Four alternative car liveries from the 2024 F1 season

Which F1 team created the best alternative livery during 2024?

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All bar one Formula 1 team took advantage of the dispensation to vary their liveries during the 2024 season.

Only Aston Martin turned up in substantially the same livery at every event this year. Others made frequent changes to their look: McLaren and Alpine in particular introduced a range of different styles during the season.

But who did it best? Here’s all 18 of the special liveries which appeared during the 2024 championship. Choose your favourite below.

Alpine: Original pink livery

Esteban Ocon, Alpine, Bahrain International Circuit, 2024

Alpine’s A524 was on the heavy side at the start of the season and as a result the team couldn’t afford to put much paint on it during the early races. Their first attempt at a special ‘pink’ livery for sponsor BWT was therefore more black than anything else.

Alpine: Belgian Grand Prix livery

Pierre Gasly, Alpine, Spa-Francorchamps, 2024

Later in the year Alpine were able to get more creative with their liveries. This red design was created to promote the film Deadpool and Wolverine.

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Alpine: United States Grand Prix livery

Esteban Ocon, Alpine, Circuit of the Americas, 2024

At the United States Grand Prix Alpine turned orange to promote the new Indiana Jones video game, but caused some confusion among commentators and others (notably the Wall Street Journal) who inevitably mistook their cars for McLarens.

At the following race in Mexico a confused Lewis Hamilton told his race engineer he could “see a McLaren” ahead. “That’ll be Ocon,” Peter Bonnington replied. “New livery.” However the Alpines were back to their usual blue by then…

Alpine: Final pink livery

Pierre Gasly, Alpine, Losail International Circuit, 2024

At the end of the season, having lightened their car, Alpine were able to produce a pink livery which was considerably pinker than the original one.

McLaren: Japanese Grand Prix livery

Oscar Piastri, McLaren, Suzuka, 2024

McLaren made a subtle change to their livery for the Japanese Grand Prix to promote a sponsor.

McLaren: Monaco Grand Prix livery

Oscar Piastri, McLaren, Monaco, 2024

However in Monaco, McLaren revealed one of the most striking design changes of the year, in recognition of three-times world champion Ayrton Senna, who died 30 years earlier.

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McLaren: Singapore Grand Prix livery

Oscar Piastri, McLaren, Singapore, 2024

McLaren’s Singapore Grand Prix livery was intended to evoke the red-and-white colour schemes seen on their early ‘MP4’ cars.

McLaren: United States Grand Prix livery

McLaren, Circuit of the Americas, 2024

In Austin McLaren brought back the chrome livery concept they also used the year before.

Ferrari: Miami Grand Prix livery

Charles Leclerc, Ferrari, Miami International Autodrome, 2024

Ferrari revealed new title sponsor Hewlett-Packard at the Miami Grand Prix, and incorporated their pale blue colours into their car, including on the wheel covers.

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RB: Miami Grand Prix livery

Yuki Tsunoda, RB, Miami International Autodrome, 2024

RB also had a special colour scheme for the Miami Grand Prix with a rainbow design.

RB: Singapore Grand Prix livery

Daniel Ricciardo, RB, Singapore, 2024

For the Singapore Grand Prix, which turned out to be the final race for Daniel Ricciardo, RB restyled their car with a denim fabric effect.

RB: Las Vegas Grand Prix livery

Liam Lawson, RB, Las Vegas Strip Circuit, 2024

RB created their final special livery for the Las Vegas Grand Prix, adding turquoise colours to their usual design.

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Red Bull: British Grand Prix livery

Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Silverstone, 2024

Red Bull planned to use three special livery designs customised by fans over the course of 2024. The first, based on their 2015 ‘Camo Bull’ livery, appeared at Silverstone. But the other two were shelved as the team found themselves under pressure from McLaren and decided they could not afford the increased weight a special livery would cause.

Mercedes: Singapore Grand Prix livery

Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes, Singapore, 2024

Mercedes acknowledged title sponsor Petronas with this one-off look for the Singapore Grand Prix.

