Start, Shanghai International Circuit, 2024

New deal keeps Chinese Grand Prix on F1 calendar until at least 2030

Formula 1

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Formula 1 has agreed a new deal to keep the Chinese Grand Prix on its calendar until at least 2030.

The race at the Shanghai International Circuit was first held in 2004. It returned to the calendar this year following a four-year absence due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Its previous contract ran until the end of next season. Its extension means it will continue to hold races after F1 introduces its new regulations in 2026.

This year’s Chinese Grand Prix was the first sprint event to take place at the Shanghai circuit. The race was originally held in the second half of the season, and was the scene of the 2005 season finale, then moved to its current spring date in 2009.

Zhou Guanyu became the first Chinese driver to participate in his home race this year. However he does not have a drive for next year as Sauber have dropped him from their line-up.

Earlier this week F1 announced the Dutch Grand Prix will not remain on the calendar in after 2026. However the addition of a new race in Madrid that year means one of the current rounds will have to drop from the calendar that year if F1 is to stick to its current limit of 24 rounds per season.

This article will be updated.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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3 comments on “New deal keeps Chinese Grand Prix on F1 calendar until at least 2030”

  1. Chinese GP continuing was always only a formality, given its lucrative status & since the rotation system will begin in 2026, at least one current location will automatically be absent.

  2. Coventry Climax
    6th December 2024, 19:08

    I have profound moral troubles with F1 going to countries such as these.

  3. This news is as exciting as getting a paving slab for your 21st birthday.

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