Nico Hulkenberg, Haas, Silverstone, 2024

RaceFans Round-up: 11th January 2025

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Welcome to Saturday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.

Comment of the day

Ayao Komatsu showed last year Haas were capable of performing better, says Mal:

I really hope Komatsu-san does indeed continue to improve Haas. After years of assuming that the team was restricted by Gene Haas’s funding, and of not knowing how negative Steiner’s influence was, it was a really pleasant surprise to see them do well in 2024.

The only sour note for me was the intentional misuse of Magnussen in races like Miami; that was poor judgement and wholly unnecessary. But on the whole, I’d love to see the team back to fulfilling the potential hinted at in their early years.

Social media and links

Half a year in between (Hungaroring)

'The Hungaroring is undergoing an amazing transformation: after the 2024 Hungarian GP, redevelopment works continued, currently with 620 people working every day to ensure that the Hungarian circuit will host the F1 family to the usual high standard at the GP in August. Here are some interesting numbers and data from the half-a-year period since then, courtesy of the constructor consortium.'

Venu Sports will be discontinued (ESPN)

'Venu Sports, the proposed virtual MVPD (multi-channel video programming distributor) service from ESPN, FOX and Warner Bros. Discovery, will be discontinued. The collective decision by the three companies not to move forward with the contemplated joint venture is effective immediately.'

McLaren Formula E Team announce Alex Dunne as Reserve and Development Driver (McLaren)

'In his role, Alex will work directly with the team in Bicester and Woking, contributing to development, while growing his knowledge and experience within the series. Alex has been part of the McLaren Racing family since May 2024, when he joined the McLaren Driver Development programme.'

Track and facility improvements completed at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course (Mid-Ohio)

'Highlights include the repaving of a major portion of the interior roads, an extensive update around turn four including modifications to the runoff area, and the replacement of safety barriers and fencing in three areas of the track.'

RaceFans always endeavours to credit original sources. Want to share a relevant motorsport link with us? Send it in via the contact form.

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Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to Chris Lloyd!

On this day in motorsport

  • Born today in 1923: Carroll Shelby, who went on to win the Le Mans 24 Hours, race for Aston Martin’s short-lived F1 team, and manage Ford’s Le Mans 24 Hours programme, as dramatised in the film Ford vs Ferrari (aka Le Mans 66)
  • Born today in 1983: Adrian Sutil
  • Born today in 1985: Kazuki Nakajima
  • 35 years ago today FIA president Jean-Marie Balestre announced Ayrton Senna would not be granted a superlience until he withdrew his claim the governing body “manipulated” the 1989 world championship following his collision with Alain Prost at Suzuka

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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1 comments on “RaceFans Round-up: 11th January 2025”

  1. Careful now – the reward for extensive rebuilding seems to be a Grand Prix every two years.

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