Fernando Alonso, Aston Martin, Las Vegas Strip Circuit, 2024

Las Vegas race backers looking to extend F1 deal beyond 2025

RaceFans Round-up

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In the round-up: The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority are open to extending their deal with Formula 1.

In brief

Contract extension likely for Las Vegas GP

Formula 1’s three-year deal to race at the Las Vegas Strip Circuit will expire after the 2025 race. The series, which uniquely is also the round’s promoter, already has permission to run races on the roads for 10 years.

Following the second edition of the race last weekend the LVCVA has indicated they are open to continuing it beyond next year. “We’ll look to have something a little more permanent in place,” LVCVA president and CEO Hill told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “We’ll probably start that conversation shortly after the first of the year and probably look to have something in place prior to the race happening next year.”

Tsunoda tests IndyCar

Yuki Tsunoda got behind the wheel of an IndyCar for the first time ahead of last weekend’s grand prix.

Williams place Bondarev in Italian F4

Williams’ 15-year-old junior driver Oleksandr Bondarev will race for Prema in Italian Formula 4 next year, the team has announced. He made his debut in the series earlier this year, contesting the final two rounds.

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Social media

Notable posts from X (formerly Twitter), TikTok and more:

Formula E CEO Jeff Dodds will be particularly pleased Lando Norris didn't manage to beat Max Verstappen to the championship:


#F1 #FE

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— RaceFans (@racefansdotnet.bsky.social) 25 November 2024 at 15:34

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Comment of the day

Lando Norris cost himself points with needless errors, but were McLaren also too passive in the championship fight?

I also think that in general McLaren were far too conservative when they had a competitive car, often playing reactive strategy and following the opposition rather than trying anything to improve their result.

For example, in Spa when Norris was out of position after a poor start and overtaking was clearly challenging, they had little to lose by attempting a one-stop, but didn’t, and inevitably got stuck in a DRS train. Also in Monza, where they looked to have control of the race with Piastri in the lead, but instead of at least splitting strategies they allowed themselves to be countered by an alternate strategy.

To me, they always looked like a team that was happy to just collect ‘decent’ points every race rather than fighting for championships.
Keith Campbell (@Keithedin)

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to Carlos Santos, Nick and Andy Alexander!

On this day in motorsport

Jody Scheckter, Ferrari, Imola, 1980
Jody Scheckter in the Ferrari 312T5, the final Formula 1 car he raced
  • 45 years ago today Ferrari launched its 312T5. It was one of the team’s worst cars, and they sank to 10th place in the 1980 championship.

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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8 comments on “Las Vegas race backers looking to extend F1 deal beyond 2025”

  1. Ah no please. Theres great circuits being kicked out just for that luna park. Please get real circuits back

    1. As much as I like the occasional ‘simpler layout’, I’d much prefer a return to the Bahrain outer track then more of Vegas.

  2. A contract extension may happen, but whether the Las Vegas GP would get to run for the entire period is another matter, given the court implications by affected businesses, which could have a long-term impact on the event’s future.

    COTD: Ultimately that’s also how I’ve felt for the most part.

    1. Regarding COTD, I dare say McLaren simply wasn’t prepared for a potential championship challenge, especially one with such low odds, and got stuck between 2 lines of thinking on strategy, which frequently ended up with the worst outcome. Hopefully they’ll have learnt from this year and have a better idea of what to do next time.

  3. Attendance:
    To me Liberty’s assets or “capital” is their viewership.
    There are at least five “Liberty” listed cos. on the NASDAQ and the split off between Liberty Live and Quint.
    They continually use live attendance figures that are at best debatable, and I guess CIC methodology on viewership.
    Time for SEC and or FINR
    A to have a look see.

  4. This relentless Senna hagiography has gotten out of hand. Sure, he was a great driver, but kind of a petulant, entitled rich kid too. Prost always seems to get the short end of the stick, but he was a better sportsman, and just as good a driver.

    1. Yes, I think prost was actually better than senna, but they had different specialties, senna was one of the best both in the wet and qualifying, while prost was a better point scorer and one of the few drivers who had a positive effect on reliability, which was especially important in that era, a mathematical model says.

  5. Well, I suspect they can come to an agreement as they are negotiating with themselves; Liberty owns and puts on this race themselves.

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