Esteban Ocon, Alpine, Losail International Circuit, 2024

Alpine team boss does not confirm claims Doohan will replace Ocon at next race

Formula 1

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Alpine team principal Oliver Oakes was surprised to be questioned over reports Alpine will replace Esteban Ocon at the next round.

Following the Qatar Grand Prix multiple reports claimed Ocon will not return for the team in next week’s season finale at Yas Marina. Jack Doohan, who was announced as Ocon’s replacement for the 2025 season earlier this year, is expected to make his Formula 1 debut one race early at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

Ocon retired on the first lap of today’s race after being involved in a three-car collision with Franco Colapinto and Nico Hulkenberg. He prompted speculation over his future with his responses to questions immediately afterwards.

“I would like to thank the guys for their efforts in this race, but also their effort the whole year,” Ocon told the official F1 channel. “That’s important to me, to have seen them pushing. I just wanted to say that.”

Asked about his expectations for the final race in Abu Dhabi Ocon replied: “Not much to say.

“We have been obviously struggling, that is very clear. It’s important to look ahead.”

However Oakes indicated he had no knowledge of plans to replace Ocon until the driver revealed them after the race.

“I heard his comments in the media pen,” Oakes told the official F1 channel. “Obviously I’ve only been on the pit wall so we’ll have to see how it plays out.”

Asked whether the team intended for Ocon to drive his final race for the team next week Oakes said: “It was the plan. We’ll have to see.”

This article will be updated

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Keith Collantine
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6 comments on “Alpine team boss does not confirm claims Doohan will replace Ocon at next race”

  1. Wonder if HAM is driving or watching from the Ferrrari garage?

  2. I still think this sudden rumor is unfounded, but Ocon’s interview pen words leave room for such interpretation that he wouldn’t see out the season, after all, thanking mechanics which would normally happen after the final race whenever a driver is leaving a team rather than after the penultimate one, which would also explain his response to expectations about the season finale if he isn’t going to participate anymore.
    Oakes’ usage of past tense ‘was’ also indicates that the situation may have changed.

    1. Btw, the image would be a perfect choice for the next Caption Competition post.
      Ocon pondering his (possible) early departure from Alpine & future with Haas.

  3. Why keep a driver around you’re, if not sabotaging, giving absolutely zero support to race after race anyway. And I say this as someone who absolutely cannot stand Ocon.

    He started the season up 5-1 on Gasly and then after the Monaco incident and dropping Ocon, it’s basically been all Gasly. There’s no way Ocon is over a full second slower than Gasly in Q1 with even equipment.

    1. Definitely somewhat suspicious, given the timing for the turnaround, not to mention he’s had the most recent spec parts (or at least should’ve had) since the Mexico City GP with only Gasly receiving them for the preceding round.

  4. This has Flavio’s fingerprints all over it

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