Max Verstappen, Liam Lawson, 2023

Caption Competition 256: New team mates

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It’s a new year and Max Verstappen has a new team mate for the first time since 2021.

But how well will Red Bull’s new recruit Liam Lawson do in the place previously occupied by Sergio Perez?

Can you come up with the best caption for this picture? Post your funniest suggestion in the comments below.

A selection of the best will feature in a future edition of the RaceFans Round-up.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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84 comments on “Caption Competition 256: New team mates”

  1. Derek Edwards
    4th January 2025, 8:55

    Don’t get comfy…

    1. Simple but good!

  2. Woah, I’ve not seen one of you guys in front of me before

    1. El Pollo Loco
      4th January 2025, 22:55

      Interesting haircut, Leonard.

  3. I hope you are better than Checo with coffee

  4. I am faster than you. Confirm that you have understood this message…

    1. “Liam was it? This is the last time you’ll see this side of me.”

  5. Max: “Yeah, I’ll have a flat white please mate…”

  6. *Heavy cowboy accent*

    You may be named Lawson but at Red Bull I call the Law Son.

    1. Very good. Not sure the accent is even necessary.

  7. “You’re welcome to join the team, but I’ll still be the one laying down the law, son!”

  8. “Sorry mate, from now on, everyone is going to think you are a bit slow”

    1. Ahaha, this and other previous comments are so funny!

  9. Don’t grab the big cup on your way out please.

  10. Hi Max
    Hi ah Leeroy isn’t it?
    No Liam.
    Oh ok anyway I think I’ll just make things easier for me and call you number 5.
    Number 5? I race with number 30!
    Yeah but your 5th driver to have the other seat, so number 5 it is.

    1. Max you’re wearing my cap!

      Huh what do you mean this is my cap.

      Not for too much longer old mate!

      1. Max quick heads up up. Marko just friended me. Still waiting on Kelly.

  11. Hi Liam. Door’s over there, mate.

  12. « Follow my law, son! »

  13. Flightless bird smiles at the lion about to devour him.

    1. Its hard to soar like an eagle when your surrounded by dodo’s!

    2. El Pollo Loco
      4th January 2025, 22:59

      Emu hopes to emu-late big cat.

  14. “I’m Lawson”

    “Nope, I think you’ll find I’m the law around here, son”

    1. Winner.

  15. “I’m Lawson”

    “Nope, I think you’ll find I’m the law around here, son”

  16. “Looking forward to working with you. The Honda guys said you can get anything at Lawson after all…”

  17. – Would be a laugh if you started out-qualifying me every weekend.
    – Yes Max it would.

  18. Hey Liam, so as the only thing Red Bull do faster than pitstops is drivers careers, if I don’t get the chance again later just let me say it’s been a pleasure working with you

    1. Ahah, this is so good too!

    2. awesome hahah !

  19. Don’t let the door slam your @*# on the way out

  20. Feel that grip of mine Liam? If you beat me, then it won’t be just holding – I’ll break your arm.

  21. As predicted, when the music began to play, Liam had no problem letting Max lead. But all along the rebel inside his head kept thinking “Max hasn’t noticed, but I have the upper hand here!”

  22. Constantijn Blondel
    4th January 2025, 14:54

    “Good luck, mate! And I mean that ironically!”

  23. Neil (@neilosjames)
    4th January 2025, 15:13

    As the Oracle saw, when Liam prepared to drive the CarNext year, Telcel was Rokt, Mobilised and Zoomed off the Red Bull.

  24. Max: Enjoy your 10 races at Redbull.

    Liam: My… what?

    1. Ohh, that’s harsh, sort of like what happened to gasly!

  25. The smallest gap between them this year

    1. That’s a clever one! Didn’t think about the double meaning!

  26. Horner rushes to make sure Liam never gets that close to Max again

    1. Ask yourself, why do you think Horner would let Max have so much leverage in the team, if Max’s dad was in between some twisted sorted public affair which threatened to boot him off the team ?

      The only people who really want Max to have absolute advantage on that team are the Austrian gang, who, if they are not king makers, are not the political actors behind Max and his dad, who has proven to be very divisive in trying to punish Horner, they would lose out almost completely. As Horner would have control over the brand image, the driver and the team, and Austria would have to kiss his posterior. Horner would have unassailable privilege and be able to do what ever he wants, which is why they tried to coup him last year when the car was “GOING TO FALL SHORT” in advance.

