Start, Losail International Circuit, 2024

Rate the race: 2024 Qatar Grand Prix

Formula 1

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What did you think of today’s race? Share your verdict on the Qatar Grand Prix.

RaceFans has held polls on every F1 race since 2008 to find out which fans thought of each round of the season.

Join in the latest poll and give your verdict on the race: 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest. Please vote based on how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was, not on how your preferred driver or team performed.

What were the best and worst moments of the race? What was the main thing you’ll remember about it? Rate the race out of ten and leave a comment below:

Rate the 2024 Qatar Grand Prix out of 10

  • 10 (1%)
  • 9 (4%)
  • 8 (8%)
  • 7 (22%)
  • 6 (13%)
  • 5 (9%)
  • 4 (9%)
  • 3 (12%)
  • 2 (9%)
  • 1 (14%)

Total Voters: 120

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1 = ‘Terrible’, 10 = ‘Perfect’

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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50 comments on “Rate the race: 2024 Qatar Grand Prix”

  1. A complete mess / 10

    1. FIA (Flawed Incompetent Amateurs) – it’s quite intriguing to see a sport self implode under the reigns of a wannabe dictator… just a shame it ruins the actual racing.

    2. absolute garbage race. garbage curbs, Max had to run his mouth and took the top step (look at F1 now), and the rest of the show was a hot mess.

      This track is worse than Monaco for overtaking, might wanna take it off the calendar.

      1. Unfortunately that’s not possible cause money talks, they’re not gonna cut off terrible tracks if they have lots of money, they’re gonna cut off great tracks that lack money.

  2. 1 because 0 isn’t an option. Track is horrible. Race control became race controllled. The only redeeming factor is that drive through penalties are back as an option.

  3. As expected, a largely straightforward race apart from the early laps & SC neutralizations.

  4. Awful race direction, awful circuit, drivers whining all race, MBS paying the stewards to make sure the WCC is settled in Abu Dhabi. Truly one of the worst GPs I’ve seen.

    1. +1 worst race in a while for me.

      Leaving the mirror for 5+ laps until it impacted 3 drivers races and is just insane. We literal Have the VSC to provide minimal disruption. They’ve become too scared to do what’s needed incase it gives anyone an advantage. A complete overhaul is needed.

      As for the crying over the radio that needs to stop too. Lando is usually worst for this so I’m glad he got a taste of his own medicine today.

      1. Lando is quie a whiner but George takes the cake

    2. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
      1st December 2024, 18:12

      @jetztzeit the race director should be fired.

    3. Would be interesting if someone caught a photo of sulayem handing the stewards some money, would be incriminating evidence!

  5. Badly done in many ways.

  6. The first race in almost a decade where I felt like switching off during the event. We had the race director mostly ignoring a wing mirror in the middle of the track at the only real overtaking spot of the race until it got hit and led to punctures and a SC, we had a boatload of very strange stewarding decisions during the weekend with the penalties handed out all over the place.

    1 voted a 2 (since we did see a LOT of good racing from drivers as well), but this really felt like me wondering whether I will continue my F1TV subscription into the next season (had a few moments already this year wondering whether i was still as interested), let’s see how the next race goes with regards to the event.

    1. Truly the race director needs removing immediately for failing to neutralise the race with dangerous debris on track

      1. And people thought masi was bad!

  7. 3 for the race, -99999999999 for the race director. If he is allowed to officiate as much as a banger race again, the FIA will have made a mistake. Absolute amateur hour.

  8. This entertainment event had everything.

    The danger of leaving debris on track. The excitement of seeing it shatter into pieces. The emotional journey of watching the pieces ruin races.

    Pole determined by an inappropriate penalty. The win determined by another penalty… that would never have happened if the event director had simply cleaned the track.

    Restart after restart, which I suppose is excitement in its way.

    All it lacked was racing.

    1. well, the double waved yellow wouldve happened anyway before a Safety Car, so I think the penalty would’ve happened anyway even if they cleaned the track properly!

    2. The win was determined by another penalty if you’re referring to lando… The whole reason lando got into striking distance was because of the safety cars to begin with..

      1. Wasn’t*

  9. Call me mad, but I liked it! it looked like it was a race just for giggles. If everyone behaved like they did on purpose (directors, stewards, a LOT of the drivers), it was like a end of the year football match between coworkers or something: some take it seriously and want to play for real, others are just all over the place, touch the ball with their hands, argue with the referee for no reason, pulls someone else’s pants, the referee makes some very strange decisions to spice things up because otherwise it’d be boring.

    It felt like a big clownish party. So sad it’s supposed to be a serious event!

    1. In the early part of the race I was thinking about Bernie’s sprinkler idea lol

    2. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
      1st December 2024, 18:36

      It was very much like a Saturday Night Live skit of a F1 race – I think they hit it on the nail!

      Why, oh why is Jorge Martin going to Aprilia. MotoGP was a 10 this season and the real Formula 1 at this point.

