Welcome to Monday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.
Comment of the day
This weekend’s Caption Competition winner is Ady – thanks to everyone who participated!:
“Sorry mate, from now on, everyone is going to think you are a bit slow”
Ady (@Sixwheeler)
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to Sparckus, Martin Rasmussen and Dion!
On this day in motorsport
- Born on this day in 1924: Two-times Argentinian Grand Prix starter Pablo Birger
- 10 years ago today the FIA introduced its new Formula 1 superlicence points system
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Jere (@jerejj)
6th January 2025, 6:40
Snow on the ground isn’t necessarily a common sight in most of England & certainly not an every-winter thing.
I’m still somewhat confused with the word ‘introduction’ in yesterday’s & today’s super license points system contexts as FIA merely announced what will happen with the system officially coming into effect 12 months later because if it immediately came into effect, Max’s debut would’ve been belatedly postponed as he didn’t turn 18 by the season-opener anyway, i.e., the system would’ve immediately applied to him as well despite having been announced as a full-time driver in the previous-year August, iirc.
MacLeod (@macleod)
6th January 2025, 8:26
Because Max got his superlicense before they could change the rules 300km test en volia an license was done before they announced him als full driver..
Jere (@jerejj)
6th January 2025, 10:31
My bad. Simply forgot about that timing.
7th January 2025, 2:11
“Snow on the ground isn’t necessarily a common sight in most of England & certainly not an every-winter thing”
Perhaps you’d like to speak to my friends in North England before making such an unfounded and uninformed comment?
7th January 2025, 7:23
I’d always thought of Sheffield as North Midlands rather than North of England. Usually plenty of snow each winter.
Leo B
6th January 2025, 15:24
Keith Collantine seems to be manning the fort all by himself at present, and doing a sterling job.
Maciek (@maciek)
6th January 2025, 20:22
@keithcollantine out of curiosity, is this going to be pretty much the size and shape of the daily roundups going forward?
6th January 2025, 21:33
There’s probably not a whole lot going on. Things in the motorsport world will pick up as the Daytona 24h gets closer towards the end of January, or when Hamilton does his Ferrari test program under the new TPC rules.
Bullfrog (@bullfrog)
6th January 2025, 23:17
Is no news good news?