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Haas: United States Grand Prix livery

Kevin Magnussen, Haas, Circuit of the Americas, 2023

Several teams produced special looks for their home races. Haas did so in Austin – one of three times they raced in the USA this year.

Williams: British Grand Prix livery

Franco Colapinto, Williams, Silverstone, 2024

Williams, meanwhile, continued their trend of putting a Union Flag on their engine cover for their home appearance at Silverstone.

Williams: Yellow engine cover livery

The FW46’s engine cover had a much more striking treatment at the Mexican, Brazilian and Las Vegas grands prix where Williams repainted it yellow to highlight different sponsors in what they called a “heritage-inspired” change.

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Sauber: Las Vegas Grand Prix livery

Valtteri Bottas, Sauber, Las Vegas Strip Circuit, 2024

Sauber had one of the most dramatic changes of livery for 2024, having competed as Alfa Romeo last year and introduced a new, vivid green colour scheme. They added special graphics to it for the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

You say

Which team created the best alternative livery during 2024? Or did you not like any of them? Cast your vote and have your say below:

Which team's alternative livery did you like best?

  • None of them (15%)
  • Sauber: Las Vegas Grand Prix livery (2%)
  • Williams: Yellow engine cover livery (4%)
  • Williams: British Grand Prix livery (7%)
  • Haas: United States Grand Prix livery (2%)
  • Mercedes: Singapore Grand Prix livery (2%)
  • Red Bull: British Grand Prix livery (0%)
  • RB: Las Vegas Grand Prix livery (5%)
  • RB: Singapore Grand Prix livery (4%)
  • RB: Miami Grand Prix livery (4%)
  • Ferrari: Miami Grand Prix livery (2%)
  • McLaren: United States Grand Prix livery (6%)
  • McLaren: Singapore Grand Prix livery (8%)
  • McLaren: Monaco Grand Prix livery (33%)
  • McLaren: Japanese Grand Prix livery (1%)
  • Alpine: Final pink livery (3%)
  • Alpine: United States Grand Prix livery (0%)
  • Alpine: Belgian Grand Prix livery (2%)
  • Alpine: Original pink livery (1%)

Total Voters: 126

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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40 comments on “Which F1 team created the best alternative livery during 2024?”

  1. Alpine’s late-season pink Livery for me.

    1. El Pollo Loco
      30th December 2024, 4:26

      That was a cool one, but RB Vegas and Miami are easily my favorite. Who is voting McLaren their favorite? Not seeing it.

  2. Easily RB’s Miami livery. Not even a contest.

    Honestly this year was pretty dire, all teams did was change their accent colors on their black cars to another color. Alpine especially might as well not have bothered, there was no saving their carbon car.

    1. El Pollo Loco
      30th December 2024, 4:28

      That and their Sauber Red Bull throwback livery. Not even a contest. I’d vote if this website would ever actually send me an activation email.

  3. Pretty much all of them are god-awful.

    I remember hating different helmet design ban back in the day but now I think they should bring it back. One special helmet and one special livery per year should suffice because it’s way out of control now.

    1. I agree. Most of the regular and special liveries are awful. I also detest how most of the drivers change their helmet design nearly every single race. Alonso is the only one I can think of off the top of my head who isn’t always changing his helmet. Lando, Hamilton and Gasly seem to have special helmet designs the most often. I’d like them to only have a few races per season where they’re allowed to have different helmet designs.

  4. McLaren’s Monaco livery all day long.

    1. This. Some are ugly, some are forgettable, some are nice, but this one is phenomenal.

    2. Very cool

    3. Yeah, McLaren’s Renault livery was decent.

    4. Yup. The best of all. I would like to see it a full season.

  5. McLaren’s Benetton tribute was my favourite.

  6. Went for McLarens Singapore livery although wasn’t a big fan of any really.

    The Ferrari looked awful with the blue.

    I did like RB’s retro Sauber colours though.

