Start, Yas Marina, 2024

Rate the race: 2024 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Formula 1

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What did you think of today’s race? Share your verdict on the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

RaceFans has held polls on every F1 race since 2008 to find out which fans thought of each round of the season.

Join in the latest poll and give your verdict on the race: 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest. Please vote based on how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was, not on how your preferred driver or team performed.

What were the best and worst moments of the race? What was the main thing you’ll remember about it? Rate the race out of ten and leave a comment below:

Rate the 2024 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix out of 10

  • 10 (3%)
  • 9 (5%)
  • 8 (24%)
  • 7 (25%)
  • 6 (22%)
  • 5 (8%)
  • 4 (3%)
  • 3 (3%)
  • 2 (3%)
  • 1 (3%)

Total Voters: 115

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1 = ‘Terrible’, 10 = ‘Perfect’

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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28 comments on “Rate the race: 2024 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix”

  1. An okay race for YMC’s standards with battles for most of the race & some strategic variation.

  2. Almost fell asleep/10.

  3. Yes (@come-on-kubica)
    8th December 2024, 14:40

    I just wish there was a way for f1 to move from these circuits or put them in a different place in the calendar.

  4. BLS (@brightlampshade)
    8th December 2024, 14:40

    Good by Abu Dhabi standards, but that does not mean it was a especially good race.
    I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t great in reality.

  5. Frankly processional apart from the first laps. No Latifi to spice up the final laps this time.

  6. How is it possible to start from scratch on an completely open field with no buildings or other obstacles to come up with the worst track on the calendar.
    The cars look lost and not at all fast in the middle of nothing as well.
    For that track an okay race though, due to some recovery drives and the pending title.

    1. Worst?!? The worst track was last week! Abu Dhabi is actually a very good track. It offers several overtaking opportunities and visually it is much more pleasing than every other night Grand Prix.

      The race was boring though.

      1. There’s worse tracks then Qatar but it’s really not a car racing track. Yas Marina has never been much more then “alright”.

  7. Worst gp probably.

  8. An easy 8.
    Always something to keep an eye on throughout the race.

  9. 7-ish. Start was good, middle was dull while end had Hamilton’s charge (which was great) and not much else.

    1. A good analysis.

  10. 4.5/10

    Watch the 2013 or 2014 Silverstone race to see what good racing in real cars looks like. Hell, most Silverstone races during 2005-2016 were great races. Obviously, that’s unfair cause that track is 100x better (was just watching those two races last night though). AD has improved as a track, but these cars are rubbish.

    1. 4.5 is harsh, but I agree that these cars are a huge flop. They were supposed to promote great racing, but TD39 in 2022 killed all the benefits of ground effect. And the cars are just too big and too heavy.

  11. 9, which may be a bit excessive but I enjoyed it: some actual competition for a championship and drama with Piastri getting shoved around by world champion-level bad driving from Verstappen, Leclerc gobbling up places at the start, the ultra-slow and totally-past-it should-be-retired Hamilton nonetheless having a great race and passing the far better and obviously far quicker Russell (some sarcasm may be notable), fireworks, a happy Zak Brown, possibly the most likeable team boss. All good.

    1. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
      8th December 2024, 15:25

      @david-br Same here

  12. Best race on this track til now…

  13. On paper should have been a good race, plenty of action, overtakes, different strategies and a bit of tension with constructors (ferrari vs mclaren and Haas vs Alpine very close throughout) But the circuit just removes any jeopardy and excitement for me.
    Even Hamilton chasing down his teammate and pasing him around the outside on the last lap. Something about the layout, camera angles and large runoffs reduces the excitement of quick cars pushing the limits to cars driving in circles.

    Could only give it a 6. Can we go back to Brazil as the final race, please?

  14. I didn’t rate the race highly, but some great performances by Gasly, Hamilton, and especially Leclerc.

  15. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
    8th December 2024, 15:24

    A high mark because it signified everything.

    Max divebombed at the start and then called the stewards names.

    Leclerc driving like Superman on Lap 1.

    Sainz not getting the WCC but getting the farewell he deserved.

    Norris and McLaren holding it together under immense pressure.

    Russell showing his class despite the fact that Lewis and he were even on points heading into the race.

    Hamilton’s farewell.

    Magnussen getting the fastest Lap.

    Bottas and Perez being the recipients of bad luck.

    Alonso stuck in the same timeloop he’s been for the past 10 years.

  16. this is such a rubbish place to end the season.

    probably the worst purpose built for F1 permanent circuit on the calender.

    no atmosphere, no character and the only ‘racing’ is basically nothing but a series of easy DRS highway passes where nobody really wants to overtake in zone 1 because zone 2 tends to be easier.

    I really miss the days when the season would end at Suzuka, Interlagos or even back at Adelaide when you had good circuits with packaed stands of dedicated & passionate fans all weekend creating an amazing almost party atmosphere to end the season. Was just so much better than this utter garbage venue that see’s the season end on a really flat note even if it works out to be a title decider.

    Bigging up the longest season ever is nothing to be proud of when it’s basically just quantity over quality given how patheticly poor a majority of the newer venues are not just in terms of circuit layout but also in terms of lacking any atmosphere or character.

    race gets a 3/10 from me.

  17. Gave it a 5.
    I actually fell asleep till two laps from the end when the commentators woke me up as they were getting excited about Hamilton’s charge.

    1. I kept my eyes closed and ears covered except for several 10 second glimpses, which seemed to coincide with some action. I rate it 11 out of 10.

  18. Gave it a generous 6, lots of Highway passes, most on the 2nd DRS zone as overtaking in 1st zone is payed back with repass in 2nd zone.
    On 98 days until we are watching the 2025 season 😉

  19. 6/10
    Really liked the swansong drive of from Hamilton at Mercedes. It was good to see the Ferrari and McLaren engineers shaking hands at the end. Sainz podium – perhaps the last one for him in a long time. Penalties have now become mechanical. A fitting end for Perez season – retirement.

    1. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
      8th December 2024, 18:23

      @pinakghosh indeed, everyone was amazing in their sportsmanship and showed how much they care about the sport.

  20. Other than the start, one exciting thing happened all race and they cut away from it to show us some fireworks.

  21. 7/10. There’s been quite a bit of criticism of the circuit but it’s slightly better than that awful place in Qatar las week. At least you can overtake here in a couple of places.

    Thought it was O.K. for Abu Dhabi. Start and few laps were interesting and the final 10 or so laps with Hamilton’s charge and some drives for minor positions. Middle part a bit dull.

    Good performances by Lando, Charles and Lewis.

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