      Ask your self how they knew things were going to fall apart, before they actually did, and you will figure out how backwards F1 is. Literally.

  27. Max is friendly enough to inform Liam about the MA – Max Anonymous – a fellowship of drivers whose careers he has crushed.

  28. Max letting Liam pass in front might he needs it in return at some point.

  29. And you are? daniel? pierre? alex? checo?, no?
    oh well really doesn’t matter mate.

    1. El Pollo Loco
      4th January 2025, 23:05

      Probably wouldn’t like Liam being like Daniel considering he finished behind him statistically and Daniel basically Seb’s career.

      1. I think we can say he had the measure of ricciardo eventually, so he has no reason to fear him, he was just making more mistakes in their first years together and hence ended up scoring less points, but since he got more experience he was just stronger.

        Would be a good team mate to have, and I think sainz would’ve been similar.

        1. El Pollo Loco
          5th January 2025, 4:12

          You wont hear any argument from me on that. Just felt grouping DR in with those other teammates was inaccurate.

  30. “Haha, you actually believed the story that Danny broke his hand in that crash in Zandvoort?!” [grips tighter]

    1. El Pollo Loco
      4th January 2025, 23:07


      Winner winner chicken dinner!

    2. Wow, that’s also an interesting idea!

      1. El Pollo Loco
        5th January 2025, 4:11

        Max Wrist Strength. If he can’t beat them, he breaks ‘em!

    3. Nice one

  31. Yes (@come-on-kubica)
    4th January 2025, 20:48

    Verstappen: “Not bad for a number 2 driver!”

    1. In terms of looks? He didn’t see him perform on track at the same car yet!

    2. with the same car*

  32. Welcome to 4 years at RB

    1. That’s the optimistic version of some comment above where he gave him 10 races!

    2. Chris (@austin-healey)
      5th January 2025, 3:17

      Thanks for washing my car mate.
      But you missed a bit.

  33. ‘1,2,3,4, I declare a thumb war – ready go!’

  34. ‘For sure, I’ll dance – you should know though, I always lead…’

  35. ‘I look forward to going head to head in Zandvort too Liam…wait is that post summer break?…never mind don’t worry’

    1. Ahah, harsh but good!

  36. Liam was surprised by the increase in grip at red bull this early in the season!!

  37. You’re right. This will really annoy Yuki.

  38. Welcome to the jungle…

    1. Chris Coppulotta
      5th January 2025, 10:42


    2. El Pollo Loco
      6th January 2025, 0:07

      lol, this is a great one.

      1. Nice one

  39. Max… “My cap? Just reminder who is No.1 here!”

  40. “No, sorry Liam. I am not laughing with you…. I am laughing AT you”.

  41. Max: Always nice to meet a fan, I see you’re shopped at the fanshop. Have a nice da…
    Liam: Yeah..ah.. but I mean…

  42. LL: “Your aero skirt makes your bum look big.
    MV: “Why you little…!?!

  43. Liam, congrats on the promotion. Hopefully you could drive to survive longer than your predessors.

  44. Max: Hey Checo, Its been great racing with you, i wish you all the best for the future.
    Liam: Ehhh, Max, i’m Liam, your new team mate
    Max: Sorry Liam, you guys come and go so quickly, i struggle to keep up

  45. Well, Liam, if you don’t deliver you will meet the Red Bullies including Marko

  46. “Yes, I know you are lead, but I didn’t think that included doing the Pasodoble”.

  47. “Welcome to the team, mate. Here’s my special advice that I didn’t give the others before you. I only want to see you in my rear mirror after this. And if you are there more often than not, we’d win the Constructors title too.”

  48. Max ” I see you didn’t close the door on your way in. Don’t worry, you can close it on your way back out soon”.

  49. Surprise, I know it should’ve been Yuki, but here I am.

  50. Don’t let your dad date the staff

  51. Justin (@vivagilles27)
    7th January 2025, 0:54

    “Ahh… Fresh meat”!

  52. Max – “Congrats! You got within half a second of my time!”

  53. Max to Liam: ‘Welcome aboard! Just remember, the only thing faster than our cars is my lap time.

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