Charles Leclerc, Ferrari, Losail International Circuit, 2024

Leclerc has cleared the air with Sainz after his post-race tirade in Las Vegas

Formula 1

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Charles Leclerc says he and his Ferrari team mate have cleared up the situation which led to his explosion of anger on his radio after the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

The Ferrari driver complained “I did my job but being nice fucks me over” after finishing fourth behind team mate Carlos Sainz Jnr. The pair swapped positions more than once during the race under instructions from the team. However at one point Leclerc was told Sainz would not pass him, only to be overtaken by his team mate moments later.

Leclerc was reluctant to explain what happened between the pair last weekend, but insisted they have cleared the air between them since.

“I don’t want to go back to what happened in Vegas,” he said. “In the last two races of the season we need to do absolutely everything in order to get that constructors’ championship. That’s all that matters.

“Whatever happened in Vegas we discussed it and we are all good which is the most important thing. I have no doubts about that because we’ve always had a really good relationship with Carlos and we’ve had races where sometimes things don’t go exactly the way we want but the most important thing is that we discuss about it and we go forward.

“It’s very clear for both of us that we just want to win the constructors’ and it’s by working as a team that we’ll achieve that and I’m sure that there won’t be any problems with it.”

Ferrari’s drivers are approaching the end of their fourth and final season as team mates before Lewis Hamilton replaces Sainz next year. Leclerc said the pair haven’t always seen eye-to-eye but have always ironed out their differences.

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“[I] have a really good relationship with Carlos. Sometimes I have overstepped the lines and sometimes he did and then it only requires discussion between us two. We look ourselves in the eye and we’ve known each other for a very long time now and we understand each other very, very quickly. So I have no doubts.

“Sometimes we need these kind of things to reset a little bit and I have no doubts that going into the last two races of the season there won’t be any problems or whatsoever.

“Because, at the end, it’s [a] benefit for both of us to try and win the constructors’. We know that an opportunity like that doesn’t happen very often and we’ve got to do absolutely everything on both of our sides in order to try and and win that.”

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Keith Collantine
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2 comments on “Leclerc has cleared the air with Sainz after his post-race tirade in Las Vegas”

  1. I really disappointed that a “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” wasn’t used here….

    1. Jonathan Parkin
      28th November 2024, 21:31

      Although technically it should be what happens in Paradise stays in Paradise since geographically the race didn’t actually take place IN Las Vegas despite the name of the GP

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