James Vowles, Franco Colapinto, Williams, Yas Marina, 2024

Caption Competition 257: Farewell to Franco

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Williams handed Franco Colapinto his big break in Formula 1 last year – but he’s off to pastures new for 2025.

Team principal James Vowles, pictured with him here, has released Colapinto to join Alpine from this season as a test and reserve driver. Many suspect Alpine executive advisor Flavio Briatore is already lining him up for a race seat in the near future.

Can you come up with the best caption for this picture? Post your funniest suggestion in the comments below.

A selection of the best will feature in a future edition of the RaceFans Round-up.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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50 comments on “Caption Competition 257: Farewell to Franco”

  1. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was Autumn and we were in love.

  2. Every Dream Needs a Team

  3. Good luck Franco. I am sure you will climb a lot of peaks in your career. Some of such peaks are Alpine.
    You may also get a few struggles. They are also Alpine.

  4. Roth Man (@rdotquestionmark)
    11th January 2025, 10:37

    If you crash at Singapore, I’ll be really suspicious.

    1. Ahah, that’s a good one, seeing as alpine is still renault!

  5. Please be careful, there’s a dangerous corner as you leave the car park

      1. This is the one… and I like Colapinto!

  6. You had me at ‘Franco”.

  7. Franco delivers the tango lesson that’s in his release clause, but it’s more awkward than James was hoping.

    1. Chris (@austin-healey)
      11th January 2025, 11:37

      No, you can’t keep the race suit.

  8. Good luck for your new chapter with Alpine & Flavio.
    I know, boring, but I struggled to come up with anything more creative.

  9. Derek Edwards
    11th January 2025, 11:46

    Goodbye Franco, I’ll pine for you.

  10. Understand Franco that I need to search you before you leave us.

  11. Vowles: “Go on then… but no tongues!”

  12. Vowles: “Don’t cry for me, Argentinian. The truth is, we never loved you”

  13. “I’ll never let go, James. I’ll never let go. I promise”

  14. May I have you this dance?

    1. May I have this dance?

      1. “Franco, your right hand must hold my left hand if we are going to waltz”

  15. Despite Argentina being known for it, Franko won’t hold any beef against James.

  16. JV: “You know the drill: if you get to drive for them, ruin their budget cap”

  17. As the 2024 season closes, James and Franco got the wrong idea of what one last dance meant.

  18. Franco: You showed me what love is
    James: You showed me how bad Logan was.

  19. I wonder who will win

  20. “Good luck Franco, I hear Alpine are increasing their car repair department – for some reason!!!???”

  21. Every night in my dreams
    I see you, I feel you
    That is how I know you go on
    Far across the distance
    And spaces between us
    You have come to show you go on

    Near, far, wherever you are
    I believe that the heart does go on
    Once more, you open the door
    And you’re here in my heart
    And my heart will go on and on

  22. Oh James, I wish I hadn’t wrecked so many of your Williamses, but we’ll always have Baku.
    Franco, you can crash my cars anytime.

    1. we’ll always have Baku

      Already a “best of the year” contender.

  23. “Please Franco, be careful when you crash those Alpines.”

  24. Please Franco don’t be too good!

  25. “Drive carefully..and slowly”

  26. “Eh, what was your name again?”

  27. I don’t want to go Mr Vowles …

  28. There’s just that $3,436,000 bill left Franco…
    Look at me James, if you wanted safe and boring, you should’ve re-hired Bottas.

    1. Ahah, the way james is looking at him, I wouldn’t exclude he could be saying that!

  29. And try to take your suit off without destroying it – there’s a good lad

  30. Don’t cry for me Argentina

  31. ‘I can give you ‘smooth operator’ James’

  32. Mate, by my calculations you’ll have paid off your damage bill by the time you retire.

  33. You complete me…

  34. Franco – “Search your feelings, for you know it is true!”
    James – “Nooooooooooooooooo”
    Franco – “Yes, I am an Alpine Driver”

  35. If only you had done it while RB was still interested…but thanks for lowering the price tag anyway.

  36. One more crash and we’re taking this kidney.

  37. James Vowles to Franco Colapinto: ‘Remember, if you find a blue car in your garage, you’re in the wrong team now!

  38. Great picture for this Caption Competition, I keep on thinking of new ones.

    We should’ve done better in The Constructors Championship Franco.
    How do you mean James? I’ve finished third in Destructors Championship, it is my gift to you.

  39. Stephen Barnes
    12th January 2025, 19:15

    Wait a minute, did you take off the Air Tag? Where’s the Air Tag?

  40. Do you Franco, agree to love and stay true to James, until the end of the AbuDhabi Grand Prix?
    I do.
    Do you James, agree to hold Franco dear, in accidents and despite massive costs, until the end on the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix?
    I do.
    I now declare you driver and principal!
    you may kiss

  41. Franco – “I promise to pay you back for all the damages…”
    Vowles – “Just keep doing what you do.. but at Alpine”

  42. Franco: I wish I knew how to quit you man

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