    1. The Singapore livery is kinda cool. It’s unfortunate they still had to use those rainbow rim covers.

      1. You realise that those are because of Google though, right?

  7. I don’t care a lot about the livery details, as long as the cars are distinctive.
    And then I mean distinctive between one another and not between two events.

  8. I’m not keen on any special livery – the livery is the team’s identity in quite a significant way, and I think it should remain untouched through the year. The same is true for drivers helmets. I don’t like special liveries or helmet design changes throughout the year.

    However, the Williams British GP livery is the best of this bunch for me.

  9. A heartfelt “None of them”.

    1. Agreed, and happy that ‘none of them’ was an option!

      1. I missed that option unfortunately.

  10. Remember when F1 outlawed driver helmet livery changes? Cos it was too confusing for casual viewers. Always less confusing than an Alpine painted as a McLaren.

    I wonder if now Liberty Media actively puts pressure in teams to have these one off liveries as a way of providing DLC to the official F1 game?

    1. @eurobrun that seems a rather inefficient and clumsy way of doing things, particularly when most of the money from that DLC is probably going to the publishers of the games and not to Liberty Media.

      From what figures like Zak Brown have said in the past, it’s largely driven by their sponsors (after all, they are the ones that are paying for those liveries in the first place). It’s usually been because a sponsor wants to create a little bit of extra attention for a new product they are launching, or it’s to create additional attention for a sponsor that wants to make additional headway in a particular market that the race is taking place in.

  11. I didnt like any.

  12. RB’s Las Vegas and McLaren’s Monaco ones I liked the most. I think the blue/green colours on the RB looked better than their usual colours and I kinda liked the yellow/green McLaren.

  13. McLaren’s chromed US GP livery, echoes from the 06-14 era. Actually, apart from that one, this season’s was packed with ugly cars and paint schemes. Dull, boring, uninteresting.

  14. They all do look pretty messy to me, but I have to say that Sauber’s Las Vegas livery is still an improvement to their original one.

  15. McLaren in yellow because it reminds me of the old Jordan cars.

  16. Literally the only livery I took any notice of this season (aside from differentiating the cars during races obviously) was McLaren at Monaco. So that one I guess.

  17. I’d vote for all the liveries in China that had to take cryptocurrency advertising off their cars.

  18. I can’t even try to imagine these when I close my eyes. There’s so much detail and different colours, they are all such a mess. Also, there’s nothing special if it happens whenever they visit USA.

  19. I liked all of Alpine’s pink liveries, as it made them easier to pick out of the pack.

  20. I’m glad none of them was an option as I find ‘special liveries’ painfully dull. They’re so common these days, half of them aren’t obvious and they’re normally utterly devoid of any meaning beyond some sponsor’s colours or a team’s attempt at a bit of country-based attention-seeking.

    The only one-off I truly remember well was the Ferrari at Monza in 2001. A very sad occasion, but a livery done for a reason and in such a different way that it’s stuck with me for 23 years.

  21. Most are actually a mess.
    The McLaren Senna tribute looked pretty good during the race.

  22. I voted for none as they don’t really appeal to my eye. But if I was forced to choose, then I’d probably pick the Ferrari Miami GP livery. For some reason, I enjoy the dash of blue on the wings.

  23. Too much black carbon fibre on almost all the liveries, makes them look too busy without enough flow.

  24. I was a big fan of RB’s Las Vegas “Late 90s Sauber” look, which coincidentally was sponsored by both Red Bull and Petronas.

  25. For me the only real good ones were the RB Vegas and the McLaren Monaco. There were a couple of others that weren’t too bad, but the vast majority were absolutely awful. That old saying about doing things properly or not at all is one the teams should take to heart.

  26. Not one of them! Waste of time and money.

    Wait till next season, there will probably be a black Ferrari!

  27. Williams lost a great opportunity to paint it’s sidepods white whit the yellow engine cover…

  28. Adam Falconer
    2nd January 2025, 20:52

    The Haas image is from 2023

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