Williams driver revealed he is in a homosexual relationship in July.

Schumacher has criticised the Red Bull driver’s performances during the season. Perez has scored 151 points, a total dwarfed by that of his team mate Max Verstappen, whose 393-point haul leaves him poised to clinch the championship this weekend.

Asked ahead of this weekend’s Las Vegas Grand Prix about his father’s remarks, Perez said: “I don’t agree with any of his comments.

“I think he did a mistake in that regard. I don’t share any of his views. But at the same time, I don’t control what my father has to say, I can only control what I say.

“It’s important as a sport to always show that whatever happens on track it always remains on track. That’s the way I see it and we should be always an example for the rest of the world.”

Schumacher, whose son David races GT cars in Germany, said he understood the reaction of Perez’s father. “I would also stand 100% behind my son and try to help,” he said in a social media statement. “That’s what you do as a father.

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“As far as style is concerned, I would approach things differently, but we know Mr Perez with all his emotions. That’s why I’m not angry with him.

“However, I believe results on the track would be the better argument.”

Perez goes into this weekend’s race having not scored in either of the last two grands prix (he took one point for eighth place in the sprint race at Interlagos). Red Bull have fallen 59 points behind McLaren in the constructors’ championship and Perez admitted he must raise his game to help them close the gap.

“We need a couple of one-twos from now until the end of the year,” he said. “So hopefully we can get back on track and that will be the main objective for the rest of the year to really try to be as strong in the coming races.”

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Keith Collantine
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13 comments on “Perez says father’s homophobic comment on Ralf Schumacher was a “mistake””

  1. A mistake in the sense that he meant to say something else? (I can’t see what, though)

    Or a mistake in the sense that it was silly to say it out loud?

    Perez Sr. doesn’t seem to have apologised or suggested he’s in any way wrong, so it’s not a mistake. He intended what he said.

  2. Coventry Climax
    21st November 2024, 10:22

    There’s 20 drivers on the grid, and quite a couple reserve and development drivers as well.
    So now that F1 is about discussing parents and what they say or not say, there’s quite a bit we can expect in the near future, apparently for lack of other things to talk about – an/or be allowed to talk about.
    The sad state of F1.

  3. Maybe the FIA could put out a rule that the media is not allowed to interview the parents anymore, they rarely provide answers to issues, rather issues to questions.

    1. And maybe it’s none of the FIA’s business what a private individual says or who the media talk to or what questions they ask.

      1. I didn’t know the FIA got involved.

    2. Interviewing parents is indeed a questionable issue.

  4. Ralf’s approach to not getting upset by Antonio’s remark was good & he’s right that on-track results or performance would be a better argument for everything in this context.
    If only Checo could start performing consistently again as he managed in the past.

    1. I agree. Ralf’s response was extremely gracious and mature.

      1. +1 I thought so too.

  5. “We need a couple of one-twos from now until the end of the year,” he said. “So hopefully we can get back on track and that will be the main objective for the rest of the year to really try to be as strong in the coming races.”

    I can only presume the interviewer laughed out loud here. Who is he trying to kid other than himself?

  6. Sergio should retire for his father’s sake. His dad takes it more personally and seriously than Checo. He quite literally suffered a heart attack when Sainz and Perez collided in Baku. He collapsed onto the floor before being rushed to the hospital.

    1. Did he? I never heard that at the time. I wouldn’t be surprised though, he could do with losing a few lbs.

      I’m not really sure where Checo’s mind is he seems to generally have a lot of self belief that doesn’t translate into results.

      1. Yes. You can Google it.

        I think Perez might literally only be sticking it out because of his dad. That or he really wants not to exist F1 on a humiliating note and thinks eventually that will happen.

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