      1. money talks. And Jorge is the best by miles. Just like Lorenzo, the guy is a real terminator, best of the best for a while, but hes not being allowed to join the factory team @ Ducati, because he doesn’t have the right politics.

        We can only hope Aprilia destroys Ducati for the next 5 years and Jorge wipes the smile off of MM, and does Rossi right.

  10. Yes (@come-on-kubica)
    1st December 2024, 17:46

    Something odd with that red bull performance.

    1. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
      1st December 2024, 18:11

      Nothing wrong with it. It’s already won 2026. Everyone has known that after Spain. Red Bull is just ducking with everyone.

    2. The red bull was a good car here but not in a class of their own, the mclaren was up there if not slightly faster, obviously comparing fastest driver of each car, not perez or piastri!

  11. That wasn’t a race, it was low grade Carry On movie.
    Farce from beginning to end.

  12. Absolute sham of a race

    1. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
      1st December 2024, 18:10

      Yeah, it’s not a sport anymore. It’s a joke. Half a place grid drop and 10 second stop/go penalty with a championship on the line.

  13. An entertaining race but not a good race.

  14. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
    1st December 2024, 18:09

    It’s a good show – has it been renewed for a new season? No one expected the mirror to be left out but the race director pulled a page out of Hitchcock’s playbook and kept the suspense high.

    It’s good that they don’t race at real speeds and it’s safe – their stunt doubles are really impressive and how they swap the actors with the doubles.

  15. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
    1st December 2024, 18:12

    This race does call for the addition of a 0.

  16. I wish there was a zero. The stewards were nuts.

  17. Deciding to not make a decision is still a decision. What was the point of not acting immediately to retrieve the intact mirror on the race track? The best outcome of acting immediately would have been the intact mirror was retrieved without any cars getting damaged or put out of the race. Instead we got more or less one of the worse options.

    1. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
      1st December 2024, 18:38

      Thank god, no one got hurt. It was absolutely crazy to watch – everyone knew that they needed to remove it but they were apparently trying to send one between Hamilton and Magnussen. You don’t send anyone on foot on a track at a part where they come down at 200mph… Just the fact that they thought about that is insane.

  18. I rate it quite low, the mirror should have been removed from the track in short notice.
    The track is much better for motorcycle racing, the straights are generally too short for F1. I like the flow of it but, I do not like the lack of elevation changes. The world feed could provide more zoomed out footage, because the relative lack of character makes it a bit hard to follow already.
    The penalty for Norris was quite hard, harder than it should have been imo, it was a long time ago when we regularly have seen stop and go penalties. With the (by decision) somewhat harder penalties in this season, I would have given a 10 secs penalty for him but not more – although I do not know the relevant part of the rule book.
    On the other hand, I am fine with the outcome and I will not beat drums because of this.
    I am fine with the stewards having the right to issue penalties, and deciding the extent of penalties at their own discretion, but they should be provided with better and faster tools, and at this race the decisions were slow, for example about the mirror, and could have been better too. F1 could invest into it, and maybe they should have equipment what makes safety car periods shorter, by removing cars from the runoffs faster (for example they could have more tower-like cranes with really large reach, they definitely can afford such things by now – let’s milk/force the participating manufacturers and their huge sponsors to achieve these purposes, if there is no other way).

  19. Not much of a race at all. More of a battle of attrition and avoiding penalties.

    1. pretty much, F1 is turning in to a billion dollar game of hot potato. Might as well get rid of the cars and just get some plastic chairs at show center, and save the fans some time.

  20. Very exciting, but left a sour taste in my mouth from the inconsistent penalties and shoddy race direction. You’d think no lessons had been learnt from the last 30 years the way that debris was left there.

  21. 0.5, because I’m feeling generous.

  22. I guess I rated the race not on how awful parts of it were, but on how exciting it was as a result. Yes, the stewards completely botched the race for several drivers, and several drivers botched their own races, but that just adds to the uncertainty and excitement.

  23. 13% has at this point voted 8 9 or 10. Must have seen another race than the one I saw.

  24. I did turn it off, didn’t care about the result and the so-called race seemed to get stuck in an endless safety car. Nasty track that looks like it’s on the moon and has about as much atmosphere. A race too far (another one – the proper season runs from Melbourne to Interlagos)

  25. Mostly annoyed watching it happen.. penalty fest..

  26. A complete mess.

  27. Well I was entertained. But I am not sure for the right reasons. 7/10 for me. It did feel decidedly, end of season. Race direction and decisions a little eccentric.

    The circuit is very poor though. One of my least favourites. Race was a marginal improvement on last year’s bore fest.

    1. I was too.

    2. I agree, the first rating I thought was 7 for this and it was indeed the most voted, however I have to admit over 50% of voters rated this a negative race (5 or lower) and the voting has generally been very split.

      I think it was very boring in parts, but then those controversial decisions by stewards and race director created some excitement.

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